Fibromyalgia patients suffer from multiple inflammations in the body, usually in several systems and organs. Inflammations are an expression of damage to cells and tissues. The liver is programmed to produce a lot of cholesterol to provide the body with the membranes that wrap up every cell in our body. It is prohibited to interfere with the body's repair mechanism by taking cholesterol-lowering drugs.
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that creates a lot of damage to tissues and deposits on the walls of the blood vessels, causing calcification and narrowing of the blood vessels. The natural solution (without any medication) is a varied, natural diet; without industrialized and processed foods (which are now a significant part of the modern diet), a sharp reduction of animal foods—consumption of only natural beverages, without soft drinks, or sugary drinks, including diet drinks.
Hypertension and high blood cholesterol are misunderstood—They are a compensation mechanism of our body. (Copy & Paste)
The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Given the appropriate conditions (mental & physical), all chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable, including Fibromyalgia.
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