"He who learns but does not think is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."
Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)
Fibromyalgia patients are often treated with the misconception that it is an incurable disease! Treatments accordingly are only symptomatic and do not attempt to bring about the patient's recovery. Fibromyalgia is a chronic inflammatory disease. The main difficulty in analyzing which type of chronic disease is Fibromyalgia stems from various symptoms in several organs/systems. CFS manifests metabolic fatigue, primarily due to immune system overload. (Multiple chronic inflammatory processes)
Fibromyalgia and CFS — Short brainstorming.
CFS is essentially painless Fibromyalgia! Fibromyalgia is an advanced stage of the same disease. Both are not adequately understood. (I will treat them as one disease.)
- Symptomatic treatments such as medications usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes. Antibiotics, steroids, and other drugs typically have short-term effects with many side effects.
- Symptomatic treatments often perpetuate the patient's dependence on medication for the rest of their life without trying different approaches!
- The self-healing method's principles of combining body, mind & spirit allow the body to independently rehabilitate the immune system, recovering from any acquired (non-genetic) chronic illness, including Fibromyalgia.
- Fibromyalgia's full recovery is achievable using self-healing medicine within 6-18 months, even after many years of suffering.
- Since no single treatment or medication can cure Fibromyalgia, it is recommended that you read the entire article.
This article presents a different treatment approach and recovery from Fibromyalgia based on self-healing functional medicine principles.
- The self-healing method's principles of combining body, mind, and spirit allow the body to rehabilitate the immune system independently, thereby initiating recovery from any acquired chronic illness, including Fibromyalgia.
- Although CFS is perceived as a disease, it is a symptom of inflammation in the body that consumes enormous energy resources and causes weakness and chronic fatigue.
- The fatigue symptoms are not unique to CFS. There is no blood test or other unequivocal test that can diagnose CFS. Medicine treats CFS separately from Fibromyalgia. (Although both cases have very similar characteristics)
Fatigue in Fibromyalgia patients is due to the immune system's effort to rehabilitate tissue damage. (Metabolic fatigue)
In practice, a distinction can be made between four types of fatigue:
CFS and fibromyalgia fatigue are attributed to Metabolic fatigue.
- Muscle fatigue - (Muscles) Often due to the muscles' exertion (not necessarily aerobic). Such as holding a child in your arms and standing still.
- Muscle fatigue is a result of lactic acid formation. Usually, within a few minutes, the pain will go away.
- Aerobic fatigue (Heart and Lung) results from physical exertion, sports activities, climbing stairs, carrying loads, etc. It is often associated with a high heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle aches, and sweating.
- Aerobic exertion activates the heart and lungs, increasing the pulse and respiration rate. Sweating is a mechanism designed to cool the body.
- A heavy meal or chronic inflammatory diseases often cause metabolic fatigue (Liver, kidney, Immune system). One manifestation of metabolic fatigue is a desire to take a nap.
- Metabolic fatigue is fatigue of the liver and kidneys that work very hard, usually after large meals. The liver is the most energetic organ in the human body! The need for drowsiness reflects the direct connection between the liver and the eyes. (According to Chinese medicine)
- A weak immune system accompanied by prolonged inflammations can impair alertness, memory, and mood.
- Spiritual and mental fatigue (Brain and Subconscious): This is usually experienced after unpleasant or traumatic events. Mental fatigue manifests as low mood, a tendency to outbursts, closure, and social distance.
- The brain is energetic, and unpleasant and traumatic events are often stored subconsciously (as part of the mind's defense mechanism). These processes impair mood and the body's general energy level.
Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.
Links: | Self-Healing Medicine – Main principles & guidelines. | How to get started with self-healing therapies? |
Which type of chronic disease is Fibromyalgia?
Only four disease groups reflect long-term immune failure: Allergies, Chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.
- Fibromyalgia # Allergies.
- An allergy is an incorrect immune system reaction to harmless substances. Allergy requires the presence of allergens, which is not the case with Fibromyalgia.
- Fibromyalgia # Cancer.
- Cancer has known properties and blood tests of metabolic markers, which do not exist in fibromyalgia patients.
- Fibromyalgia # Autoimmune disease.
- ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibody) autoantibodies in an individual's blood serum often detect immune diseases. These autoantibodies typically indicate that the body mistakenly attacks cells rather than external invaders, as with Fibromyalgia.
Therefore, the inevitable conclusion (by way of negation) is that Fibromyalgia is a chronic inflammatory disease. The main difficulty in analyzing which type of chronic disease is Fibromyalgia stems from the diversity of symptoms in several organs/systems.
The following facts reinforce the argument that Fibromyalgia is indeed a chronic inflammatory disease:
Prevalence of ages and sexes at which the disease breaks out. (Matches expected)
- The incidence of the disease increases significantly with age. The average age at which the disease breaks out is about 50 years. (Although the first signs usually appear years earlier.)
- The high prevalence among women and the increased tendency of women to produce gallstones support that this is a complex inflammatory disease.
Is there a match between the symptoms and the type of disease? (The answer is "YES")
- All symptoms suggest that Fibromyalgia is an inflammatory disease. Confusion (in my opinion) occurs since few organs and systems are involved.
- Fatigue is a phenomenon directly related to chronic inflammation. The energy required from the immune system to prevent further deterioration is unceasing and might increase with the disease's progression. (This causes fatigue and exhaustion.)
- Patients with Fibromyalgia (in advanced stages) are very similar to patients with chronic liver disease. What sets patients with chronic liver disease apart is uncontrollable inflammations throughout the body.
- As a liver and kidney disease patient, I had all these symptoms and many other symptoms. These symptoms indicate a weakness of the liver and kidneys and a low Qi life-force energy.
Do recovery stories match the assertion about the nature of the disease as a chronic inflammatory disease? (The answer is "YES")
- Recovery stories from Fibromyalgia are much alike - Changing to a healthier lifestyle. (Long-term patients may need more than that.)
Why is it somewhat difficult to diagnose patients with Fibromyalgia?
In the absence of clear indicators of tests, the diagnosis is made by adjusting to the disease's symptoms. But the common symptoms are not exclusive to Fibromyalgia!
- Chronic inflammatory diseases are often detected using blood test measures such as ESR and CRP protein. However, both of these indices are unreliable when liver function is impaired, which is also one reason why it is challenging to diagnose Fibromyalgia.
- The liver synthesized C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is a protein found in blood plasma whose levels rise in response to inflammation. (From Wikipedia)
Fibromyalgia is not an incurable disease!
Recommended reading: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.
Remissions often characterize Fibromyalgia patients. They are not accidental; they result from an increase in the body's life-force energy level. Remissions reinforce the idea that Fibromyalgia is a curable disease.
It is worth internalizing - there is no such thing as a chronic, acquired, incurable disease. (Except for genetic diseases.)
- Full recovery is guaranteed for those ready to embark on the inner journey of self-healing. (The process can be lengthy, but healing is already felt in the early stages.)
- Long-term patients may require extended recovery, but full recovery is always possible. Recovery is mainly related to faith in the way, perseverance, and strong willpower.
- Fibromyalgia patients usually receive painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs that treat the symptoms rather than the causes, so unsurprisingly, many patients lose faith in recovering from the disease.
- The body, mind, and spirit have highly sophisticated mechanisms to recover even from prolonged illnesses. We are asked to allow the body to perform its duties without interruption!
Fibromyalgia's underlying causes. (Body, Mind, and Spirit.)
Pathogens as a cause of Fibromyalgia outbreak.
- In Fibromyalgia, pathogens are not a cause of the disease but only catalysts and triggers. The fundamental cause is always a weak immune system.
Lifestyle vs. Genetics.
- An unhealthy lifestyle (Mental and physical) is the leading cause of Fibromyalgia. (80% or more). Genetics explains only a small part of the failures. (20% or less.)
- One of Fibromyalgia's leading causes is - Traumatic, Non-resolved mental & spiritual events from the past. (Usually subconscious) It can cause low life-force energy flow. Blockages in the flow of life-force energy have far-reaching physical and mental effects.)
The age factor - An unhealthy physical lifestyle vs. Traumatic non-resolved events from the past.
- The age factor - As symptoms onset at a younger age (30-35 years or less), it is more likely that the weight of unresolved mental traumas is higher than the unhealthy lifestyle. The explanation is that cell aging and death are cumulative, while unresolved traumatic events have an immediate and cumulative effect.
Physical Body.
- An unhealthy lifestyle reflected in Improper nutrition, high body toxicity, low physical activities, and exposure to the sun, lack of sleep manifests itself in:
- The low flow of body fluids. (Blood, lymph, bile.)
- Gut flora imbalance and parasite overgrowth cause a heavy load on the immune system.
Mind and Spirit.
Happiness, Love, Satisfaction, and other positive emotions charge life-force energy.
Anxiety, stress, disappointment, hate, fear, guilt, envy, and negative emotions deplete the life-force energy.
- Traumatic, Unresolved mental and spiritual events from our past (usually subconscious) can cause low life-force energy flow. (Blockages in the flow of life-force energy have far-reaching physical and mental effects.)
The combined effect of body, mind, and spirit.
- A long list of symptoms. (Physical & Mental.)
- Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
- Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure chronic diseases, as they cannot eliminate their causes.
Fibromyalgia is not a psychiatric disorder. (As sometimes suggested.)
- Depression and anxiety are signs of "personal loss" due to low quality of life. (Well explained by the Kubler-Ross model - Medical philosophy chapter)
- Having a long-term chronic disease is depressing. (But it is not the cause of the disease; it is the outcome.)
- I warmly recommend reading the Kubler-Ross model; I believe it will help patients toward recovery. Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.
The perception of the human body as a dual, physical, and energetic entity is essential to achieving full recovery.
"To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For the health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."
- By nature, we are focused on the disease we suffer from. Still, to understand and heal these diseases, it is essential to discover the mechanism common to all non-genetic long-term immune failure diseases.
- Understanding the entire process will help us recover from the illness we are suffering from, improve our health, and prevent future diseases.
- Link: Long-term immunodeficiency illnesses — Allergies, Chronic inflammations, cancer, and Autoimmune.
The location and severity of the symptoms are not accidental. (This analysis is simplistic but thought-provoking.)
Link: Chakra (Wikipedia) Note: A simple search will provide more detailed diagrams with elaborated information. (Recommended)
The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)
General and Introduction - The concept of energy centers. (Chakras)
Only Traumatic, Non-resolved mental and spiritual events from our past may block the life-force energy. (Traumatic resolved mental and spiritual events do not block the energy centers.)
- These principles come from traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) and Chinese medicine, balancing the body. Western medicine completely ignores the human body's energetic being and misses an opportunity to understand chronic disease formation deeply.
- Diseases break out where life-force energy does not flow smoothly.
- When discussing stress and anxiety as significant causes of chronic morbidity, we must deepen and label the traumatic emotions to release them consciously.
Mental-energetic analysis concerning Fibromyalgia, using the Chakras (energy centers) method.
Only Traumatic, Unresolved mental and spiritual events from our past can block the life force energy. (Traumatic resolved mental and spiritual events do not block the energy centers.)
- Due to its diverse systems and organs, fibromyalgia is more complicated to analyze. However, I believe the relevant centers are 1-3 (4?). The corresponding traumatic emotions are probably related to Basic trust (fear), career, Money mindset and sense of belonging, Sexuality, pleasure, Creativity, Wisdom, Personal Power, and the ability to channel Love, Relationships, and Self-acceptance. (Only the patient can interpret the traumatic events themselves.)
My example is too simplistic but illustrates the idea and encourages self-searching.
- The symptomatic organ should be adjusted to its energy center, and the traumatic emotions that block it must be identified and released.
- You should consider assisting a certified hypnotist if the result cannot be reached through an internal search.
- Prolonged and severe multi-system diseases must be restored according to the chronological order of symptoms.
- In many cases (as in mine), the combination of traumatic emotions and several energy centers makes it challenging to locate the source of the energy block.
- The right side is the male at the energetic level, while the left is related to the female and the offspring. Therefore, trauma with the mother or a brother, for example, will be expressed in different locations!
The severity of symptoms.
- The intensity of the symptoms is related to the body's general energy (in the central energy channel) and the energy level of the specific organ or organs.
Illustration of the digestive tract in the upper abdomen.
Gallstones are one of the leading physical triggers for the high prevalence of Fibromyalgia in women.
- Women tend to develop gallstones, and bile obstruction impacts the immune system.
- The main reasons for women's increased tendency to develop gallstones are hormonal imbalances such as pregnancy, birth control pills, medications, and insulin resistance. (Poor nutrition)
Opening bile obstructions naturally (not by surgical gallbladder removal) directly affects the immune system.
- Bile is a strong alkaline and helps contradict the acidity of food coming from the stomach. In a pH-balanced environment, parasites in the digestive system do not thrive, significantly strengthening the immune system.
- Bile is a lotion that contains fats and salts that help lubricate and restore the intestinal walls.
- Restoration of the natural flora in the intestines significantly strengthens the immune system and helps recover from many chronic diseases.
The female hormone estrogen increases women's ability to regenerate damaged internal cells and protect their liver.
- The estrogen level and liver protection decrease at the end of a woman's fertility period.
- After their fertility, women might have an increased tendency to create Liver and gallbladder stones.
- The effect of estrogen on the regeneration of damaged cells is probably evolutionary since women have to give birth and care for their children. (Male Testosterone hormone gives men better muscle-building abilities, although it is not required for survival in modern times.)
Gallbladder containing gallstones.
Fibromyalgia patients who underwent Cholecystectomy - Surgery to remove the gallbladder.
The gallbladder is removed to treat inflammation of the gallbladder. No gallbladder – no pain.
- The gallbladder's primary function is to store the bile produced in the liver and release it when digesting fatty foods. When the gallbladder is removed, the bile comes directly from the liver to the duodenum without stimulation. When you need bile to digest fatty foods, it enters the small intestine in quantities smaller than required.
- Surgery to remove the gallbladder produces many side effects and does not solve inflammation.
- If the Surgery to remove the gallbladder is performed correctly, there should not be damage to the bile ducts that connect the liver to the duodenum.
- Opening the liver's blockages that interfere with the normal flow of bile is necessary. In the absence of the gallbladder, this action is vital.
- Fibromyalgia patients with no gallbladder should take longer than usual preparation before starting with liver flushes.
- Start the morning with a natural squeezed lemon juice drink with lukewarm water and apple cider vinegar for at least a month.
- Coffee enemas should be performed at least twice a week for a month.
- Drink natural squeezed juices at least two or three times a week, in a large glass, for at least a month.
- Liver flushes (without gallbladder flushes) can be done in half the recommended amount only if there are no severe side effects after a month of preparation. (Such as high fever, migraines, and unusual weakness.)
The first stage of recovery from Fibromyalgia - How to start?
Link: Getting started with self-healing therapies.
Self-healing is a challenging process that often involves changes in diet and lifestyle. The first stages of adaptation are the most difficult. Don't expect your attending physicians (they believe and know only the conventional methods), so support from your spouse, family, and friends is critical.
- It would be best if you adopted the available treatments & lifestyle changes that best suit your condition. However, "The Balanced diet," Liver & kidney cleansing, is usually needed.
- The benefits of adopting a self-healing lifestyle are immense; discipline and strong willpower are mainly required in the early stages.
- If you followed self-healing principles for at least three months without significantly improving symptoms, the more systemic inflammation you have, the more time and more intense treatments you will need.
- A urine pH of 6.0 or below usually indicates that the intestines are too acidic. It can suggest that gut flora is imbalanced!
If you seek doctors' advice about self-healing from Fibromyalgia, do not expect your doctor's support for self-healing medicine.
Link: Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Self-Healing (Alternative) Medicine.
I recommend everyone delve into the principles of self-healing before deciding and learning the differences between conventional medicine and self-healing medicine.
- The patient always decides which option to take, and the support of family and friends is essential.
- Doctors don't like undermining their authority; they usually consider themselves the ones who know what's right for you!
- In my experience of self-healing, especially from severe illnesses, many questions arise. Understanding and believing along the way is critical to success. Self-healing is challenging and accompanied by ups and downs. It is effortless to break down in the healing process, but success comes thanks to perseverance.
Self-healing functional medicine works on the physical body, mind, and spirit to eliminate the causes of Fibromyalgia.
List of self-healing main principles and guidelines concerning Fibromyalgia. (Briefly)
- Changing one's lifestyle is usually the main obstacle to achieving recovery. But the rewards are outstanding.
- Adopting the treatments and nutrition recommendations that best suit your condition would be best. However, liver and kidney cleansing is usually necessary.
- Do not underestimate the importance of the mental & spiritual parts.
Harnessing the extraordinary capabilities of Self-Healing.
- Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.
- Our body, mind, and spirit are reflections of each other.
- The influence of our mind and spirit on our physical body is immense.
- I prefer to call it Complementary Alternative Medicine. (CAM) "Self-healing medicine."
Recovery from Fibromyalgia - The Holistic approach of self-healing.
- The location of symptoms does not necessarily reveal the main problem.
- A single organ or system cannot be cured independently of the rest of the body. The entire immune system must also recover.
Fibromyalgia Self-Healing Lifestyle Recommendations.
- Try to minimize your medication intake. (It all harms the immune system.)
- Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages (including beer and wine) are not recommended, damaging the immune system.
- Chew well, take a break, eat comfortably, and do not eat late at night.
- On an empty stomach each morning, squeeze one lemon and drink it with lukewarm water. (You can add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.)
- Intermittent fasting (not with zero calories) has many benefits.
- Regular physical exercise and massage.
- Sound 7-8 hours of night sleep.
The self-healing allegedly paradox - A few symptoms during recovery may be more severe, but other symptoms disappear!
- Be aware that self-healing has ups and downs; it does not indicate it does not work. The last stage might be the hardest because the immune system becomes more responsive. (Light fever and fatigue during self-healing are usually signs of recovery.)
Mental and spiritual enhancement principles. (Often underestimated.)
Link: Mental & spiritual enhancement.
- Lifestyle changes, with more relaxation and sleep.
- Releasing Non-resolved stressful events from the past. (To restore the life-force energy flow.)
- Strengthening positive emotions and faith.
Fibromyalgia patients should consider hypnosis. (Authorized only)
The use of hypnosis may be perceived by many as unrelated to their illness, but releasing mental distress has far-reaching effects on the body.
- The traumatic non-resolved issues may be from the distant past; in most cases, it is difficult for the patient to reconstruct the events independently.
- Since the energetic flushing technique is unavailable to most patients, you may want to consider using hypnosis experts to release traumatic, non-resolved stress from the past that blocks the Qi life-force energy.
- Through hypnosis, it may be possible to reconstruct traumatic non-resolved events and release the stress that blocks the Qi life-force energy and thus causes sickness.
Hypnosis may be an essential therapeutic tool but not an exclusive treatment.
Physical body enhancement principles.
Link: Physical treatments and supplements - Summary table.
- Eating and drinking a large, balanced variety of unprocessed food & beverages helps initiate the body's natural regeneration process.
- Mechanical Detoxification. (By unblocking and cleansing the liver & kidneys.)
- Liver cleansing includes drinking natural squeezed juices, coffee, and baking soda—probiotic enemas of live bacteria.
- Exercise and massage to improve blood & lymphatic circulation.
- Controlled Solar-baths. (Essential for proper physiology and charges the life-force energy.)
- Acupuncture can restore the life-force energy flow and relieve pain.
- It uses mainly herbal food supplements and antioxidants (as little as possible) to restore the body's balance and deficiencies.
Detailed overview of the Physical body principles to achieve recovery from Fibromyalgia.
An anti-inflammatory diet and proper eating habits are essential for recovery.
Nutritional recommendations for Fibromyalgia patients.
Recommended link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
In my experience, very few fibromyalgia patients have a proper diet & eating habits, even though many believe they are eating healthy!
- Fats, protein, carbohydrates, and natural sugars are needed; it is wrong to exclude one of the macronutrients that comply completely
- The need for various foods (mainly from plants) allows the body to get all the nutrients (enzymes, minerals, electrolytes, dietary fiber, antioxidants) through food and drinks. High-quality and varied foods and sun-controlled exposure almost eliminate the need for sometimes harmful supplements and absorb less than quality food.
Fibromyalgia patients may suffer from severe farting.
- Imbalances in intestinal flora often manifested themselves in farting. Farting during the recovery period is usually a positive sign! (Contrary to what is commonly thought) they reflect attempts by good bacteria to control the parasites. (Dead parasites release gas.)
- Taking control of the good bacteria over the parasites is usually accompanied by much farting. This process can take several months. There is no need to panic and see the recommended diet as if it failed. On the contrary!
Recommended food:
- Start your morning by drinking one cup of squeezed lemon juice with lukewarm water. (It is even better if you add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar + one tablespoon of olive oil.)
- Vegetables, seeds, sprouts, roots, nuts, legumes, beans, lentils, mushrooms, fruits, and berries.
- Moist low-medium glycemic index starches such as rice, sweet potato, taro root, and spelled quinoa. (You better add a teaspoon of coconut oil, ghee-purified butter, or other natural oils for better absorption.)
- Organic range-free eggs (especially egg yolk) are excellent emulsifiers due to their high lecithin content. (Good quality egg yolk has an orange color.)
- Egg yolk is rich in vitamin D3.
- Eat wild deep-sea fish two to three times a week. (They are less contaminated and also have a high omega-3 content.)
- Fish is easy to digest and does not create a very acidic environment in the intestines.
- Berries are among the most potent antioxidants, and they can be combined with fruit, goat yogurt, cinnamon, and walnuts. (Like all probiotics, yogurt may cause gas bloating, which is usually a good sign.)
- The liver, in particular, benefits from all-natural bitter foods. (Such as grapefruit and dark chocolate.)
- Dietary fiber (found only in plant-based diets) is essential for gut recovery. It might cause a reaction like gas bloating. (Fiber helps to feed the good bacteria.)
- Fermented products with natural live bacteria, such as goat yogurt or natural kombucha, are essential for good health.
- Consuming high-quality fats like Olive oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil, Ghee (purified butter), and coconut oil, together with fiber, helps lubricate the lining of the intestinal walls. It is essential for replenishing good bacteria and helping regenerate intestinal wall tissue.
- Regular eating of bone marrow (possibly in soup) is especially recommended.
- Consuming Iodine regularly (for proper thyroid function) is essential. (The easiest way is to consume Himalayan pink salt.)
- Consuming sulfur-rich foods such as avocado, onion, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale can strengthen the immune system.
Which bread is the healthiest? (Sprouted bread, rye, spelled, or whole flour sourdough bread.)
- Healthy bread is dense and tends to be massive. (Especially bread made without yeast.)
- Bread with low gluten is best. Most healthy bread has low gluten. (Although not zero percent gluten)
- There are many bread recipes. Most people do not bake their bread, so buying bread from a reliable source is essential. The best are small specialized bakeries that deliver organic whole-grain sourdough bread.
- Sprouted bread is most recommended for everyone. Sprouting releases enzymes that break the grain shell. Sprouted bread has low gluten and is much easier to digest because enzymes start breaking the grain shell. (which is hard to digest)
- Low-calorie bread is less dense and weighs less. Heavy bread makes you feel full faster.
Minimize eating white flour and yeast bread; it disturbs the gut flora balance.
Recommended beverages:
- Water, tea (without sugar or milk), black coffee (without sugar or milk), and freshly squeezed juice. (It should not be too sweet.)
- Drinking fresh juice may cause gas bloating. It is inevitable and part of the recovery process.
Due to intestinal wall damage, appropriate discipline in eating and drinking is required.
- The list of foods and beverages that are not recommended is quite long until symptoms significantly improve, but that should not surprise anyone.
- Eating cooked, soft, warm, and moist food is recommended. (Easier to digest)
- The additional nutrients that the body needs for recovery will come from drinking natural, fresh-squeezed juices.
Food and beverages are not recommended. Minimize consumption.
- All Processed food, smoked food, preservatives, and canned food. (Huge category.)
- Soft drinks of all kinds, including diet beverages.
- Plain sugars and high-glycemic starches (such as white flour products, potatoes, white bread, biscuits, cakes, etc.)
- Eating high doses of sweet fruits. (Grapes and watermelon, especially, contain glucose.) Sugars can create an imbalance in gut flora.
- Trans-fats (found in many industrialized products) like Margarine are very harmful.
- Yeast bread. (Sourdough bread is much better.)
- Dairy products are unsuitable for Fibromyalgia patients as they contain too many proteins and create an acidic environment in the intestines.
- Goat's milk or yogurt is much better. (Limited quantities.)
- High gluten content products. (Gluten protein is found in most cereals. Gluten tends to adhere to intestinal walls and will probably aggravate symptoms.)
- Reduce meat and poultry consumption by 50% or more. (Meat and poultry are hard to digest and create a high-acidity environment in the intestines.)
- Leafy greens. (Until significant relief in symptoms. They tend to stick to the inflamed intestinal walls.)
- Spicy hot foods are usually beneficial, but they may worsen symptoms. (Dead pathogens release toxins and gas due to the Herxheimer effect.)
- It is not recommended to eat large amounts of carbohydrates and animal proteins. (This includes meat or dairy products with potatoes or other high-glycemic starches.)
Recommended eating habits.
It is advisable to eat two main meals a day plus snacks (for those who need them). Dinner should be easy to digest and early, maximum up to 7 in the evening, because most tissue regeneration occurs during sleep. The digestive system needs constant rehabilitation; prolonged breaks between meals are preferable to continuous eating.
- Minimize eating away from home, preferably taking home food to work and not buying outside.
- Prepared food deliveries are a terrible alternative! They contain processed and industrialized food at the most harmful levels.
- Chew well, take a break, and eat comfortably.
- Do not eat late at night.
- Intermittent fasting (not with zero calories) has many benefits.
- Fresh vegetables should be sprinkled with olive oil or other oils such as hemp or flaxseed.
- Add a little fat with a higher melting temperature, such as coconut oil or Ghee butter, boiled or baked starches, or vegetables. (Although they are saturated fats.)
- Especially after a meal that includes animal protein (which is more difficult to digest), taking a short 20-30-minute walk at a moderate speed is recommended. Walking helps the digestive process.
We eat with all our senses, so filling the plate with various vegetables seasoned with oils and spices is desirable. (This includes aromatic salt.)
Coffee and baking soda enemas are beneficial.
The ultimate liver and kidney detoxification is explained.
Recommended links: | Juicing principles | Coffee enemas | Liver & Gallbladder flush |
The liver and kidneys fill a long list of critical metabolic processes. A burden on one creates a burden on the other, so it is necessary to address both.
Liver detoxification: Freshly squeezed juices, coffee enemas, Liver flush.
- Why combining freshly squeezed juice with liver & gallbladder flushes and coffee enemas is so powerful?
- Fresh juice supplies the body with all the needed nutrients, such as vitamins, enzymes, electrolytes, and antioxidants. It elevates the body's energy and helps the liver produce more bile.
- Liver flushes (especially when adding apple cider vinegar) can dissolve and remove solidified bile stones resulting from high toxicity levels.
- Coffee enemas are much more effective when the bile ducts are not blocked. (Because the movement inside the liver is through the bile ducts.)
- Coffee enemas have an almost immediate effect on the liver and intestines. When the body has lower toxicity levels, the body's energy will improve significantly. Therefore, the immune system can fight all pathogens much more effectively.
Exercise and massage, Controlled Solar-baths, Acupuncture, and Food supplements.
- Regular exercise is essential because the lymphatic fluid (3 times the amount of blood in our body) is a significant part of the immune system and cannot function without the body's movement.
- The sun has extraordinary healing properties. It is not the cause of skin cancer, and moderate, controlled exposure has beneficial effects, especially on many systems in the body, including the immune system.
- Acupuncture does not involve any side effects and has exceptional properties when combined with a comprehensive treatment.
- Good-quality food and beverages with high nutritional value should always be preferred over supplements. However, a few (though not many) carefully selected supplements might be necessary during the recovery process.
Summary, conclusions, and recommendations.
Fibromyalgia is a collection of symptoms caused by chronic inflammations that affect multiple organs and systems.
What type of chronic disease is Fibromyalgia?
- Only four disease groups reflect long-term immune failure: allergies, Chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer, and Autoimmune diseases. Fibromyalgia is not an autoimmune disease and certainly not an allergy or cancer. So, it must be a chronic inflammatory disease.
- Fibromyalgia is a collection of symptoms caused by chronic inflammations that affect multiple organs and systems.
Fibromyalgia is not an incurable disease!
- It is worth internalizing that there is no such thing as a chronic, acquired, incurable disease. (Except for genetic diseases.)
- Remissions often characterize Fibromyalgia. They are not accidental; they result from an increase in the body's life-force energy level. Remissions reinforce the idea that Fibromyalgia is a curable disease.
- Full recovery is guaranteed for those ready to embark on the inner journey of self-healing. (The process can be lengthy, but healing is already felt in the early stages.)
Fibromyalgia underlying causes.
- The underlying causes of Fibromyalgia are an unhealthy lifestyle combined with anxiety & traumatic Non-resolved events from the past.
- As the disease erupts at a younger age (30 years and below), the likelihood of mental trauma as the leading cause of the disease increases, and vice versa.
- Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
- Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.
The age factor - An unhealthy physical lifestyle vs. Traumatic non-resolved events from the past.
- The age factor - As symptoms onset at a younger age (30-35 years or less), it is more likely that the weight of unresolved mental traumas is higher than the unhealthy lifestyle. The explanation is that cell aging and death are cumulative, while unresolved traumatic events have an immediate and cumulative effect.
Prolonged use of medications and supplements. (Including herbal supplements.)
- Taking analgesics for relatively short periods is sometimes necessary when the pain does not allow proper functioning.
- Painkillers cannot cure the disease but only moderate the symptoms, so the aim is to minimize their use to the minimum possible.
- Prolonged use of most drugs, especially non-herbal drugs, has side effects (sometimes intolerable) and cumulative damage to the body that comes out of balance.
- The use of dietary supplements is excessive and sometimes even harmful. A balanced and appropriate diet with naturally fermented products (or live probiotics) and controlled exposure to the sun are recommended to minimize dietary supplements for those who are not vegan.
Long-term Fibromyalgia can affect cognitive abilities, alertness, and mood.
- Balanced gut flora directly affects brain functions. The level of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which affects cognitive abilities, alertness, and mood, is primarily produced in the gut in the presence of good bacteria. Thus, resuming gut flora balance will also improve cognitive functions.
Economic aspects.
- The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.)
- Despite the significant expenditure on food and juices, the savings on medicines and doctors, and the suffering and low quality of life, investing in self-healing is exceptionally economical in the long run.
Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.
Link: Getting started with self-healing therapies.
- Following the principles & guidelines of self-healing medicine will cure the entire body mentally and physically.
- The main drawback of self-healing is the need for changes in lifestyle and habits. However, the transformation is enormous in every aspect.
- After symptoms improve, continuing the properly controlled lifestyle and diet is essential.
Recommended link: Forum discussions about Fibromyalgia + Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I wish all Fibromyalgia patients, wherever they live, full recovery—good health with a better quality of life.

Fibromyalgia patients are often treated with the misconception that it is an incurable disease! Treatments accordingly are only symptomatic and do not attempt to bring about the patient's recovery. Fibromyalgia is a chronic inflammatory disease. The only way to recover from fibromyalgia is through mechanical detoxification combined with a natural, varied, anti-inflammatory diet. The mental-energetic dimension is of great importance.