People with diabetes are "poisoning" the body's cells. It is recommended that medications, including sleep medications, be reduced. The first withdrawal period is the most difficult; after it, natural means will improve sleep without using medicines. Natural solutions include diet and lifestyle changes, which are difficult for people to perform today. Naturally, it is easier to take medication!
1 Drinking natural juices (not too sweet) in the evening on an empty stomach improves metabolism and liver and kidney function.
2 Avoid eating meat and carbohydrates together, especially in the evening and at night.
3 Significantly reduce the consumption of processed and industrialized foods and beverages.
4 A short 30-minute walk after dinner improves digestion and confirms better sleep.
5 Acupuncture effectively treats sleep problems, although several treatments are often required to feel the change.
6 Reflexology is recommended before bedtime, especially in the early stages of withdrawal from sleep medications. Reflexology is very soothing, especially in the Asian method of immersing the feet in hot water.
The next post: My urine tests are consistently in the normal range, but my urine is very acidic, pH-5. Is my gut flora imbalanced?
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