Nutrition is a broad science that deals with all aspects of food and beverages and their impact on health by analyzing their nutritional properties.

Nutrition includes eating habits, the recommended food pyramid, food compositions, nutritional indicators, the food and beverage industry, food industrialization, and more. Link: NUTRITION + EATING HABITS
The healthiest diet is based on natural and varied food, is easy to digest, has anti-inflammatory properties, and supports tissue regeneration and a good mood.
Posts from the forum "Chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis."
27/10/2022 4:51
One of the (many) functions of the liver is to produce bile fluid in large quantities of 600-800 cc daily. Damage to liver cells due to industrialized...
26/06/2022 12:31
The Propecia drug is particularly effective if it is a hereditary hair loss. (Requires a doctor's prescription) The drug has known side effects, so it...
25/02/2022 3:09
There is a great deal of misunderstanding regarding coffee drinking. Ground black coffee, without further processing and any additives (excluding spic...
23/01/2022 3:37
Coconut water contains relatively few calories; it is delicious, saturating, and has many vitamins and minerals. They are the most recommended natural...
06/11/2021 14:02
Your doctor was right. It is not a very simple explanation. I will try to simplify it as much as possible. Improper nutrition causes overload and dama...
05/09/2021 16:34
People's life expectancy increases as their metabolic load decreases. Eating in moderation, especially easily digestible foods, lowers the metabolic b...
02/09/2021 16:49
Healthy nutrition is vital for recovery from chronic liver diseases. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal. A good diet...
24/08/2021 17:07
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:00
Deep frying is mistakenly preferred, as boiling the oil immediately closes the food and confirms less oil absorption. But deep-frying requires prolong...
24/08/2021 16:52
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (increasing the contact area). If cold-...
09/08/2021 22:05
Film actors required to lose weight for their role hire an expert production team, including a cook and a private fitness trainer. They break away fro...
07/08/2021 17:28
The drug treatment for fungi is not recommended as it is very toxic to the liver. (Chronic liver patients must avoid anti-fungal drug treatment.) The ...
07/08/2021 17:26
Stains on the teeth in those who do not smoke and do not consume soft drinks usually indicate weakness in the liver and the physiological system (incl...
07/08/2021 17:23
Hair appearance is closely linked to our health and the nutrition we consume. The fastest way to repair damaged hair is through naturally squeezed jui...
22/06/2021 22:29
The NMN supplement is known worldwide, mainly thanks to the research of Dr. David Sinclair, the pioneer of anti-aging science. However, it is essentia...
16/06/2021 21:22
The thyroid gland controls our body's metabolic rate and, therefore, has, among other things, an effect on weight. Thyroid hormones contain iodine and...
04/06/2021 21:40
The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not teach the person the principles of proper nutrition. As I understand it, there were many inac...
02/06/2021 21:42
Laxatives are a short-term solution and are not intended for prolonged use. Paraffin oil (a petroleum by-product) is not a natural substance that the ...
23/05/2021 17:00
Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties, contains essential vitamins, and is helpful for hair, skin, and pain relief. The castor seed contains a t...
20/05/2021 22:51
The answer is "not necessarily."
Surprisingly! Processed foods are making us gain weight much faster than the same calories of natural foods. The ...
19/05/2021 21:50
The mouth is the gateway to the entire digestive system. It is greatly affected by an imbalance in the intestinal flora that creates inflammation in t...
19/05/2021 21:33
Gluten is a protein found in most grains, giving them a crunchy taste. As it is called, Gluten is a type of "glue" that tends to stick to the walls of...
18/05/2021 0:15
Patients with liver cirrhosis often struggle to survive the current hardships. Diet and reducing medication intake have a decisive role in liver rehab...
17/05/2021 23:46
It is essential to emphasize that in patients with chronic liver disease, bile fluid production is impaired, and there is an increased tendency to imb...
16/05/2021 14:47
It is typical for patients with chronic liver diseases to develop kidney cysts and kidney stones. The explanation stems from the fact that the liver a...
16/05/2021 14:12
Calculators online give an estimate of the recommended daily caloric intake. Calculators consider weight, height, age, and gender. It is essential to ...
15/05/2021 0:41
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that creates a lot of damage to tissues an...
11/05/2021 18:41
The purchased pizzas are not suitable for chronic liver disease patients. At the same time, it is possible to make homemade pizzas with recipes based ...
09/05/2021 9:00
For patients with chronic liver diseases, I recommend switching to a diet rich in deep-water fish, which are very rich in omega-3. (They are expensive...
06/05/2021 12:04
The self-healing method is essentially anti-inflammatory and works on the causes of pain, not its symptoms. The disadvantage of this method is that it...
02/05/2021 21:12
It should be emphasized that drug treatment in liver patients is often ineffective because the liver is blocked and cannot neutralize toxins effective...
30/04/2021 21:36
The diet of cirrhosis patients, in particular, is critical. Doctors usually do not have the time and knowledge necessary for nutritional counseling. I...
29/04/2021 18:30
The diet's name derives from ketones, a byproduct of the breakdown of fats as an energy source.
The ketogenic diet was initially used to treat child...
25/04/2021 16:34
The sun is the source of life on Earth. People mistakenly avoid controlled sun exposure! Most people today have a chronic vitamin D deficiency. The ad...
20/04/2021 0:17
Cow's milk, dairy products, and yellow cheeses are not recommended for chronic liver patients. Chronic liver patients should avoid eating concentrated...
18/04/2021 19:51
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced intestinal flora. Constipation has far-reaching health consequences. However, prolonged use of laxat...
16/04/2021 11:18
Cipralex contains substances that inhibit the absorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin and raise its level in the blood. Serotonin has a known eff...
08/04/2021 8:37
Patients with chronic liver diseases must minimize taking medications, including sleep medications. Breaking down the sleeping drugs in the liver and ...
07/04/2021 16:07
It is recommended for patients with chronic liver disease to reduce meat consumption of various kinds (including poultry). These are very difficult to...
31/03/2021 0:21
The Paleo diet (the ancient man) is unsuitable for patients with chronic liver diseases because it burdens the liver and kidneys. For your convenience...
28/03/2021 11:07
Patients with chronic liver diseases may suffer from abnormal metabolism and accumulation of calcium deposits in various body areas. Calcium deposits ...
28/03/2021 0:25
Patients with chronic liver diseases must adhere to a particularly anti-inflammatory diet. I recommend that they stick to the balanced diet described ...
27/03/2021 23:59
In my personal experience, the nutrition of patients with chronic liver disease is critical! Physicians have little time per patient and are not inter...
23/03/2021 16:37
Bone marrow is a superfood, highly recommended for chronic liver patients. It is easily digested in soups. It contains minerals, natural oils, and ess...
26/02/2021 21:07
Let's get some order in what your doctor probably tried to explain. The conclusion is that it is difficult to draw unequivocal conclusions! It is a ge...
30/01/2021 20:15
Patients with chronic liver diseases need natural oils and fats to encourage the liver to produce bile fluid and cause the gallbladder to contract and...
29/01/2021 6:25
Patients with chronic liver disease are advised to significantly reduce their meat consumption (and cow's dairy products). Meat, including chicken, is...
21/01/2021 17:00
Surprisingly! Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories as natural foods. Not all calories are equal. The amount of energ...
19/01/2021 16:03
I advise patients with chronic liver diseases not to take any supplements. The absorption of nutrients in food and beverages is always preferable.
15/01/2021 20:27
I recommend avoiding industrialized and processed food dishes for patients with chronic liver disease. Such food harms the already damaged liver. (You...
15/01/2021 20:07
I recommend avoiding industrialized and processed foods for patients with chronic liver disease. Such food harms the already damaged liver. The most a...
13/01/2021 21:34
Cow dairy products are inflammatory and create an acidic intestinal environment that burdens the liver. I recommend chronic liver patients avoid consu...
13/01/2021 14:51
These two foods suitable for liver patients are easy to prepare, tasty, and digest.
1 Cut seasonal fruit into pieces such as pear, apple, peach, or...
10/01/2021 21:24
Patients with chronic liver disease have limited liver ability to synthesize Glutathione, so they need a diet rich in sulfur.
Garlic, onions, hot p...
30/12/2020 19:12
Bile fluid is insufficient in patients with chronic liver disease, so the intestinal flora is constantly imbalanced. Balancing the gut flora will elim...
26/12/2020 18:35
I recommend that chronic liver disease patients reduce or avoid consuming dairy products. They are too rich in protein and create an acidic environmen...
24/12/2020 18:48
In patients with chronic liver diseases, there is extensive tissue damage due to limited detoxification and weak liver function. The result is inevita...
22/12/2020 23:13
In patients with chronic liver diseases, the intestinal flora is expected to be unbalanced since not enough bile fluid (a robust chemical base) is pro...
01/12/2020 20:13
Weight loss is a survival mechanism when near death. In life-threatening conditions, the body loses weight to maintain its life force. Being of a lowe...
30/11/2020 23:30
The recommendation to eat gluten-free bread is correct but insufficient for patients with chronic liver diseases or cirrhosis. Gluten is a sticky prot...
25/11/2020 10:13
The liver requires more energy at rest than any other organ in the human body, even more than the brain—almost three times the heart!
21/11/2020 19:39
Most chronic liver patients have high cholesterol in the blood; the explanation is quite simple: they have cumulative damage to various tissues in the...
16/10/2020 12:33
In advanced liver cirrhosis stages, the body tries to save energy; therefore, there is a sharp weight loss. (As it happened to me - I lost 24 kg (53 p...
Posts from the forum "Chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, and BPH."
15/02/2022 10:26
Patients with chronic prostatitis should reduce meat consumption, mainly because it is difficult to digest. Meat of all kinds (including dairy product...
18/11/2021 21:05
Chronic prostatitis is a prevalent disease. The amount of misinformation and distortions about the disease, including questionable clinics, is a matte...
17/10/2021 22:25
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and controlled exposure. It is important to emphasize t...
05/09/2021 16:36
People's life expectancy increases as their metabolic load decreases. Eating in moderation, especially easily digestible foods, lowers the metabolic b...
02/09/2021 16:51
Anti-inflammatory nutrition has massive significance in recovery. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal from chronic pr...
24/08/2021 17:08
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:01
Deep frying is preferable, as boiling oil closes the food immediately, allowing less oil absorption. But deep-frying requires prolonged heating of the...
24/08/2021 16:53
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (which increases the contact area). If ...
20/06/2021 22:02
Discipline is not only a question of personality but also concerns the question of HOPE. People who are hopeless about recovery get into a depression ...
16/06/2021 21:22
The thyroid gland controls our body's metabolic rate and, therefore, has, among other things, an effect on weight. Thyroid hormones contain iodine and...
04/06/2021 21:42
The method's main disadvantage is that it does not teach the person the principles of proper nutrition. As I understand it, there were many inaccuraci...
02/06/2021 21:43
Patients with chronic prostatitis must balance the intestinal flora and switch to an anti-inflammatory diet. The use of laxatives does not solve the p...
23/05/2021 17:04
Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties, contains essential vitamins, and is helpful for hair, skin, and pain relief. The castor seed contains a t...
20/05/2021 22:52
Surprisingly, processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories of natural foods. The nutrients we eat and drink and the calories...
19/05/2021 21:34
I recommend you switch to a gluten-free or low-gluten diet. Gluten has inflammatory properties that can only make your condition worse. (Don't expect ...
18/05/2021 0:18
Many chronic prostatitis patients routinely suffer from depression. It is important to emphasize that ciprofloxacin has side effects of impairing sexu...
17/05/2021 23:47
For chronic prostatitis patients who routinely suffer from depression, I recommend an anti-inflammatory diet that helps restore the intestinal flora a...
16/05/2021 14:15
Nutritional issues regarding chronic prostatitis patients.
Calculators online give an estimate of the recommended daily caloric intake. Calculator...
15/05/2021 0:43
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that creates a lot of damage to tissues an...
09/05/2021 9:01
Nutritional issues regarding chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients. It is essential to emphasize that omega-3s and other supplements alone can...
06/05/2021 12:06
The detailed methods for pain relief are general and correct for most chronic diseases. Patients with chronic prostate inflammation must walk a lot to...
02/05/2021 21:13
Antioxidants are an essential component of a healthy diet and are recommended. However, antioxidants are usually insufficient to cure chronic prostate...
29/04/2021 18:33
The ketogenic diet simulates a state of starvation and is effective mainly in the short term. An inflammatory diet, including chronic prostatitis pati...
25/04/2021 16:35
Patients with chronic prostatitis often suffer from erectile problems. Controlled exposure to the sun produces vitamin D naturally and improves erecti...
20/04/2021 0:18
I recommend that chronic prostatitis patients stop consuming cow's milk dairy products and switch to goat's and sheep's milk and dairy products in mod...
18/04/2021 19:52
For chronic prostatitis patients, I recommend adopting a balanced diet. This diet is not low in calories, but it is rich in dietary fiber and probioti...
08/04/2021 8:39
Practical issues regarding chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients.
The first period of falling asleep without sleeping pills is the most cha...
07/04/2021 16:08
Nutritional issues regarding chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients.
An adult needs about one gram per kg of weight. In practice in the mode...
07/04/2021 15:39
In contrast to our blood in a minimal range of values (of a weak alkaline environment) in the digestive system, there are very high acid-base gaps. ...
31/03/2021 0:29
The paleo diet is not recommended for patients with chronic prostatitis and epididymitis as it is an inflammatory diet. When we come to examine the Pa...
28/03/2021 11:09
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread in chronic prostatitis patients; they result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of ho...
28/03/2021 0:27
Nutritional issues regarding chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients.
Although nutrition is rightly perceived as a science, many schools are ...
28/03/2021 0:01
Physicians have little time per patient and are not interested in devoting their precious time to nutritional issues. Many doctors lack extensive know...
23/03/2021 16:39
Bone marrow is considered a superfood, especially recommended in soups. It contains minerals, natural oils, fats, and essential substances to strength...
26/02/2021 21:15
Let's get some order in what your doctor was probably trying to explain. The conclusion is that it is difficult to draw unequivocal conclusions!
30/01/2021 20:21
Natural oils and fats are recommended for chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, and BPH patients. Solid vegetable oils, such as margarine, spreadable bu...
29/01/2021 6:27
Nutritional issues regarding chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients. Poultry is not fundamentally different from red meat. The main question (w...
21/01/2021 17:05
Nutritional issues regarding chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, and BPH patients.
The portion of food dedicated to tissue regeneration varies depe...
19/01/2021 16:03
Nutritional issues regarding chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, and BPH patients.
Most of us are exposed to TV shows or other media that teach us a...
15/01/2021 20:28
Patients with chronic prostatitis must avoid processed and industrialized foods and drinks. Industrialized and processed foods are inflammatory foods ...
15/01/2021 20:08
I recommend that patients with chronic prostatitis avoid entirely processed and industrialized foods.
Sausage may be delicious, but it is usually o...
13/01/2021 21:37
The recommendations are to significantly reduce cow's milk and dairy products and switch to moderate amounts of sheep's milk (goats and sheep). The ex...
13/01/2021 14:53
Nutritional issues regarding chronic prostatitis patients. There are two recommended and quick-to-prepare recipes:
1 Cut into small pieces of seaso...
10/01/2021 21:27
Garlic, onions, hot peppers, and very spicy foods in their natural form can damage the intestinal walls of people with leaky intestines and patients w...
01/01/2021 19:41
Practical issues regarding chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients.
Mechanical detoxification includes drinking natural squeezed juices, coff...
26/12/2020 18:54
The body perceives drinks that contain substances that are not natural as foreign substances that require neutralization in the liver. Thus, artificia...
26/12/2020 18:51
Nutritional issues regarding Chronic Prostatitis, Epididymitis, and BPH patients.
Artificial sweeteners are not recommended for chronic prostatiti...
26/12/2020 18:36
Chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients are advised to reduce or avoid consuming beef and dairy products. They are too rich in protein and creat...
24/12/2020 18:51
High cholesterol levels for those who maintain a healthy diet are evidence of the body's attempts to repair damaged tissue, mainly in the genitalia ar...
23/12/2020 21:56
Grapes and watermelon are recommended natural foods, but in high doses, they are relatively inflammatory and are not recommended for patients with chr...
23/12/2020 21:26
Many patients with chronic prostatitis often take oral antibiotics. The antibiotic destroys the balance in the intestinal flora and causes a weakening...
22/12/2020 23:15
A fungal infection in chronic prostatitis patients is a common phenomenon that originates in the imbalance of the intestinal flora.
Nail fungus is ...
16/12/2020 20:22
Cow's milk and sweetened drinks of various kinds increase inflammation and are not recommended for patients with chronic prostatitis. I recommend adop...
01/12/2020 19:22
I recommend that chronic prostatitis patients consume only natural sulfur-rich foods to improve the liver's ability to synthesize glutathione.
01/12/2020 18:42
The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.) Despite the signif...
01/12/2020 18:39
Chronic prostatitis - Specific lifestyle and sexual behavior recommendations:
1 Moderate ejaculation frequency to prevent Qi Life-force drainage.
30/11/2020 23:34
The recommendation to eat gluten-free bread is correct but not enough for patients with chronic prostatitis. Gluten is a sticky protein that damages t...
27/11/2020 23:01
Lemon is very acidic but acts as a chemical base in our bodies. It flushes the kidneys. In the morning, squeezing a whole lemon (possibly half) and ad...
15/11/2020 13:16
Detoxification is highly recommended and designed to strengthen the immune system. The role of the workshop is to encourage and teach people about a c...
12/11/2020 12:41
Dr. Yigal Gat and Dr. Menachem Goren have found the origin of the evolution of prostate enlargement. In articles published worldwide, they reported th...
12/11/2020 12:33
The leading cause of prostate calcification is chronic prostatitis.
Prostate inflammations cause a build-up of toxins; without proper blood flow in t...
08/11/2020 22:57
Drinking black coffee without milk or sugar may be helpful. Coffee with a lot of milk and sugar may aggravate the pain because it encourages the diges...
08/11/2020 13:35
Glutathione is the most basic antioxidant at the cellular level of our body and contains sulfur. Consumption of sulfur-rich foods is essential for the...
08/11/2020 13:26
Superfood is a marketing term for food with supposed higher-than-average health benefits (Wikipedia). However, Do not expect recovery just by eating s...
08/11/2020 13:07
Chronic prostatitis is a depressive disease that drugs cannot cure, nor are Chinese remedies. Strengthening the immune system is the only option.
11/07/2020 18:14
Balancing the gut flora is critical for the recovery of the immune system and recovery from chronic prostatitis. There are two relatively easy ways. T...
29/04/2020 12:20
Citrulline amino acids can be found in foods like watermelon and melon juice. Eating or drinking watermelon or melon juice is considered a proven erec...
14/10/2019 10:29
As someone who has been in China on and off for the past 16 years, I know there is no "secret" Chinese cure for chronic prostatitis. Bacteria, viruses...
Posts from the forum "Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome."
25/02/2022 3:24
There is a great deal of misunderstanding regarding coffee drinking. Ground black coffee, without further processing and any additives (excluding spic...
18/01/2022 3:08
Coconut water contains relatively few calories; it is delicious, saturating, and has many vitamins and minerals. They are the most recommended natural...
18/01/2022 3:03
This energy drink is relatively easy to prepare, containing powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts energy quite immediately. It can help re...
08/11/2021 21:16
Juice workshops usually focus on natural and healthy nutrition and detoxification. Natural juices are the best medicine, especially when combined with...
17/10/2021 22:30
I recommend that you be exposed to direct sunlight but in limited doses. It is essential to wear a hat and sunglasses. The male hormone testosterone i...
17/10/2021 22:28
Practical issues regarding Fibromyalgia patients.
Social networks have created the illusion of a "friendship replacement," They encourage non-stop ...
05/09/2021 16:36
People's life expectancy increases as their metabolic load decreases. Eating moderately and incredibly easily digestible foods lowers the metabolic bu...
02/09/2021 16:54
Nutrition has enormous significance in recovery. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal chronic diseases. A good diet is...
02/09/2021 16:52
Nutrition has significance in recovery from Fibromyalgia. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal chronic diseases. In Fi...
24/08/2021 17:09
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:01
Deep frying is mistakenly perceived as preferable, as the boiling oil closes the food immediately and confirms less oil absorption. But deep-frying re...
24/08/2021 16:53
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (which increases the contact area). If ...
I saw on TV a show that claimed that movie actors have a secret program for a fast diet? Is it true?
09/08/2021 22:06
Film actors required to lose weight for their role hire an expert production team, including a cook and a private fitness trainer. They break away fro...
09/08/2021 22:05
If you search on YouTube, you will find a long line of actresses (women and men) who, in their youth, were gorgeous and today look like the neighbor a...
09/08/2021 22:02
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and weight loss is not necessarily a mental transformation. Unfortunately, there are no straightforward methods ...
17/07/2021 0:05
Although CFS is perceived as a disease, it is a symptom of inflammations in the body that consume significant energy resources and cause weakness and ...
23/06/2021 20:55
This is an answer to a general issue that affects everyone, including fibromyalgia patients. It is important to emphasize that the digestive system ne...
22/06/2021 22:30
The NMN supplement is known worldwide, mainly thanks to the research of Dr. David Sinclair, the pioneer of anti-aging science. However, it is essentia...
16/06/2021 21:23
I recommend that fibromyalgia patients minimize supplementation. The absorption of nutrients in food and beverages is always preferable.
The thyroi...
04/06/2021 21:42
The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not teach the person the principles of proper nutrition. As I understand it, there were many inac...
I suffer from chronic constipation and take paraffin oil regularly; a naturopath advised me to stop.
02/06/2021 21:43
Constipation in fibromyalgia patients is often the result of unbalanced intestinal flora and blockages of the bile ducts. I recommend reading the arti...
23/05/2021 17:05
Castor oil, despite being a natural oil, is not recommended for prolonged internal use. Fibromyalgia patients who wish to lose weight must emphasize a...
20/05/2021 22:52
The answer is "not necessarily." The explanation stems from the fact that food composition is essential. Their tissue rehabilitation requirements are ...
19/05/2021 21:57
The mouth is the gateway to the entire digestive system. It is greatly affected by an imbalance in the intestinal flora that creates inflammation in t...
19/05/2021 21:34
It is recommended that fibromyalgia patients consume low-gluten or gluten-free foods because grains containing Gluten exacerbate the inflammatory effe...
18/05/2021 0:19
Poor quality of life causes depression in many chronic patients, which sometimes leads to the taking of antidepressants that create dependence. Fibrom...
17/05/2021 23:48
Fibromyalgia patients often take medication regularly. All the drugs have a destructive effect on the intestinal flora and, consequently, on the produ...
16/05/2021 14:49
The leading cause of kidney stones is a diet of processed and industrialized foods and beverages that burden the kidneys and liver. Usually, the body ...
16/05/2021 14:15
You can use calculators to estimate calorie consumption, but it is essential to know that not all calories are the same. Fibromyalgia patients need to...
15/05/2021 0:44
Fibromyalgia patients suffer from multiple inflammations in the body, usually in several systems and organs. Inflammations are an expression of damage...
11/05/2021 18:42
Industrialized pizza is often unhealthy for many reasons: White flour is often rich in gluten. The oils added to the dough are sometimes hydrogenated ...
09/05/2021 9:02
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid in building cells in our body, and we can not synthesize it, so it must be reached through diet. Studies have consi...
06/05/2021 12:06
Fibromyalgia patients suffer from complex pain in different systems. It is worth emphasizing that pain relief using self-healing is a relatively long ...
02/05/2021 21:13
Antioxidants are essential to a healthy diet but are often not enough. An anti-inflammatory diet is necessary as a routine, detoxification, and a comb...
29/04/2021 18:32
The diet's name derives from ketones, a byproduct of fat breakdown for energy. Initially, it was used to treat children with epilepsy. Recently, it ha...
20/04/2021 0:19
Goat's milk is more equivalent in composition to breast milk; it is less rich in protein, and its fat is easier to digest (although its fat content is...
18/04/2021 19:53
Fibromyalgia patients often suffer from an imbalance of intestinal flora. The result is usually acidic bowels and constipation. The solution is to swi...
16/04/2021 11:19
Cipralex contains substances that inhibit the absorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin and raise its level in the blood. Serotonin has a known eff...
08/04/2021 8:40
Practical issues regarding Fibromyalgia patients.
The first period of falling asleep without sleeping pills is the most challenging, after which sl...
07/04/2021 16:08
Fibromyalgia patients suffer from multiple multifocal inflammatory processes. Therefore, their diet must be low in animal protein (mainly meat, poultr...
Why is acid-base balance, especially in the digestive tract, so important for Fibromyalgia patients?
07/04/2021 15:39
In contrast to our blood in a minimal range of values (of a weak alkaline environment) in the digestive system, there are very high acid-base gaps. ...
31/03/2021 0:29
Several significant points must be emphasized when we examine the Paleo diet: THE PALEO DIET IS NOT SUITABLE FOR FIBROMYALGIA PATIENTS.
1 The life...
28/03/2021 0:27
Nutritional issues regarding Fibromyalgia patients.
Although nutrition is rightly perceived as a science, many schools are contradictory without cl...
28/03/2021 0:02
It should be emphasized that the phenomenon you describe is not only related to fibromyalgia patients.
Physicians have little time per patient and ...
23/03/2021 16:39
Bone marrow is considered a superfood, especially recommended in soups for fibromyalgia patients. It contains minerals, natural oils, and essential su...
26/02/2021 21:15
Nutritional and theoretical issues regarding every one, including Fibromyalgia patients. Let's get some order in what your doctor probably tried to ex...
25/02/2021 22:27
I recommend you consult a qualified naturopath, especially in the early stages of dietary and lifestyle changes. The article in the attached link may ...
30/01/2021 20:22
I recommend that fibromyalgia patients consume only natural oils and fats. Margarine, including butter for spreading, is not recommended.
Add natur...
29/01/2021 6:27
I recommend that fibromyalgia patients avoid or significantly reduce their intake of meat, poultry, white cheeses, and especially yellow cheeses. Thes...
21/01/2021 17:06
Nutritional issues regarding Fibromyalgia patients. Surprisingly! - Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than natural foods, which contain ...
19/01/2021 16:04
The problem of deficiencies in minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients is a general problem, not only among fibromyalgia patients. The answer is, ther...
15/01/2021 20:29
I recommend that fibromyalgia patients avoid industrialized and processed foods altogether - it damage the immune system and exacerbates fibromyalgia ...
15/01/2021 20:08
I advise fibromyalgia patients to avoid industrialized and processed foods as much as possible. Processed and industrialized foods are inflammatory an...
13/01/2021 21:37
The recommendation for fibromyalgia patients is to significantly reduce cow's milk and dairy products to switch to moderate amounts of goat's milk (go...
13/01/2021 14:53
Those with fibromyalgia need an anti-inflammatory diet that is easy to digest and prepare. There are two recommended and quick-to-prepare recipes:
10/01/2021 21:27
Fibromyalgia patients need sulfur-rich foods (such as garlic and onions) to synthesize glutathione, the primary antioxidant at the cellular level. In ...
30/12/2020 19:18
The leading cause is an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Balancing the gut flora will eliminate the fungal infection throughout the body. Why are re...
26/12/2020 18:50
Non-natural substances are perceived by the body as" external invaders" and are broken down by the liver, which is forced to work hard in the modern d...
26/12/2020 18:36
I recommend that fibromyalgia patients avoid cow's milk and dairy products altogether. The fat in milk is not the main problem, but cow's milk is too ...
24/12/2020 18:49
I recommend that fibromyalgia patients reduce meat and poultry consumption because they are acidic to the digestive system and promote the proliferati...
23/12/2020 21:50
Grapes and watermelon are healthy fruits but high in glucose. They are not recommended for fibromyalgia patients because they create a more robust inf...
23/12/2020 21:45
Fibromyalgia patients are recommended not to eat corn with meat and cheeses from cow's milk and dairy products. The combination is too acidic and puts...
23/12/2020 21:44
It is recommended not to eat corn with meat and cheese made from cow's milk. The combination is too acidic and strains the immune system. Starches su...
22/12/2020 23:08
Those with fibromyalgia often have an imbalance in the intestinal flora, resulting in a weak immune system, which is forced to prevent pathogens from ...
01/12/2020 19:24
It is recommended that fibromyalgia patients switch to an anti-inflammatory diet, described in detail in the article in the attached link. Sulfur-rich...
30/11/2020 23:24
I recommend that fibromyalgia patients switch to consuming only sourdough bread from whole wheat flour low in gluten (or gluten-free) or sprouted brea...
02/11/2020 18:47
A heavy meal is usually one that is too rich in animal protein. It causes the digestive system to become very acidic, multiplying pathogens in the tra...
Posts from the forum "Migraines are excruciating pain."
08/02/2022 7:55
I must emphasize that migraine patients must sharply reduce their animal protein intake. Eating meat, fish, and cow's dairy products must be combined ...
18/01/2022 2:59
A combination of berries, apple, lemon, and ginger is a delicious drink that is easy to prepare and has anti-inflammatory properties that can immediat...
18/01/2022 2:57
Nutritional issues concerning Migraines.
Coconut water contains few calories, is delicious and saturating, and contains many vitamins and minerals....
29/10/2021 16:16
The diets you mentioned are unsuitable for you, and in general, they are based on a diet high in protein, especially from animals. These are inflammat...
17/10/2021 22:36
Benign prostate enlargement is a widespread phenomenon among men aged 50 and over. The phenomenon is caused by inflammatory processes that divert the ...
05/09/2021 16:37
The life expectancy of people increases as the metabolic load on them decreases. Eating in moderation, easily digestible foods lowers the metabolic bu...
02/09/2021 16:52
Nutrition has significance in recovery from migraines. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal. A healthy diet is often i...
24/08/2021 17:09
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:02
Deep frying is mistakenly perceived as preferable, as the boiling oil closes the food immediately and ensures less oil absorption. But deep-frying req...
24/08/2021 16:53
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (which increases the contact area). If ...
23/06/2021 20:54
It is advisable to eat two to three main meals a day plus snacks (for those who need them). Dinner should be easy to digest and early, maximum up to 7...
22/06/2021 22:31
A healthy diet and lifestyle significantly affect appearance, facial skin, wrinkles, hair, and nails. I recommend you look into a natural diet, seven ...
20/06/2021 22:03
Migraines are symptoms of intracranial pressure due to disruption of the blood flow of the jugular (neck) veins due to swollen lymph nodes.
16/06/2021 21:23
It is recommended for migraine patients to avoid hormonal fluctuations due to drug therapy. Supplements are inferior compared to the absorption of nat...
04/06/2021 21:43
I recommend migraine sufferers familiarize themselves with the principles and not get a ready-made list, which is usually inaccurate and does not teac...
02/06/2021 21:44
Paraffin oil is not a natural substance recommended for prolonged use. To improve bowel movements, you must switch to a balanced anti-inflammatory die...
20/05/2021 22:52
It is a fundamental nutritional question designed to illustrate the damage of an industrialized and processed diet that is inflammatory (not recommend...
19/05/2021 21:57
Migraines are an inflammatory phenomenon resulting from a neck vein blockage, thus creating intracranial pressure. Gingivitis is often the result of a...
19/05/2021 21:35
Gluten is a sticky protein that tends to stick to the intestinal walls, which are often inflamed in migraine sufferers. Therefore, switching to a low-...
18/05/2021 0:19
The drug you are taking, Cipralex, allows the brain to receive increased stimulation of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is critical to our mood....
17/05/2021 23:48
Migraine patients' poor quality of life (from many years of personal experience) affects their mood significantly. At the same time, drugs and ciprofl...
16/05/2021 14:49
Kidney stones, sand, and cysts are common phenomena that significantly harm kidney and liver functions and weaken the immune system. Mechanical detoxi...
16/05/2021 14:15
Nutritional issues regarding Migraine patients.
Calculators online give an estimate of the recommended daily caloric intake. Calculators consider w...
15/05/2021 0:44
Taking drugs to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol will only perpetuate your condition without curing the migraines, which are inflammatory. Y...
11/05/2021 18:42
Healthy pizza recipes can be found online. At the same time, it is essential to understand the principles of a healthy diet. It is always possible to ...
09/05/2021 9:02
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid required for a regular immune system. Still, it is advisable to consume it in natural foods (deep sea fish and seaf...
06/05/2021 12:06
In my experience, migraine pains are one of the most severe and debilitating. To relieve migraine pain, knowing the causes of the disease is essential...
29/04/2021 18:33
A ketogenic diet is not recommended for patients suffering from migraines. The ketogenic diet is an inflammatory diet unsuitable for migraine patients...
25/04/2021 16:38
The sun is the source of life on Earth. People mistakenly avoid controlled sun exposure! Most people today have a chronic vitamin D deficiency. The ad...
25/04/2021 16:21
Gingivitis in those who maintain good oral hygiene originates from an imbalance of the intestinal flora. The mouth and gums are the gateways to the di...
20/04/2021 0:19
Migraine patients are advised to reduce the consumption of milk and cow's dairy products, as they are inflammatory and can worsen the symptoms of migr...
18/04/2021 19:53
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced intestinal flora. Constipation has far-reaching health consequences. However, prolonged use of laxat...
16/04/2021 11:19
Cipralex contains substances that inhibit the absorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin and raise its level in the blood. Serotonin has a known eff...
08/04/2021 8:40
Practical issues regarding Migraine patients. The first period of falling asleep without sleeping pills is the most challenging, after which sleep bec...
07/04/2021 16:09
An adult needs about one gram per kg of weight. In practice in the modern world (in developed countries), consuming proteins (mainly from animals) is ...
07/04/2021 15:40
Rehabilitation of the intestinal flora and the digestive system's pH balance significantly affects the weakening of migraine pain.
In contrast to o...
31/03/2021 0:30
When examining the Paleo diet, several significant points need to be emphasized: The ancient human diet (paleo) is unsuitable for migraine sufferers; ...
28/03/2021 0:28
I recommend that migraine sufferers sharply reduce the consumption of meat, poultry, milk, and cheeses and switch to fish (preferably of deep water), ...
28/03/2021 0:03
Physicians have little time per patient and are not interested in devoting their precious time to nutritional issues. Many doctors lack extensive know...
23/03/2021 16:39
Nutritional issues regarding Migraine patients. Bone marrow is considered a superfood, especially recommended in soups. It contains minerals, natural ...
26/02/2021 21:16
The issue of weight concerns everyone, including migraine sufferers. It is essential to understand the relationship between weight and health. Let's g...
30/01/2021 20:23
Foods that contain natural oils and fats are essential for our bodies and may relieve migraine headaches. They should not be avoided for fear of obesi...
29/01/2021 6:28
I recommend migraine sufferers switch to an anti-inflammatory diet low in animal-concentrated protein (mainly meat and cow's milk products). The artic...
21/01/2021 17:06
Surprisingly! Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories as natural foods. Not all calories are equal. The "calorie is a c...
19/01/2021 16:04
Various additives are not intended for prolonged use, and their absorption is inferior to nutrients in food and beverages. Don't fear controlled sun e...
15/01/2021 20:33
Processed and industrialized foods often have an inflammatory effect and may aggravate migraine symptoms. They can also cause an imbalanced intestinal...
15/01/2021 20:09
It is recommended that migraine sufferers avoid consuming processed and industrialized foods altogether. These foods are especially inflammatory and a...
13/01/2021 21:38
For those suffering from migraines, I recommend you stop consuming milk and cow's dairy products and switch to goat milk, yogurt, or sheep. It is advi...
13/01/2021 14:53
There are two recommended anti-inflammatory and quick-to-prepare recipes suitable for Migraine patients:
1 Cut into small seasonal fruit pieces su...
10/01/2021 21:28
Consuming sulfur-rich foods (such as garlic and onions) is essential for migraine sufferers to produce the antioxidant glutathione, which is vital in ...
01/01/2021 19:42
Migraine sufferers usually need mechanical detoxification to strengthen the immune system and restore the swelling of the lymphatic system in the neck...
30/12/2020 19:19
Practical issues regarding migraine patients.
The leading cause is an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Balancing the gut flora will eliminate th...
26/12/2020 18:50
Artificial sweeteners are calorie-free but inflammatory to the body and can worsen migraine headaches. Therefore, they are not recommended for use. (A...
26/12/2020 18:37
The recommendation you received is incorrect and is not suitable for migraine patients.
I recommend that you minimize or stop consuming dairy produ...
24/12/2020 18:50
High cholesterol levels for those who maintain a healthy diet are evidence of the body's attempts to repair damaged tissue. The liver is instructed to...
21/12/2020 19:07
I recommend that those who suffer from migraines (including the general public) switch to an anti-inflammatory diet, described in detail in the articl...
01/12/2020 19:24
Glutathione is of enormous importance in the proper functioning of the immune system. Prolonged glutathione deficiency can cause severe illnesses, inc...
08/11/2020 22:55
Drinking black coffee without milk or even sugar may be helpful because it stimulates the liver to produce more bile. Coffee with a lot of milk and su...
18/10/2020 21:41
Undoubtedly, the answer is yes. An anti-inflammatory, natural, easy-to-digest, and varied diet can help significantly reduce migraines. Still, it isn'...
Posts from the forum "Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis."
25/02/2022 3:33
Practical issues concerning Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBS, and All Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
The answer to the question is re...
23/01/2022 3:43
Coconut water contains relatively few calories; it is delicious, saturating, and has many vitamins and minerals. They are the most recommended natural...
29/12/2021 3:28
To regenerate the intestinal tissue, several conditions are required at the same time:
Relaxed lifestyle.
Regular flow of bile (from the gallblad...
17/10/2021 11:42
Patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract require a very meticulous and adapted diet and mechanical detoxification of the liver and...
17/10/2021 11:41
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and controlled exposure. It is important to emphasize t...
05/09/2021 16:35
People's life expectancy increases as their metabolic load decreases. Eating in moderation, especially easily digestible foods, lowers the metabolic b...
02/09/2021 16:50
Nutrition has immense significance in recovery in IBD patients. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal chronic diseases ...
24/08/2021 17:08
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:01
The smoking point of the oil used is essential. Deep frying is mistakenly perceived as the most preferable, as the boiling oil closes the food immedia...
24/08/2021 16:52
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (increasing the contact area). If cold-...
I saw on TV a show that claimed that movie actors have a secret program for a fast diet? Is it true?
09/08/2021 22:06
Film actors required to lose weight for their role hire an expert production team, including a cook and a private fitness trainer. They break away fro...
09/08/2021 22:04
If you search on YouTube, you will find a long line of actresses (women and men) who, in their youth, were gorgeous and today look like the neighbor a...
09/08/2021 22:01
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and weight loss is not necessarily a mental transformation. Unfortunately, there are no straightforward methods ...
07/08/2021 17:14
Hair appearance is closely linked to our health and the nutrition we consume. The fastest way to repair damaged hair is through naturally squeezed jui...
07/08/2021 17:10
The drug treatment for fungi is not recommended as it is very toxic to the liver. (IBD patients must avoid anti-fungal drug treatment.) The therapy mu...
22/06/2021 22:29
The NMN supplement is known worldwide, mainly thanks to the research of Dr. David Sinclair, the pioneer of anti-aging science. However, it is essentia...
16/06/2021 21:22
The thyroid gland controls our body's metabolic rate and, therefore, has, among other things, an effect on weight. Thyroid hormones contain iodine and...
04/06/2021 21:41
The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not teach the person the principles of proper nutrition. As I understand it, there were many inac...
02/06/2021 21:42
Constipation is prevalent in chronically ill digestive system patients. The explanation is most often related to the blockage of the flow of bile flui...
23/05/2021 17:01
Castor oil, despite being a natural laxative, is not recommended for long-term use, especially in chronic patients of the digestive system.
Castor ...
20/05/2021 22:51
The answer is "not necessarily." The explanation stems from the fact that food composition is essential. Their tissue rehabilitation requirements are ...
19/05/2021 21:33
In patients with chronic digestive tract diseases, the walls of the intestines leak and become inflamed, so it is highly advisable to switch to a low-...
18/05/2021 0:17
The drug you are taking, Cipralex, allows the brain to receive increased stimulation of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is critical to our mood....
17/05/2021 23:47
A healthy diet of varied natural foods and beverages, unprocessed and not industrialized, with high dietary fiber content, probiotic bacteria, oils, a...
16/05/2021 14:13
Understanding the principles of proper nutrition is essential for patients with chronic digestive tract diseases.
Calculators online give an estima...
15/05/2021 0:43
Patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract most often suffer significant tissue damage. The liver is required to produce cholesterol...
11/05/2021 18:41
Industrialized pizza is often unhealthy for many reasons (Not only for IBD patients). White flour is often rich in gluten. The oils added to the dough...
09/05/2021 9:01
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid in building cells in our body, and we can not synthesize it, so it must be reached through diet. Studies have consi...
29/04/2021 18:31
A ketogenic diet is not suitable for patients with chronic digestive system diseases.
The diet's name is derived from "ketones." Ketones are an ene...
25/04/2021 16:34
I recommend that patients with chronic digestive tract diseases incorporate controlled exposure to the sun as part of their self-healing treatment. Th...
25/04/2021 16:19
It is worth emphasizing that those who suffer from chronic intestinal disease are also exposed to increased gum problems. The mouth is the gateway to ...
20/04/2021 0:17
Cow's milk is very rich in protein, creating a very acidic intestinal environment, which is unsuitable for patients with chronic diseases of the diges...
18/04/2021 19:52
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced intestinal flora. Constipation has far-reaching health consequences. However, prolonged use of laxat...
16/04/2021 11:18
Practical issues regarding Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, and IBD patients.
Cipralex raises neurotransmitter serotonin levels in the blood. ...
07/04/2021 16:07
For chronic patients of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended that they sharply reduce their consumption of meat and cow's dairy products, whi...
31/03/2021 0:23
The paleo (caveman) diet is not suitable for IBD patients. When we come to examine the Paleo diet, several significant points need to be emphasized:
28/03/2021 11:07
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread. They result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of homeostasis in the body's calcium ...
28/03/2021 0:26
The diet of patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is of great importance in preventing the worsening of symptoms and the possib...
28/03/2021 0:00
Nutrition is a critical issue in the recovery process for patients with chronic digestive system diseases. Still, patients must be aware of opposing s...
23/03/2021 16:38
Bone marrow is considered a superfood, especially recommended in soups. It contains minerals, natural oils, fats, and essential substances to strength...
26/02/2021 21:13
Let's get some order in what your doctor probably tried to explain. The relationship between weight and health is a common question, not only among pa...
30/01/2021 20:19
I recommend that patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract consume only natural fats and oils. Margarine and the like, recycled oil...
29/01/2021 6:26
For patients with chronic diseases of the digestive tract, I recommend sharply reducing consumption of meat, poultry, and cow's dairy products because...
21/01/2021 17:01
Surprisingly! Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories as natural foods. Not all calories are equal. The "calorie is a c...
19/01/2021 16:03
Most of us are exposed to TV shows or other media that teach us about one essential supplement. We run to the health food store and buy the supplement...
15/01/2021 20:28
I highly recommend patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease avoid industrialized and processed foods. Industrialized and processed foods are i...
15/01/2021 20:07
Nutritional issues regarding Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBS, and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). I highly recommend that patients with ch...
I read recommendations for moderation in the consumption of milk and dairy products in IBD patients.
13/01/2021 21:36
Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBS, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients are advised to avoid cow's milk and dairy products, which are ...
13/01/2021 14:52
Two recommended and quick-to-prepare recipes can suit Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBS, and IBD patients. It is essential to emphasize that ga...
10/01/2021 21:25
Fresh garlic and onions can irritate the inflamed intestinal walls of IBD patients. However, they add flavor to food and are an excellent source of su...
30/12/2020 19:14
An imbalance in the intestinal flora is the leading cause of recurrent fungal infections. Balancing the gut flora will eliminate the fungal infection ...
26/12/2020 19:02
Artificial sweeteners are not recommended for patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although they do not contain calories, art...
26/12/2020 18:35
I recommend IBD patients reduce or avoid consuming beef and dairy products. They are too rich in protein and create an acidic environment in the intes...
24/12/2020 18:50
I recommend that patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract reduce the consumption of meat, poultry, cow's milk, and dairy products....
23/12/2020 21:55
Grapes and watermelon are especially rich in glucose-type sugar, while the rest of the fruits contain mainly fructose-type digested in the liver. Grap...
22/12/2020 23:13
Nail fungus is not just a matter of hygiene in swimming pools and damp places that contact the feet but is mainly a symptom of an unbalanced intestina...
30/11/2020 23:21
The recommendation to eat gluten-free bread is correct but insufficient for patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Gluten is a sticky protei...
27/11/2020 22:51
In patients with chronic gastrointestinal infections, the intestinal walls leak and become inflamed. Lettuce and other green leaves stick to the infla...
12/11/2020 13:14
Cooked food loses nutritional value during cooking but is easier to digest. In IBD patients, the intestinal walls are inflamed, so it is advisable to ...
08/11/2020 12:56
Smoking is the process of flavoring, browning, cooking, or preserving food by exposing it to smoke from burning or smoldering material, most often woo...
08/11/2020 12:47
It is recommended that patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract consume aromatic salt in reasonable quantities. There is no reason...
08/11/2020 12:21
A soft drink typically contains carbonated water, a sweetener, and natural or artificial flavoring. However, it is not recommended that patients with ...
08/11/2020 12:17
More and more researchers are against eating dairy cow products, including cheese. The proteins in these products are too condensed and contain high l...
18/10/2020 21:34
Spicy foods, including raw garlic and onions, can exacerbate symptoms in IBD patients because they irritate the intestine's inflamed walls. Simultaneo...
18/10/2020 21:12
For patients with chronic digestive tract diseases, it is not recommended to eat starches together with meat since the two react extremely acidically....
29/09/2020 11:24
Some fish, like sardines or mackerel, usually only come in tin cans, so reading the labels and ensuring it's a quality product is essential. The oil i...
29/09/2020 11:18
Meat, including chicken, is tough to digest and creates a very acidic intestinal environment. Intestinal pathogens thrive in an acidic environment, so...
29/09/2020 11:15
There is no reason to avoid starches altogether; they are very satisfying and an essential energy source. At the same time, it is important not to com...
11/07/2020 18:12
Patients with chronic bowel diseases damage the intestinal walls, so the food must be easy to digest. Avoiding dietary fiber in fruits and vegetables ...
Posts from the forum "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (COPD)"
19/01/2022 7:17
The coconut fruit drink (in young fruit) is terrific for everyone, not just COPD patients. Its great advantage is that it is delicious, satiating, ene...
19/10/2021 8:09
Benign prostate enlargement is a widespread phenomenon among men aged 50 and over. The phenomenon is caused by inflammatory processes that divert the ...
05/09/2021 16:39
People's life expectancy increases as their metabolic load decreases. Eating in moderation, especially easily digestible foods, lowers the metabolic b...
02/09/2021 16:54
Nutrition is significant in COPD recovery. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal COPD. A good diet is often incapable o...
31/08/2021 17:39
The logic you present is the opposite of that of the human body. The easier the food is to digest, the better it is absorbed and causes less fattening...
31/08/2021 17:37
Low-fat meats and dairy products are harder to digest, as fat lubricates the intestinal walls and improves the absorption of nutrients. Foods that are...
31/08/2021 17:35
Your diet is not varied and is not considered healthy. You are putting a lot of strain on your liver and kidneys. The metabolic load increases dramati...
24/08/2021 17:11
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:03
Deep frying is often perceived as preferable, as the boiling oil closes the food immediately and confirms less oil absorption. But deep-frying require...
22/06/2021 22:32
Smoking has a very harmful effect, not only on appearance. I recommend you consider a smoking cessation workshop. The NMN supplement is known worldwid...
16/06/2021 21:25
Various dietary supplements, including minerals, are less effective than natural minerals in food. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the f...
04/06/2021 21:44
The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not teach the person the principles of proper nutrition. As I understand it, there were many inac...
02/06/2021 21:45
For COPD patients suffering from constipation, it is advisable to check the urine's acidity. Acidic urine with a pH of 5.5 or below usually indicates ...
23/05/2021 17:15
Castor oil is a natural laxative, but it is not recommended for prolonged use. Forced diarrhea is not a suitable long-term weight loss method. If you ...
20/05/2021 22:54
The answer is "not necessarily." The explanation stems from the fact that food composition is essential. Their tissue rehabilitation requirements are ...
20/05/2021 22:53
Fruits are an excellent and vital source of fiber, many nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidantsת; they give a sense of satiety, so it is essential to con...
19/05/2021 21:58
Smokers tend to accumulate tartar, creating a substrate for bacteria in the gum pockets. Smoking damages the gums, so smokers must maintain good oral ...
19/05/2021 21:36
Gluten-free grains do not stick to the intestinal walls. However, their price is relatively high. Although you do not suffer from a digestive system d...
18/05/2021 0:20
In health food stores, there are herbal remedies whose effectiveness against depression is questionable. The drug you are taking, Cipralex, allows the...
17/05/2021 23:50
Obstructive lung disease significantly impairs quality of life and is a good reason for mood impairment. At the same time, diet has a far-reaching eff...
16/05/2021 14:51
Kidney stones affect the metabolism and immune system of COPD patients. The leading cause of kidney stones is a diet of processed and industrialized f...
16/05/2021 14:16
Calculators online give an estimate of the recommended daily caloric intake. Calculators consider weight, height, age, and gender. It is essential to ...
11/05/2021 18:43
The original pizza recipes are inflammatory and are not recommended for patients with chronic diseases, including COPD. Pizzas can be made with much l...
09/05/2021 9:04
Nutritional issues regarding COPD patients.
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid in building cells in our body, and we can not synthesize it, so it ...
02/05/2021 21:15
Theoretical issues regarding COPD patients.
Cortisol is a natural steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal gland; its function is to prevent an ove...
29/04/2021 18:35
The ketogenic diet simulates hunger and causes short-term weight loss. It is unsuitable for COPD patients because it burdens the liver and kidneys and...
20/04/2021 0:20
I recommend that COPD patients significantly reduce their consumption of milk and dairy products. They are especially inflamed and stimulate mucus pro...
16/04/2021 11:20
Cipralex contains substances that inhibit the synthesis and decomposition of the neurotransmitter serotonin and raise its level in the blood. Serotoni...
11/04/2021 20:13
Smoking and increased stress, lack of leisure, and nutrition of prepared and processed foods were far more harmful than smoking 50 years ago! Then, th...
07/04/2021 16:28
Over time, very acidic urine may indicate a very acidic digestive system. (The body eliminates excess acidity through the urine.) A very acidic digest...
07/04/2021 16:10
I recommend that COPD patients sharply reduce their consumption of meat, poultry, dairy products, and cheeses. These are too acidic and create phlegm ...
07/04/2021 15:42
In contrast to our blood in a minimal range of values (of a weak alkaline environment) in the digestive system, there are very high acid-base gaps. ...
31/03/2021 0:31
The paleo diet is an inflammatory diet for the human body; it may exacerbate the symptoms of COPD patients. Diets that burden the liver and kidneys ca...
28/03/2021 0:29
COPD patients must adopt an anti-inflammatory, varied, and natural diet. It is advisable to sharply reduce meat and poultry consumption, which are rel...
28/03/2021 0:06
Doctors cannot follow up and make dietary recommendations. The phenomenon is not unique only to COPD patients but in general. The most suitable diet f...
23/03/2021 16:40
Bone marrow is considered a superfood, especially recommended in soups. It contains minerals, natural oils, and essential substances to strengthen the...
26/02/2021 21:17
Weight problems plague everyone, including COPD patients. Except in the extreme case of obese people, it is challenging to draw unambiguous conclusion...
30/01/2021 20:26
Patients with COPD are not supposed to abstain from natural oils and fats; these are essential for the immune system's functioning.
Adding natural ...
29/01/2021 6:30
I recommend that COPD patients significantly reduce their meat, poultry, cow's milk, and dairy consumption. These are highly inflammatory and strain t...
21/01/2021 17:08
Nutritional topics regarding COPD patients. Surprisingly! - Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than natural foods, which contain the same...
19/01/2021 16:05
Most of us are exposed to TV shows or other media that teach us about one essential supplement. We run to the health food store and buy the supplement...
15/01/2021 20:30
I recommend that COPD patients avoid an industrialized and processed diet, which is very inflammatory, increases mucus and phlegm secretion, and worse...
15/01/2021 20:10
Nutritional issues regarding COPD patients. Processed and industrialized foods are usually highly inflammatory and unsuitable for COPD patients. Indus...
13/01/2021 21:39
You are right; the issue of the contribution of cow's milk dairy products to our health is controversial. It is worth noting that there are weighty ec...
13/01/2021 14:55
Two recommended and quick-to-prepare recipes of satisfying and nutritious food are relatively non-inflammatory and easy to digest. This food is suitab...
10/01/2021 21:29
Garlic and onions contain sulfur, essential for producing glutathione, the primary antioxidant at the cellular level. They add flavor and aroma to any...
30/12/2020 19:23
COPD patients often suffer (as well as other chronically ill patients) from an imbalance of the intestinal flora that causes a weakening of the immune...
26/12/2020 18:38
I recommend that COPD patients switch to an anti-inflammatory diet. The attached link describes the principles of a balanced diet in detail.
I reco...
22/12/2020 23:12
Fungi in the nails and the vagina (in women) are prevalent symptoms among COPD patients, including COPD patients. An imbalance in the intestinal flora...
Posts from the forum "The cancer philosophy. (All types)"
03/11/2022 3:09
Treating cancer patients is quite traumatic and leaves the patient in rational fear. Constant strengthening of the immune system and life energy will ...
I have colon cancer. An alternative clinic offered me to eat spicy food that kills harmful bacteria.
03/10/2022 3:17
Spicy food is considered anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic but releases toxins from dead pathogens. (The Herxheimer effect) In addition, the aromatic ...
29/09/2022 4:54
Cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of confined cells that isolate themselves from the healthy surrounding tissue in self-defense.
24/02/2022 14:29
Cancer patients must consume primarily natural, unprocessed, cooked, and hot foods. Cold foods, such as chilled salads and cold drinks, are not recomm...
24/02/2022 14:16
Hot oily soups are considered a grandmother's remedy, but you will be surprised they are very beneficial! Vegetable soups (without meat) are very easy...
24/02/2022 3:51
There is a great deal of misunderstanding regarding coffee drinking. Ground black coffee, without further processing and any additives (excluding spic...
29/01/2022 10:30
The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system, and it serves as the mirror of the whole digestive system, in fact, of the entire body. (Using the...
17/01/2022 4:09
Natural antioxidants are consistently superior to all kinds of supplements. Combining foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, with an anti-inflam...
12/01/2022 8:03
Natural Berry juice drinks are relatively easy to prepare and contain powerful and concentrated antioxidants. They boost energy quite immediately. Can...
12/01/2022 7:56
Coconut water contains relatively few calories, but it is delicious, saturating, and has many vitamins and minerals. It is the most recommended natura...
29/12/2021 3:14
Cancer patients must avoid consuming free sugar in food and beverages (cakes, biscuits, wafers, etc.), as it feeds inflammations, including cancer. Ho...
29/12/2021 3:05
The problem with coffee is not the coffee itself, but the milk and sugar people usually add. Black coffee can affect the increased production of bile ...
30/11/2021 12:29
Bone marrow is highly recommended in your condition. It is full of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins essential for the immune system. The oiliness of ...
14/11/2021 18:35
A healthy diet and lifestyle have a significant role, but for the most part, it is not enough. The lungs belong to the fourth energy center (heart cha...
05/09/2021 16:41
People's life expectancy increases as their metabolic load decreases. Eating in moderation, especially easily digestible foods, lowers the metabolic b...
02/09/2021 16:56
Nutrition has significance in recovery from cancer. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is necessary to heal from cancer. In autoimmune diseases...
24/08/2021 17:12
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 16:56
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (which increases the contact area). It ...
14/08/2021 21:32
Abdominal fat (in both women and men) is often associated with decreased liver function. The fastest way to lose weight and lower the fat belt around ...
29/07/2021 20:51
The answer is “YES.” Cancer patients need a nutritious anti-inflammatory diet that supports tissue rehabilitation and strengthens the immune system. G...
23/06/2021 20:49
Cancer patients need a diet that is easy to digest, nutritious, varied, and anti-inflammatory. The principles of nutrition suitable for cancer patient...
20/06/2021 22:15
Discipline in cancer patients is not only a question of personality but also concerns the question of HOPE. People who are hopeless about recovery get...
04/06/2021 21:46
The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not teach the cancer patient the principles of proper nutrition. As I understand it, the recommen...
02/06/2021 21:47
Constipation in cancer patients is often the result of an unhealthy diet affecting the intestinal flora, along with many medications that interrupt th...
19/05/2021 22:00
It is essential to see your dentist and dental hygienist remove deep-cleaned plaque and tartare. (not very pleasant)
The mouth is the gateway to th...
19/05/2021 21:38
Gluten-free cereals are especially recommended for gastrointestinal cancer patients, but other cancer patients may also have a beneficial effect. In p...
18/05/2021 0:23
The drug you are taking, Cipralex, allows the brain to receive increased stimulation of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is critical to our mood....
17/05/2021 23:51
A healthy diet of varied natural foods and beverages, unprocessed and not industrialized, with high dietary fiber content, probiotic bacteria, natural...
16/05/2021 14:53
Cancer patients with kidney stones may benefit significantly from cleansing the kidneys and liver. (Cleansing the liver has many benefits but also ris...
16/05/2021 14:18
Calculators online give an estimate of the recommended daily caloric intake. Calculators consider weight, height, age, and gender. Knowing that the nu...
11/05/2021 18:57
Cancer of all types is characterized by a sharp decrease in the body's energies and damage to various tissues that produce inflammation. The thought t...
11/05/2021 18:45
You will find detailed recipes online; you must understand the principles. Industrialized pizza is often unhealthy for many reasons: White flour is of...
09/05/2021 9:07
Cancer patients should prefer natural foods over any supplement. Additives are often not absorbed and are less valuable than those natural food ingred...
06/05/2021 12:10
The self-healing method is essentially anti-inflammatory and works on the causes of pain, not its symptoms. The disadvantage of this method is that it...
29/04/2021 18:37
The ketogenic diet is not recommended for cancer patients (not even those recovering); it burdens the liver and kidneys and weakens the immune system....
20/04/2021 0:22
For cancer patients in general and cancer patients in the gastrointestinal tract in particular, reducing the consumption of meat, poultry, and cow's d...
18/04/2021 20:02
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced intestinal flora. Constipation has far-reaching health consequences. However, prolonged use of laxat...
16/04/2021 11:22
Depression in cancer patients is an understandable phenomenon. (I recommend you get acquainted with the 5-step model of mourning called the Kubler-Ros...
08/04/2021 8:44
I recommend that cancer patients minimize the consumption of non-cancer medications, including sleep medications.
The first period of falling aslee...
07/04/2021 16:11
Nutritional issues regarding cancer patients. Cancer patients need easy-to-digest protein, preferably deep-sea fish, free-range eggs, or goat yogurt. ...
07/04/2021 15:43
Restoring the immune system of cancer patients while balancing the intestinal flora is particularly essential.
In contrast to our blood in a minima...
31/03/2021 0:33
Several significant points must be emphasized when we examine the Paleo diet: The ancient human diet (Paleo) is unsuitable for cancer patients!
1 T...
28/03/2021 0:30
Cancer patients' diets must be anti-inflammatory and support the regeneration and restoration of damaged tissues. I recommend reading the article in t...
28/03/2021 0:13
Cancer patients of all types, especially those of the gastrointestinal tract, must adhere to an anti-inflammatory diet. The thought that cancer patien...
23/03/2021 16:41
Bone marrow (preferably from organic cows) is highly suitable for cancer patients and is considered a superfood recommended in soups. It contains mine...
16/03/2021 21:10
There is a diet that may suit most cancer patients for their various types, with slight adjustments, especially for cancers of the gastrointestinal tr...
15/03/2021 22:30
Sharp weight loss is a very worrying phenomenon in cancer patients. Weight gain usually signifies the beginning of rehabilitation—weight loss, when n...
15/03/2021 22:22
The liver of cancer patients carries a significant metabolic burden, partly because of drug treatments. Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver. Vitamin B1...
15/03/2021 22:16
Cancer patients often suffer from extensive tissue damage. Repairing the damage requires the body to produce cholesterol as a building block in every ...
15/03/2021 22:07
Cancer patients consume only natural, non-industrialized, and cold-pressed oils and fats. Ready-made foods often contain hydrogenated vegetable oils, ...
15/03/2021 22:01
For cancer patients, I recommend healthy bread that meets all four criteria. Sprouted wholemeal sourdough bread is the easiest digestible bread that m...
15/03/2021 21:42
I recommend cancer patients reduce or avoid consuming dairy products. They are too rich in protein and create an acidic environment in the intestines ...
15/03/2021 21:39
Cancer patients must follow a natural anti-inflammatory diet without processed and industrialized foods. The recommended diet is detailed in the link ...
15/03/2021 21:38
Cancer patients need a nutritious, easily digestible, anti-inflammatory diet. Both recipes are easy to make and nutritious, satisfying, and delicious....
15/03/2021 21:36
Cancer patients must follow a natural anti-inflammatory diet, no cow's milk products, and no highly concentrated protein (such as yellow cheeses) beca...
15/03/2021 21:31
I recommend that cancer patients switch to a balanced diet, including many natural products, be exposed to the sun in a controlled way, and ultimately...
15/03/2021 21:15
The proliferation of diets is not essential and does not stem from health needs. Ambiguity about the best diet serves many bodies with interests contr...
14/03/2021 22:15
Substances not natural to the body are often perceived as toxins and burden the liver, kidneys, and immune system. Cancer patients, especially those t...
12/03/2021 20:41
Cancer patients must follow an anti-inflammatory diet and undergo mechanical detoxification to quickly increase their life energy. Mechanical detoxifi...
12/03/2021 20:40
The gastrointestinal tract is the primary non-sterile internal system, forcing the immune system to fight relentlessly to prevent pathogens' overgrowt...
Posts from the forum "Autoimmune diseases."
18/10/2022 5:43
No drug can raise the patient to an energetic level; therefore, medicine only treats the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. I have proposed several tech...
24/02/2022 4:01
There is a great deal of misunderstanding regarding coffee drinking. Ground black coffee, without further processing and any additives (excluding spic...
12/01/2022 8:05
Rinse a pack of berries thoroughly. Cut a ginger finger into strips and an apple. (or pear) Squeeze the juice of one lemon and place it in the juicer....
12/01/2022 7:58
Coconut water contains relatively few calories, but it is delicious, saturating, and has many vitamins and minerals. It is the most recommended natura...
17/10/2021 11:20
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and controlled exposure. It is important to emphasize t...
05/09/2021 16:32
People's life expectancy increases as their metabolic load decreases. Eating in moderation, especially easily digestible foods, lowers the metabolic b...
02/09/2021 16:41
Nutrition has significance in recovery. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal autoimmune diseases. A good diet is often...
24/08/2021 17:07
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 16:57
Deep frying is mistakenly perceived as preferable, as boiling oil closes the food immediately, allowing less oil absorption. But deep-frying requires ...
24/08/2021 16:51
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (which increases the contact area). If ...
14/08/2021 21:31
It is essential to emphasize that there is a very significant mental-energetic emphasis stemming from unresolved traumas in autoimmune diseases. The m...
09/08/2021 21:56
Unfortunately, there are no straightforward methods for weight loss. Optimal body weight is usually achieved along with optimal health. Following the ...
09/08/2021 21:38
If you search on YouTube, you will find a long line of actresses (women and men) who were gorgeous in their youth today and look like the neighbor at ...
I saw on TV a show that claimed that movie actors have a secret program for a fast diet? Is it true?
09/08/2021 21:27
Film actors required to lose weight for their role hire an expert production team, including a cook and a private fitness trainer. They break away fro...
19/07/2021 23:11
Many reports of patients with a wide range of chronic diseases have benefited from CBD oil. However, there is no comprehensive research on the subject...
22/06/2021 22:27
The NMN supplement is known worldwide, mainly thanks to the research of Dr. David Sinclair, the pioneer of anti-aging science. However, it is essentia...
20/06/2021 21:59
Discipline is not only a question of personality but also concerns the question of HOPE. People who are hopeless about recovery get into a depression ...
16/06/2021 21:20
The thyroid gland controls our body's metabolic rate and, therefore, has, among other things, an effect on weight. Thyroid hormones contain iodine and...
04/06/2021 21:38
The method's main disadvantage is that it does not teach the person the principles of proper nutrition. As I understand it, there were many inaccuraci...
02/06/2021 21:41
Laxatives are not suitable for patients with autoimmune diseases, and paraffin oil is not a natural substance and is not recommended. The most effecti...
23/05/2021 16:59
Castor oil to treat constipation is not recommended for patients with autoimmune diseases. To prevent constipation, consuming a large amount of dietar...
20/05/2021 22:50
The answer is "not necessarily." The explanation stems from the fact that food composition is essential. Their tissue rehabilitation requirements are ...
19/05/2021 21:48
The mouth is the gateway to the entire digestive system. It is greatly affected by an imbalance in the intestinal flora that creates inflammation in t...
19/05/2021 21:32
Patients with autoimmune diseases must have an anti-inflammatory diet. The gluten protein in grains, a sticky substance, causes the inflammation of th...
18/05/2021 0:13
Prolonged chronic illness is a good reason for feeling lost, sad, and depressed. Almost all chronic patients and severe addicts feel depressed. It is ...
17/05/2021 23:45
Our mood is greatly affected by the neurotransmitter serotonin, 90% of which is produced in the gut with the help of good bacteria and a balanced diet...
16/05/2021 14:45
The leading cause of kidney stones is a diet of processed and industrialized foods and beverages that burden the kidneys and liver combined with anxie...
16/05/2021 14:07
For patients with autoimmune diseases, I recommend not focusing on how many calories are consumed but on how anti-inflammatory your diet is. That is w...
15/05/2021 0:39
These methods are valid for everyone, not just for autoimmune patients.
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly t...
11/05/2021 18:40
Patients with autoimmune diseases must have an anti-inflammatory diet. Traditional pizza is very inflammatory, but there are healthier recipes based o...
09/05/2021 8:58
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid in building cells in our body, and we can not synthesize it, so it must be reached through diet. Studies have consi...
29/04/2021 18:29
The ketogenic diet's name is derived from "ketones." Ketones are a byproduct of the breakdown of fats as an energy source. It is a highly inflammatory...
20/04/2021 0:15
For patients with chronic diseases, including those with autoimmune diseases, I recommend an anti-inflammatory diet, described in detail in the articl...
18/04/2021 19:50
Practical issues regarding autoimmune patients,
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced intestinal flora. Constipation has far-reaching ...
16/04/2021 11:17
Practical issues regarding autoimmune patients.
Cipralex contains substances that inhibit the metabolic breakdown of the neurotransmitter serotoni...
08/04/2021 8:35
The first period of falling asleep without sleeping pills is the most challenging, after which sleep becomes more natural. Natural solutions include d...
07/04/2021 16:23
Patients with autoimmune diseases suffer from a weak immune system and must emphasize a balanced intestinal flora.
Very acidic urine over time may ...
07/04/2021 16:04
Nutritional issues regarding autoimmune patients.
An adult needs about one gram per kg of weight. In practice in the modern world (in developed co...
31/03/2021 0:20
When we examine the Paleo diet, several significant points need to be emphasized: The Paleo diet is unsuitable for patients with autoimmune diseases.
28/03/2021 0:24
I recommend that autoimmune patients seek the help of a naturopath, mainly because they need a broader perspective beyond diet.
Although nutrition ...
27/03/2021 23:55
Nutritional issues regarding autoimmune patients. A natural, balanced, and anti-inflammatory diet is essential to patients with autoimmune diseases. A...
23/03/2021 16:36
Bone marrow is a food suitable for everyone, especially those who need to strengthen their immune system, such as patients recovering from autoimmune ...
26/02/2021 21:06
Questions of weight and obesity preoccupy most people, including patients with autoimmune diseases. It is important to emphasize that optimal weight i...
30/01/2021 20:11
Patients with autoimmune diseases need natural, anti-inflammatory food, including natural fats and oils. Avoiding natural oils damages the digestive s...
29/01/2021 6:23
I recommend that patients with autoimmune diseases sharply reduce their consumption of meat, poultry, and cow's milk products. Animal protein is relat...
21/01/2021 16:57
Patients with autoimmune diseases must consume only natural food! Industrialized foods harm health and cause faster obesity, with the same calories as...
19/01/2021 16:02
Practical issues regarding autoimmune patients.
Most of us are exposed to TV shows or other media that teach us about one essential supplement. We ...
15/01/2021 20:27
Patients with autoimmune diseases are advised to avoid industrialized and processed foods.
Food cooked in a central kitchen often has the propertie...
15/01/2021 20:06
Patients with autoimmune diseases are advised to avoid industrialized and processed foods. Processed and industrialized food weakens the already weak ...
13/01/2021 21:33
For patients with autoimmune diseases, I recommend entirely stopping the consumption of meat, poultry, cow's milk, and dairy products. (except goat an...
13/01/2021 14:50
Those with autoimmune diseases need easily digestible, nutritious, anti-inflammatory food that strengthens the immune system. Two anti-inflammatory an...
10/01/2021 21:23
I recommend that patients with autoimmune diseases and other chronic conditions adopt a balanced diet, the principles of which are detailed in the att...
30/12/2020 19:27
Strengthening the immune system and maintaining a balanced intestinal flora is vital for patients with autoimmune diseases. The gastrointestinal tract...
30/12/2020 19:12
The leading cause of fungal infections is an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Balancing the gut flora will eliminate the fungal infection throughout...
26/12/2020 18:34
I recommend that you avoid consuming dairy products. They are too rich in protein and create an acidic environment in the intestines that causes gut f...
30/11/2020 23:28
I recommend that patients with autoimmune diseases consume anti-inflammatory bread that meets the four principles I mentioned. Sprout bread is highly ...
27/11/2020 22:59
Lemon is very acidic but acts as a chemical base in our bodies. It flushes the kidneys. In the morning, squeezing a whole lemon (possibly half) and ad...
02/04/2020 20:43
Thyroid hormonal imbalances common causes: (Try to avoid or minimize.)
1) Birth control pills.
2) Fertility treatments. (Uncontrollable)
3) Vitami...
Posts from the forum "Coronary heart diseases, hypertension, and high cholesterol."
21/02/2022 9:48
It is highly recommended to start the day with squeezed lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water, plus a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a sip o...
21/02/2022 9:06
Practical issues concerning CHD patients. It is recommended that patients with chronic heart disease significantly reduce their consumption of animal ...
19/01/2022 7:06
Coconut water contains relatively few calories, but it is delicious, saturating, and has many vitamins and minerals. It is the most recommended natura...
19/10/2021 8:20
Benign prostate enlargement is a widespread phenomenon among men aged 50 and over. The phenomenon is caused by inflammatory processes that divert the ...
19/10/2021 8:18
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and controlled exposure. It is important to emphasize t...
05/09/2021 16:40
The life expectancy of people increases as the metabolic load on them decreases. Eating in moderation, easily digestible foods lowers the metabolic bu...
03/09/2021 22:29
Stress and anxiety significantly affect general chronic morbidity and heart disease patients. Improving diet and lifestyle is highly recommended; rela...
24/08/2021 17:11
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:03
Deep frying is mistakenly perceived as preferable, as the boiling oil closes the food immediately and confirms less oil absorption. But deep-frying re...
24/08/2021 16:55
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (increasing the contact area). If natur...
19/08/2021 16:46
It is essential to take extra care when reducing or stopping the medication. It is advisable to reduce each time a different drug is used and test the...
14/08/2021 21:38
Abdominal fat (in both women and men) is often associated with decreased liver function. The fastest way to lose weight and lower the fat belt around ...
23/06/2021 20:53
The answer is suitable for everyone, not only for patients with chronic heart disease. It is different from the concept of small meals at short interv...
22/06/2021 22:33
The NMN supplement is known worldwide, mainly thanks to the research of Dr. David Sinclair, the pioneer of anti-aging science. However, it is essentia...
04/06/2021 21:44
The various programs that provide computerized recommendations usually do not reveal the principles of the method. I think it is especially essential ...
02/06/2021 21:45
I recommend that patients with coronary heart disease (and the rest of the household) switch to a balanced anti-inflammatory diet, as described in det...
23/05/2021 17:15
Castor oil, although a natural laxative, is unsuitable for heart patients and not intended for long-term use. Losing weight depends on their lifestyle...
20/05/2021 22:54
Surprisingly, processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories of natural foods. The nutrients we eat and drink and the calories...
19/05/2021 21:59
You described taking potent antibiotics for a very long time without supportive probiotic treatment. Your gut flora is likely out of balance, and a ur...
19/05/2021 21:36
Gluten is a protein found in most grains, giving them a crunchy taste. As it is called, Gluten is a type of "glue" that tends to stick to the walls of...
18/05/2021 0:21
The long-term use of Cipralex involves side effects, but stopping it is accompanied by a decrease in mood. Patients with chronic diseases often become...
17/05/2021 23:50
Patients with chronic diseases, including chronic heart diseases, often suffer from depression that originates from poor quality of life. It is import...
16/05/2021 14:17
It is worth emphasizing that all existing calculation methods of caloric values in food and beverages are inaccurate! Coronary heart disease patients ...
15/05/2021 0:49
Patients with chronic heart diseases tend to stick to the drug treatment, partly because of natural fears, but without realizing that high blood chole...
11/05/2021 18:44
Industrialized pizza is often unhealthy for many reasons: White flour is often rich in gluten. The oils added to the dough are sometimes hydrogenated ...
09/05/2021 9:05
Consumption of omega-3 and the ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 are significant in developing coronary heart disease. However, it is essential to emp...
06/05/2021 12:09
The self-healing method is essentially anti-inflammatory and works on the causes of pain, not its symptoms. The disadvantage of this method is that it...
01/05/2021 15:28
Best viewed in the link below: Improving sexual function In chronic patients and the disabled. (Copy & Paste)
29/04/2021 18:35
Your desire to lose weight quickly after an incident of a mild heart attack is evident, but it is essential to reach a state of optimal, long-term wei...
20/04/2021 0:21
Goat's milk is more similar in composition to breast milk; it is less rich in protein than cow's milk, and its fat is easier to digest (although its f...
18/04/2021 20:01
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced intestinal flora. Constipation has far-reaching health consequences. However, prolonged use of laxat...
16/04/2021 11:21
Chronic heart disease patients are among the greatest consumers of medicines; a significant part of the explanation for the phenomenon is fear! (ratio...
14/04/2021 14:18
Steroids are often limited to fixed periods, and their dosage gradually decreases. An anti-inflammatory diet and a healthy lifestyle are paramount for...
08/04/2021 8:42
A comfortable mattress may improve sleep but often does not explain insomnia. Sleep disturbances are the result of mental restlessness or physiologica...
07/04/2021 16:10
An adult needs about one gram per kg of weight. In practice in the modern world (in developed countries), consuming proteins (mainly from animals) is ...
31/03/2021 0:31
I recommend patients with chronic heart disease avoid the Paleo diet. When examining the Paleo diet, several significant points must be emphasized: Th...
28/03/2021 11:12
Calcium deposits in internal organs and blood vessels are widespread in chronic heart patients; they result from prolonged inflammatory processes and ...
28/03/2021 0:29
For patients with chronic heart disease, I recommend switching to an anti-inflammatory diet that reduces the consumption of meat, poultry, and dairy p...
28/03/2021 0:07
Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are critical for chronic heart patients. It is easier for doctors to prescribe medications (and they are also incent...
23/03/2021 16:41
Bone marrow is considered a superfood, especially recommended in soups for Coronary Heart Disease and Hypertension. It contains minerals, natural oils...
26/02/2021 21:18
Let's analyze what your doctor probably tried to explain. The conclusion is that it is difficult to draw unequivocal conclusions!
Healthy people us...
30/01/2021 20:27
Patients with chronic heart disease often avoid fatty foods. It is worth emphasizing that the body needs natural oils and fats for proper functioning....
29/01/2021 6:30
Patients with chronic heart disease tend to switch to consuming poultry instead of red meat, thinking that poultry is healthier. It is important to em...
21/01/2021 17:09
Elderly chronic heart disease patients often face weight problems without knowing that the existing caloric calculation is wrong. The calories you cou...
19/01/2021 16:06
Chronic heart patients usually take many medications in high doses. In such a situation, the absorption of nutrients is significantly impaired. Anyone...
15/01/2021 20:10
I recommend avoiding industrialized foods, especially meats, poultry, and cow's dairy products, especially for patients with chronic heart disease.
13/01/2021 21:40
For patients with chronic heart diseases, minimizing the consumption of milk and cow's dairy products is recommended because they are inflammatory and...
13/01/2021 14:55
Patients with heart disease need a particularly anti-inflammatory diet. There are two recommended and quick-to-prepare recipes: Both of these recipes ...
13/01/2021 14:49
There are two recommended and quick-to-prepare recipes suitable for CHD patients: (Anti-inflammatory)
1. Cut seasonal fruit, such as pear, apple, ...
10/01/2021 21:29
Garlic and onions add flavor and aroma to any dish. They are rich in sulfur, which is essential for the immune system to produce glutathione, the prim...
26/12/2020 18:47
Everything that burdens the liver and kidneys indirectly damages the heart and is not recommended for use. While natural sweetener substitutes aren't ...
26/12/2020 18:38
Patients with coronary heart disease need a particularly anti-inflammatory diet. Cow's milk, meat, and poultry products are acidic foods for the body ...
26/12/2020 18:38
I recommend that those with chronic heart diseases avoid consuming cow's dairy products. They are too rich in protein and create an acidic environment...
24/12/2020 18:47
Patients with heart disease tend to take high-dose medications to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, even long after a cardiac event or catheteriza...
23/12/2020 21:43
It is recommended that chronic heart patients avoid eating corn with meat and cheese. The combination is too acidic and puts a strain on the immune sy...
22/12/2020 23:12
Fungal infections are prevalent among chronically ill patients, including those with CHD. Fungal infection indicates an unbalanced intestinal flora an...
01/12/2020 19:28
Glutathione is relevant for everyone, as well as for patients with chronic heart diseases. Since it cannot be obtained in its active form, consuming v...
15/11/2020 18:57
Patients with chronic heart disease often suffer from the accumulation of calcium deposits derived from inflammatory processes. There is a natural opt...
08/11/2020 13:49
Egg yolk is an excellent emulsifier because of the lecithin it contains and its low insulin index. Recommended for daily use in limited quantities, pr...
08/11/2020 13:47
It is important to emphasize that cholesterol is an essential building block for our body, and experts in nutritional sciences no longer consider chol...
08/11/2020 13:44
Hypertension and High blood cholesterol are symptoms! Not the disease itself. If the water flow in your house is weak (due to scale, rust, or dirt in ...
08/11/2020 13:28
Fruits are not the cause of diabetes! Diabetes is not only related to consuming sugars but mainly to industrialized and processed foods with an unheal...
18/10/2020 21:18
It is worth noting that diabetes and chronic heart disease are related and have an evident mental-energetic dimension. Obesity is another symptom of a...
Is it advisable for chronic heart patients to drink diet drinks? I do not want to gain extra weight.
12/10/2020 1:25
Coronary Heart Disease and Hypertension patients should always prefer natural sweeteners such as honey, date honey, carob powder, stevia plant extract...
12/10/2020 1:15
Patients after catheterization are very likely to receive advice from certified dietitians, but it is essential to know that there is no consensus in ...
31/07/2020 23:36
Hypertension is misunderstood - It is a compensating mechanism in the body, resulting from low filtration of the kidneys and liver. Antihypertensive d...
31/07/2020 23:35
Inflammatory processes create sedimentation on the walls of the blood vessels that cause stenosis and lack of flexibility. High blood pressure is need...
Industrialized and processed food has many side effects. (Most of them are not known to the public):
02/04/2020 20:48
A combination of industrialized and processed nutrition, stress, and anxiety are catastrophic for patients with chronic heart diseases. An anti-inflam...
Posts from the forum "Chronic kidney disease. (CKD)"
23/01/2022 3:59
Coconut water contains relatively few calories, but it is delicious, saturating, and has many vitamins and minerals. It is one of the most recommended...
23/01/2022 3:58
Naturally squeezed berry juice is an energy drink that is relatively easy to prepare and contains powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts en...
03/01/2022 3:27
The American Indians believed eating a healthy animal organ would strengthen the same damaged organ. This belief has a logical basis because eating an...
03/01/2022 3:16
Chronic prostatitis, usually asymptomatic, causes the male hormone testosterone to reach the prostate instead of the bloodstream, causing it to enlarg...
17/10/2021 22:18
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and controlled exposure. It is important to emphasize t...
17/10/2021 22:17
Social networks have created the illusion of a "friendship replacement," They encourage non-stop re-feeding, which dictates increasing use. Decide who...
02/09/2021 16:51
Nutrition is crucial in CKD recovery. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal chronic diseases. In CKD, the mental dimens...
24/08/2021 17:08
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:01
Deep frying is mistakenly perceived as preferable, as the boiling oil closes the food immediately and allows less oil absorption in the food. But deep...
24/08/2021 16:52
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (which increases the contact area). If ...
22/08/2021 16:38
The condition you describe is usually suitable for an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Gastrointestinal infections manifest in various forms, includ...
23/06/2021 20:56
As a rule, it is advisable to eat a little! It is advisable to eat two main meals a day plus snacks (for those who need them). Dinner should be easy t...
22/06/2021 22:30
The NMN supplement is known worldwide, mainly thanks to the research of Dr. David Sinclair, the pioneer of anti-aging science. However, it is essentia...
16/06/2021 21:22
The thyroid gland controls our body's metabolic rate and, therefore, has, among other things, an effect on weight. Thyroid hormones contain iodine and...
04/06/2021 21:41
The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not teach the person the principles of proper nutrition. As I understand it, there were many inac...
02/06/2021 21:43
In patients with chronic kidney diseases, there is a heavy load on the liver, which tends to become clogged with gallstones. Reduced production of bil...
23/05/2021 17:04
Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties, contains essential vitamins, and is helpful for hair, skin, and pain relief. The castor seed contains a t...
20/05/2021 22:51
The answer is "probably not." The explanation stems from the fact that food composition is essential.
Surprisingly! Processed foods are making us ...
19/05/2021 21:34
Gluten is a sticky protein that tends to stick to the walls of the digestive tract and exacerbates the chronic inflammation that occurs when the intes...
18/05/2021 0:18
In health food stores, there are herbal remedies whose effectiveness against depression is questionable. The drug you are taking, Cipralex, allows the...
17/05/2021 23:47
A healthy diet of varied natural foods and beverages, unprocessed and not industrialized, with high dietary fiber content, probiotic bacteria, oils, a...
16/05/2021 14:48
The leading cause of kidney stones is a diet of processed and industrialized foods and beverages that burden the kidneys and liver combined with anxie...
16/05/2021 14:14
Using calculators to calculate calories does not give a complete picture of the types of foods that CKD patients are advised to eat. Patients with chr...
15/05/2021 0:43
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that creates a lot of damage to tissues an...
11/05/2021 18:41
The principles I mentioned in preparing a healthy pizza are correct for everyone, including patients with chronic kidney diseases. Patients with kidne...
09/05/2021 9:01
Omega-3 from a natural source is crucial for an adequately functioning immune system, but it is not a miracle cure. Even the highest-quality supplemen...
02/05/2021 21:12
Chronic kidney disease patients usually need detoxification of the liver and kidneys and addressing mental unresolved traumatic issues, which is even ...
29/04/2021 18:31
A ketogenic diet is not recommended for patients with chronic kidney disease. The name of the diet is derived from "ketones," a byproduct of the break...
20/04/2021 0:18
Nutritional issues regarding CKD patents. Cow milk and dairy products are difficult to digest and burden the kidneys and liver. It is advisable to swi...
18/04/2021 19:52
Practical issues regarding CKD patients.
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced intestinal flora typical in chronic patients, including...
16/04/2021 11:18
I appreciate that many CKD patients are unaware of the strong connection between kidney and liver functions. Due to overload, the liver often function...
08/04/2021 8:39
I recommend chronic kidney patients reduce medication intake to the minimum possible. All the drugs (without exception) burden the liver and kidneys a...
07/04/2021 16:08
I recommend a diet low in animal protein for patients with chronic kidney disease. It is advisable to eat mainly deep-water fish (less polluted) and o...
31/03/2021 0:26
When we examine the Paleo diet, several significant points must be emphasized: The paleo diet is unsuitable for CKD patients as it burdens the kidneys...
28/03/2021 11:08
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread. They result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of homeostasis in the body's calcium ...
28/03/2021 0:27
I recommend that chronic kidney patients switch to a diet low in meat, poultry, and cow's milk cheeses. These are very acidic to the intestines and ve...
28/03/2021 0:00
I recommend that patients with chronic kidney diseases adopt a balanced, anti-inflammatory, varied, and nutritious diet to ease the burden on the live...
23/03/2021 16:38
Bone marrow is a highly recommended food for patients with chronic kidney diseases because it strengthens the entire immune system, lubricates the dig...
11/03/2021 8:09
Personal details about the patient were deliberately skipped. I must emphasize the mental-energetic aspect of the disease. Kidney disease (especially ...
26/02/2021 21:14
Weight is a broad topic that concerns everyone, not just CKD patients. Let's get some order in what your doctor probably tried to explain. The conclus...
30/01/2021 20:20
Patients with chronic diseases of the kidneys need natural oils and fats to strengthen liver functions. Weak kidneys weigh heavily on the liver, compe...
29/01/2021 6:26
For patients with chronic kidney disease, I recommend significantly reducing the consumption of meat, poultry, and cheeses (from beef milk), which are...
21/01/2021 17:02
This is one of the lesser-known nutritional issues. However, over the years, there have been attempts to explain the phenomena observed through the en...
19/01/2021 16:03
The search for nutritional supplements is very typical for the chronically ill (and also for asymptomatic people), including patients with chronic kid...
15/01/2021 20:28
Patients with chronic kidney disease should avoid entirely industrialized foods, mainly processed meat and dairy products. It burdens their liver and ...
15/01/2021 20:08
Patients with chronic kidney disease should avoid entirely industrialized foods, mainly processed meat.
Sausage may be delicious, but it is usually...
I read recommendations for moderation in the consumption of milk and dairy products in CKD patients.
13/01/2021 21:37
Patients with chronic kidney disease (including chronic liver disease) are advised to minimize cow's milk products. They place a heavy burden on the k...
13/01/2021 14:52
There are two recommended and quick-to-prepare recipes suitable for CKD patients:
1 Cut into small seasonal fruit pieces such as pear, apple, peach...
10/01/2021 21:27
Chronic kidney patients must eat a diet rich in sulfur, essential for producing glutathione. At the same time, garlic is perceived as toxic in differe...
01/01/2021 19:40
Patients with chronic kidney diseases need mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys. It is usually a lengthy process full of ups and downs, ...
30/12/2020 19:16
It is not recommended for chronic kidney patients to take antifungal medication. (Mostly from the metronidazole-Flagyl group) These drugs are very har...
26/12/2020 18:49
Everything that burdens the kidneys is not recommended and causes damage in the long term. Artificial sweeteners are not recommended for anyone or chr...
26/12/2020 18:35
I recommend that CKD patients reduce or stop consuming dairy products. They are too rich in protein and create an acidic environment in the intestines...
24/12/2020 18:50
Chronic kidney disease patients are expected to have high cholesterol, even if their diet is low in cholesterol. (This is not the case in question.) T...
22/12/2020 23:14
The fungal infection damages the immune system, making it difficult to rehabilitate the kidneys. The treatment is not only for the digestive system bu...
30/11/2020 22:43
Animal meat and proteins, which are tough to digest, produce high acidity in the intestines, contributing to increased blood pressure and inflammatory...
02/11/2020 18:27
A diet high in animal proteins is not recommended for CKD patients because it overloads the weak liver and kidneys to convert ammonia (a breakdown pro...
Posts from the forum "Type 2 diabetes (T2D) natural recovery."
27/02/2022 4:03
Granulated or melted coffee with milk, sugar, or both is not recommended for diabetes patients as it is inflammatory.
There is a great deal of mis...
24/02/2022 4:13
There is a great deal of misunderstanding regarding coffee drinking. Ground black coffee, without further processing and any additives (excluding spic...
19/01/2022 7:10
Berry squeezed juice is an energy drink that is relatively easy to prepare and contains powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts energy quite...
19/01/2022 7:08
Coconut water contains relatively few calories, but it is delicious, saturating, and has many vitamins and minerals. It is the most recommended natura...
14/12/2021 7:32
Free sugars (not natural in fruits and vegetables) are not recommended and should be avoided (cakes, cookies, biscuits, and pastries of all kinds); ho...
14/12/2021 7:02
Contrary to popular belief, type 2 diabetes is not caused by excessive sugars and carbohydrates but by an inflammatory diet and an unhealthy lifestyle...
27/10/2021 0:10
A sharp decline in quality of life at a relatively young age is a traumatic event that leads many chronic patients to depression. I recommend that you...
19/10/2021 8:28
Benign prostate enlargement is a widespread phenomenon among men aged 50 and over. The phenomenon is caused by inflammatory processes that divert the ...
19/10/2021 8:24
Social networks have created the illusion of a "friendship replacement," They encourage non-stop re-feeding, which dictates increasing use. Decide who...
05/09/2021 16:40
People's life expectancy increases as their metabolic load decreases. Eating in moderation, especially easily digestible foods, lowers the metabolic b...
02/09/2021 17:12
Regardless of who is right in the argument! It is recommended that you reach an agreement with your wife's family and produce peace at home, even at a...
02/09/2021 16:55
Nutrition has enormous significance in recovery from diabetes. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal chronic diseases. ...
24/08/2021 17:11
Frying requires oils that have been perceived as very harmful in the past, mainly because the food absorbs more oil than other methods. The more accur...
24/08/2021 17:04
Deep frying is perceived as preferable, as the boiling oil closes the food immediately and allows less absorption of the oil in the food. But deep-fry...
24/08/2021 16:56
Chinese cooking in a wok is based on very fast frying, which is achieved by cutting the food into small pieces (which increases the contact area). If ...
14/08/2021 21:35
Diabetes also has a mental dimension of living under stress and anxiety, requiring a lifestyle change. It is important to emphasize that optimal weigh...
24/06/2021 20:55
You should avoid sweets such as cakes, snacks, pasta, pizzas, and many industrialized and processed foods. Among all the fruits, watermelon and grapes...
24/06/2021 20:43
The cause of type 2 diabetes is not just any sugar. However, the consumption of empty sugars is harmful. Natural sweeteners such as stevia extract, ca...
22/06/2021 22:33
Diabetes is a systemic disease that affects all the cells of the body and affects appearance. I recommend you read the article in the attached link ab...
20/06/2021 22:05
Diabetes is not an incurable disease! At the same time, it is impossible to recover from it through medication, but only through rehabilitation and co...
16/06/2021 21:25
The thyroid gland controls our body's metabolic rate and, therefore, has, among other things, an effect on weight. Thyroid hormones contain iodine and...
04/06/2021 21:45
Dietary changes to reduce stress and a healthy lifestyle are critical for people with diabetes. Understanding the principles of proper nutrition is in...
02/06/2021 21:46
Constipation is often the result of an unhealthy diet affecting intestinal flora. Laxatives are a short-term solution and are not intended for prolong...
23/05/2021 17:16
Although castor oil is a natural laxative, it is toxic in high doses. It is not recommended for people with diabetes to use castor oil for weight loss...
20/05/2021 22:55
The answer is no! People with diabetes often suffer from obesity and are unaware that not all calories are the same! The calories from industrialized ...
19/05/2021 21:59
The mouth is the gateway to the entire digestive system. It is greatly affected by an imbalance in the intestinal flora that creates inflammation in t...
19/05/2021 21:37
Gluten-free cereals (which are expensive) are recommended for people with diabetes. They relieve inflammatory processes in the intestines and prevent ...
18/05/2021 0:21
The drug you are taking, Cipralex, allows the brain to receive increased stimulation of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is critical to our mood....
17/05/2021 23:51
In diabetes patients, the intestinal is often acidic. It causes an imbalance in the intestinal flora, which indirectly causes a decrease in serotonin ...
16/05/2021 14:52
A diet of processed and industrialized foods and beverages that burdens the kidneys and liver is the leading cause of kidney stones. The body can usua...
16/05/2021 14:17
The disadvantage of calculators is that they do not teach proper nutrition but give a ready-made recipe, which is sometimes inaccurate and may even mi...
15/05/2021 0:50
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that creates a lot of damage to tissues an...
11/05/2021 18:44
Industrialized pizza is often unhealthy: White flour is often rich in gluten. The oils added to the dough are sometimes hydrogenated vegetable oils, w...
09/05/2021 9:05
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid in building cells in our body, and we can not synthesize it, so it must be reached through diet. Studies have consi...
02/05/2021 21:16
Cortisol is a natural steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal gland; its function is to prevent an overly inflammatory response. Medicine extensively ...
29/04/2021 18:36
The ketogenic diet is not recommended in the long term. Listed below are the main reasons:
The diet's name is derived from "ketones." Ketones are a...
25/04/2021 16:41
Prolonged vitamin B12 deficiency in non-vegetarians may indicate weakness in liver function. Vitamin B12 is essential for the functioning of the immun...
25/04/2021 16:40
Diabetic patients are recommended to be exposed to the sun in a controlled manner. Natural vitamin D3 production is superior to any supplement.
20/04/2021 0:21
People with diabetes are advised to avoid cow's milk products altogether, especially hard cheeses. They are loaded with protein that weighs on the liv...
18/04/2021 20:01
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced intestinal flora. Constipation has far-reaching health consequences. However, prolonged use of laxat...
16/04/2021 11:21
Diabetes is a rather severe disease; unsurprisingly, its patients suffer from depression. Knowing that diabetes is reversible is essential, usually th...
08/04/2021 8:43
People with diabetes are "poisoning" the body's cells. It is recommended that medications, including sleep medications, be reduced. The first withdraw...
31/03/2021 0:32
When we examine the Paleo diet, several significant points need to be emphasized: The ancient human diet is unbalanced and unsuitable for people with ...
28/03/2021 11:13
Practical issues regarding T2D patients. Calcium deposits are a common phenomenon and the result of inflammatory processes. In diabetics, the combinat...
28/03/2021 0:29
I recommend that people with diabetes avoid or sharply reduce their meat, poultry, and dairy consumption. These are difficult to digest and create an ...
28/03/2021 0:08
Dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce anxiety and stress are critical for people with diabetes. Doctors cannot deal with nutritional advice personal...
26/03/2021 0:03
I advise people with diabetes to avoid supplements altogether. They are often unnecessary and sometimes harmful. Switching to an anti-inflammatory, va...
26/03/2021 0:01
I recommend that people with diabetes reduce their consumption of meats and dairy products that burden digestion, the immune system, the liver, and th...
An unhealthy diet and lifestyle (mental and physical) are the leading causes of high blood pressure.
25/03/2021 23:54
Diabetes patients are often suffering from Hypertension and high blood cholesterol. Hypertension is misunderstood - It is a compensation tool of the b...
25/03/2021 23:53
This is from Healthline (March 2019) with my additions. There is no reason for people with diabetes to eat bland food! Most of the salt we consume doe...
25/03/2021 23:52
All the membranes (cell envelopes) in our body, parts of the brain, and many hormones are made of cholesterol-like substances. Science stopped attribu...
25/03/2021 23:50
Egg yolk is an excellent emulsifier because of the lecithin it contains and its Low insulin index. Recommended for daily use in limited quantities, pr...
25/03/2021 23:46
Garlic, onions, hot peppers, and very spicy foods in their natural form can damage the intestinal walls of people with leaky intestines and among pati...
Industrialized and processed food has many side effects—diabetes patients must avoid it at any cost!
25/03/2021 23:44
Over the years, industrialized and processed food has devastated the human body. You will not get a straight answer if you ask what industrialized foo...
25/03/2021 23:42
Diabetes is not just related to sugar but the whole metabolism. Paradoxically, the body cells are starving, while the person sometimes gets fat. Proce...
25/03/2021 23:39
I recommend that people with diabetes use only natural sweeteners (although they are not calorie-free): Honey, date honey, carob powder, maple extract...
25/03/2021 23:22
Bone marrow is considered a superfood, delicious in soups. It contains minerals, natural oils, and essential substances to strengthen the immune syste...
25/03/2021 23:21
People with diabetes must be careful not to consume processed foods that contain unnatural oils, such as margarine, which are toxic and inflammatory.
25/03/2021 23:20
Nutritional issues regarding diabetes patients. Two recommended and quick-to-prepare recipes can suit T2D patients as well. People with diabetes must ...
25/03/2021 23:20
People with diabetes are often unaware of processed and industrialized foods' destructive and fattening effects. People with diabetes must eat natural...
25/03/2021 23:18
For diabetics, I recommend avoiding processed and industrialized food in its various forms altogether.
Sausage may be delicious, but it is usually ...
25/03/2021 23:17
People with diabetes most often tend to consume artificial sweeteners. It is essential to know that they do not contain sugar - but are very harmful t...
25/03/2021 23:17
I recommend that you completely stop or minimize consuming dairy products. They are too rich in protein and create an acidic environment in the intest...
25/03/2021 23:16
Nail fungus is not just a matter of hygiene in swimming pools and damp places that contact the feet, but is mainly a symptom of an unbalanced intestin...
25/03/2021 23:15
It is recommended not to eat corn with meat and cheeses from cow's milk. The combination is too acidic and puts much strain on the immune system. Corn...
15/01/2021 20:31
People with diabetes must avoid (almost at all costs) industrialized and processed foods. Food cooked in a central kitchen often has the properties of...
15/01/2021 20:31
I recommend people with diabetes avoid processed and industrialized food and beverages as it is highly inflammatory.
Food cooked in a central kitc...
30/12/2020 19:23
In patients with diabetes, the body's cells are "poisoned" by an abnormal metabolism that often originates from an industrialized diet combined with s...
23/12/2020 21:51
Grapes and watermelon are especially rich in glucose-type sugar, while the rest of the fruits contain mainly fructose-type that is digested in the liv...
12/10/2020 1:31
The meteoric rise of diabetes morbidity in China over the last 20 - 40 years is an instructive example of the lack of understanding about the causes o...
11/07/2020 6:05
Free sugars (which do not come from eating fruits or vegetables) exacerbate the symptoms of diabetes, but natural sugars are not the prevalent cause. ...
02/04/2020 20:49
Combining an industrialized and processed diet with stress, anxiety, and a life devoid of leisure is particularly destructive. Even today, the Chinese...
02/04/2020 20:47
The combination of industrialized and processed nutrition and unnatural drinks, with continued stress and anxiety, have a destructive effect on the bo...