The combination of industrialized and processed nutrition and unnatural drinks, with continued stress and anxiety, have a destructive effect on the body. The link between processed and industrialized foods and diabetes is unclear to the general public. A close relationship exists between processed and industrialized food intake and rapid obesity. Processed and industrialized foods, hydrogenated fats, low-calorie beverages, and soft drinks containing non-natural sweeteners harm the body far more than natural sugar in fruits and vegetables. Surprisingly? - Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than natural foods, which contain the same calories. Type 2 diabetes is prevalent among lower socioeconomic classes. Economically-based people often enjoy quality and unprocessed, non-industrialized foods. (Consumption of sugars is not the dominant factor.)
Link: Criteria for classification into industrialized, processed food and beverages. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Type 2 diabetes short brainstorming.
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