Self-healing natural therapies are designed to neutralize chronic diseases' mental and physical causes rather than symptoms.

Self-healing natural therapies are based on integrating therapies of body, mind, and spirit from a holistic perspective, that only continuous immune system strengthening can bring about recovery from chronic diseases. The chapter describes natural therapies for the mind and body in detail at the attached link. Link: NATURAL THERAPIES
Posts from the forum "Chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis."
14/01/2023 11:49
I have a very extreme case of liver cirrhosis, and I came to China out of desperation! There is no obligation to treat China specifically with the sel...
14/01/2023 11:36
Increased production of bile fluid in the liver is essential for the immune system and prevents blockages of the bile ducts in forming gallstones that...
26/06/2022 12:31
The Propecia drug is particularly effective if it is a hereditary hair loss. (Requires a doctor's prescription) The drug has known side effects, so it...
25/02/2022 3:15
Detoxification workshops usually combine practical training on proper nutrition, drinking squeezed juices, and standard detoxification techniques such...
25/02/2022 3:11
Chronic liver patients, especially those with liver cirrhosis, are advised to listen to music while lying down with their eyes closed, preferably in a...
23/02/2022 4:25
Practical issues concerning Chronic Liver Diseases and Cirrhosis.
Exercise, not necessarily intense, is essential for the proper flow of lymph flui...
23/02/2022 4:22
Practical issues concerning Chronic Liver Diseases and Cirrhosis.
Nature has a calming effect. The clear air helps productivity and creativity. The...
31/01/2022 14:58
Decreased liver function leads to an immediate decrease in bile production, which serves as sewage for the human body. Freshly squeezed natural juice ...
23/01/2022 3:35
Berries natural squeezed juice is an energy drink that is relatively easy to prepare and contains powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts en...
23/01/2022 3:32
Practical issues concerning chronic Liver Diseases and Cirrhosis.
Lightning storms charge the air with negative ions. You breathe air with negative...
13/01/2022 8:24
Chronic infections in patients with chronic liver disease may indicate a condition of impaired liver function, which practically means that the liver ...
25/12/2021 7:30
Gallstones do not allow proper bile flow to the duodenum and intestine; without bile, there is severe damage to the entire digestive system that becom...
02/09/2021 16:59
I am sorry that you are financially affected by the global crisis; you will be comforted by the fact that the drugs you have taken do not cure; they o...
07/08/2021 17:28
The drug treatment for fungi is not recommended as it is very toxic to the liver. (Chronic liver patients must avoid anti-fungal drug treatment.) The ...
21/06/2021 22:17
Although the rain (partially) cleans the air pollution and washes the dust in the streets, the explanation is deeper. Lightning storms, similar to wat...
20/06/2021 22:00
Discipline is not only a question of personality but also concerns the question of HOPE. People who are hopeless about recovery get into a depression ...
27/05/2021 16:29
All chronic liver diseases obstruct the liver's blood and bile flow. By unblocking and cleansing the liver & kidneys, it is possible to initiate liver...
24/05/2021 23:44
Be aware that self-healing has ups and downs; this does not indicate that it does not work. The last stage might be the hardest because the immune sys...
15/05/2021 0:41
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that creates a lot of damage to tissues an...
06/05/2021 12:04
The self-healing method is essentially anti-inflammatory and works on the causes of pain, not its symptoms. The disadvantage of this method is that it...
01/05/2021 23:04
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available; it is suitable for everyone of any age and condit...
25/04/2021 16:34
The sun is the source of life on Earth. People mistakenly avoid controlled sun exposure! Most people today have a chronic vitamin D deficiency. The ad...
23/04/2021 16:56
I highly recommend enemas as a treatment method, especially for chronic liver patients. Recovery from chronic liver diseases, notably cirrhosis, is le...
15/04/2021 18:44
Listening to music while lying down with eyes closed, preferably in a dark and quiet room, is recommended. This is also recommended while meditating a...
10/04/2021 12:06
The challenge of detoxification in patients with chronic liver diseases is tough. Patients with chronic liver diseases often suffer from blockages of ...
08/04/2021 8:37
Patients with chronic liver diseases must minimize taking medications, including sleep medications. Breaking down the sleeping drugs in the liver and ...
07/04/2021 15:37
In contrast to our blood in a minimal range of values (of a weak alkaline environment) in the digestive system, there are very high acid-base gaps. ...
28/03/2021 11:07
Patients with chronic liver diseases may suffer from abnormal metabolism and accumulation of calcium deposits in various body areas. Calcium deposits ...
25/02/2021 22:25
The difficulty of finding a treating facilitator pushed me to treat in China, in a private clinic, and also in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital...
25/02/2021 22:12
The treatment of chronic liver patients is one of the most challenging and prolonged. I recommend you consult a certified naturopath; personal chemist...
24/02/2021 23:47
The fear effect exists in most patients with severe illnesses or those who are perceived as incurable. (Including me at the time) The explanation is r...
14/02/2021 22:41
Lemon juice enemas can be carried out separately or combined with coffee and baking soda enemas. It can rehabilitate liver functions. Natural squeezed...
19/01/2021 16:03
I advise patients with chronic liver diseases not to take any supplements. The absorption of nutrients in food and beverages is always preferable.
19/01/2021 15:45
Patients with chronic liver diseases are advised to avoid prolonged use of antibiotics, as they produce little bile fluid and regularly suffer from un...
02/01/2021 18:25
The process of cleansing the liver of toxins can be extremely lengthy, but the liver has a miraculous restorative ability that no other organ in the b...
01/01/2021 19:39
Patients with chronic liver diseases must perform mechanical detoxification because nutrition alone cannot release blockages of the biliary tract.
30/12/2020 18:42
My specialists oppose Functional Self-Healing medicine; my family supports me with hesitation. The final decision is always entirely the patient's res...
27/12/2020 18:32
All chronic liver diseases obstruct the liver's blood and bile flow. By unblocking and cleansing the liver and kidneys, it is possible to initiate liv...
10/12/2020 22:42
Medicines that are broken down in the liver burden the already weak liver. Chronic liver patients must avoid taking medications as much as possible.
01/12/2020 19:20
Glutathione is enormously important in the proper functioning of the immune system. Prolonged glutathione deficiency can cause severe illnesses, inclu...
27/11/2020 22:45
I am the person who perhaps best understands your situation because I went through a similar process. (Though not for economic reasons) Likely, the op...
21/11/2020 19:46
Removing the stones inside the gallbladder will help you recover without surgery and long-term side effects. (With many additional benefits.) In patie...
21/11/2020 19:24
Liver rehabilitation is a prolonged operation that requires treatment of the mental-energetic dimension. Patients with severe chronic liver disease ar...
15/11/2020 12:36
Patients with chronic liver disease who have passed the point of no return where the liver can no longer regenerate face a choice between liver transp...
08/11/2020 13:06
Damage to the liver often accumulates over decades and is difficult to repair in the short term. Emptying the liver of toxins, cysts, rotten tissue, a...
12/10/2020 21:10
If you look at the pictures on the site, you will see that I have already died but have continued fighting for over 16 years. Your liver cirrhosis is ...
12/10/2020 20:53
The liver is a large and complex organ with a dual vascular supply system and the production of a liter of bile fluid per day, which is of great impor...
29/09/2020 11:09
When it comes to severe chronic liver disease, you will get no indication of your life expectancy without liver cancer. If the liver has passed the po...
11/07/2020 5:53
Chronic Liver disease is one of the most difficult to treat. There is no surgical solution to the condition in severe cases other than a liver transpl...
14/10/2019 11:20
Chronic liver patients who pass the no-return point for liver regeneration have these two main options:
1. Liver transplantation is a complicated s...
14/10/2019 11:17
It is essential to emphasize that the process is accompanied by the emotional-energetic side, not only by the physical side.
The key to recovery fr...
14/10/2019 10:33
By unblocking and cleansing the liver and kidneys, one can resume blood and bile circulation, replenish the body's energy, and initiate the regenerati...
14/10/2019 10:03
Although there are various causes of chronic liver diseases, The result is always the same and is reflected in poor blood and bile circulation, blocka...
Posts from the forum "Chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, and BPH."
18/10/2022 4:58
Chronic prostatitis is a depressive disease that drugs cannot cure, nor are Chinese remedies. Strengthening the immune system is the only option.
15/02/2022 10:09
Exercise, not necessarily intense, is essential for the proper flow of lymph fluid, the immune system's second line of defense.
Regular exercise impr...
15/02/2022 10:03
Natural cranberry juice contains powerful antioxidants and is a common herb in folk medicine for urinary tract infections. Natural squeezed juice is u...
29/01/2022 11:05
A bath in very hot water improves blood flow to the prostate, but this is usually temporary. Walking, especially going up and down, also benefits pros...
18/01/2022 3:15
Berries energy drink is relatively easy to prepare, containing powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts energy quite immediately. It can help...
18/11/2021 21:05
Chronic prostatitis is a prevalent disease. The amount of misinformation and distortions about the disease, including questionable clinics, is a matte...
18/11/2021 20:48
Without methodology, choosing appropriate self-healing therapy suitable for chronic prostatitis is often based on the familiarity and recommendations ...
28/07/2021 21:22
Acupuncture, along with dietary changes and a healthy lifestyle, is very effective. However, several treatments are required to achieve noticeable imp...
28/07/2021 21:16
The reaction you experience is typical for someone with a gallbladder blockage, resulting in an imbalance in the intestinal flora. I recommend changin...
22/06/2021 22:44
The phenomenon of depression in men who have chronic prostatitis is widespread. It is important to emphasize that the disease is not incurable! MMS is...
27/05/2021 16:31
Detoxification, primarily mechanical, is a kind of playback of the disease. In your case, the symptoms related to the prostate may worsen in the short...
24/05/2021 23:45
Be aware that self-healing has ups and downs; it does not indicate it does not work. The last stage might be the hardest because the immune system is ...
15/05/2021 0:43
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that creates a lot of damage to tissues an...
06/05/2021 12:06
The detailed methods for pain relief are general and correct for most chronic diseases. Patients with chronic prostate inflammation must walk a lot to...
02/05/2021 21:13
Antioxidants are an essential component of a healthy diet and are recommended. However, antioxidants are usually insufficient to cure chronic prostate...
01/05/2021 23:05
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available; it is suitable for everyone of any age and condit...
25/04/2021 16:35
Patients with chronic prostatitis often suffer from erectile problems. Controlled exposure to the sun produces vitamin D naturally and improves erecti...
23/04/2021 16:59
Coffee and baking soda enemas are highly recommended for patients with chronic prostatitis as part of detoxification therapy, not as a stand-alone the...
18/04/2021 19:33
Going down the stairs puts the whole body weight forward and presses on the prostate. Prostate massage is essential, as it is an organ with a weak blo...
15/04/2021 18:45
Listening to frequency music in meditation is essential, preferably with your eyes closed in a dark room. Guided imagery can be incorporated. If the f...
10/04/2021 12:07
Practical issues regarding chronic prostatitis patients.
Detoxification raises the energy level of our body and strengthens the immune system. In ...
08/04/2021 8:18
Massage of the prostate is supposed to be part of an integrated treatment and not an exclusive remedy.
Massage of the prostate is highly recommende...
28/03/2021 11:09
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread in chronic prostatitis patients; they result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of ho...
23/03/2021 16:16
Two effective treatment methods can be applied in parallel:
Catheterization of the groin veins using the Gat-Goren method is intended to restore bl...
25/02/2021 22:14
I recommend you seek help from a certified naturopath, at least in the early stages of recovery. Chronic prostatitis is a stressful and depressive dis...
02/01/2021 17:54
Patients with chronic prostatitis, especially those whose disease broke out at the age of 30 or younger) must be aware of the far-reaching impact of u...
01/01/2021 19:41
Practical issues regarding chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients.
Mechanical detoxification includes drinking natural squeezed juices, coff...
27/12/2020 18:49
Detoxification can be performed at different levels, diet only, or combined with cleansing the liver, gallbladder, intestines, and kidneys. Detoxifica...
27/12/2020 18:35
Patients with chronic prostatitis must detoxify to strengthen their immune systems and fight off the pathogens that cause infection and inflammation.
I went to see a specialist who giggled at me when I asked about detoxification. I wonder what to do.
27/12/2020 18:29
Patients with chronic prostatitis usually need mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys. The effect on the symptoms is felt already after a ...
23/12/2020 21:26
Many patients with chronic prostatitis often take oral antibiotics. The antibiotic destroys the balance in the intestinal flora and causes a weakening...
01/12/2020 19:22
I recommend that chronic prostatitis patients consume only natural sulfur-rich foods to improve the liver's ability to synthesize glutathione.
01/12/2020 18:42
The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.) Despite the signif...
27/11/2020 23:01
Lemon is very acidic but acts as a chemical base in our bodies. It flushes the kidneys. In the morning, squeezing a whole lemon (possibly half) and ad...
15/11/2020 13:16
Detoxification is highly recommended and designed to strengthen the immune system. The role of the workshop is to encourage and teach people about a c...
12/11/2020 12:41
Dr. Yigal Gat and Dr. Menachem Goren have found the origin of the evolution of prostate enlargement. In articles published worldwide, they reported th...
12/11/2020 12:36
The underlying cause of A hydrocele testis is usually chronic inflammation of the testicles and the groin area. (Epiiddimitis and Orchitis) It is impo...
12/11/2020 12:33
The leading cause of prostate calcification is chronic prostatitis.
Prostate inflammations cause a build-up of toxins; without proper blood flow in t...
10/11/2020 21:48
Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis, relieving pain and discomfort. However, a series of treatments are...
02/11/2020 17:55
As someone who has experienced hundreds of acupuncture sessions in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Changsha, China, the answer is "yes." Ac...
Coffee enemas and baking soda enemas can alleviate chronic prostatitis symptoms within a few months.
08/08/2020 22:47
Coffee and baking soda enemas, preferably with natural juices and liver and gallbladder flushes, may relieve chronic prostatitis symptoms by boosting ...
29/04/2020 12:16
Most men are unaware of the immediate effect of tanning and vitamin D on erection. The hormone testosterone is a vitamin D derivative. (Taking vitamin...
14/10/2019 10:29
As someone who has been in China on and off for the past 16 years, I know there is no "secret" Chinese cure for chronic prostatitis. Bacteria, viruses...
Posts from the forum "Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome."
18/01/2022 3:03
This energy drink is relatively easy to prepare, containing powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts energy quite immediately. It can help re...
08/11/2021 21:51
I highly recommend combining sitting in the jacuzzi and (if available) sitting in the steam sauna. (According to the safety guidelines) Sitting in a h...
08/11/2021 21:16
Juice workshops usually focus on natural and healthy nutrition and detoxification. Natural juices are the best medicine, especially when combined with...
17/10/2021 22:33
Practical issues regarding Fibromyalgia patients.
Benign prostate enlargement is a widespread phenomenon among men aged 50 and over. The phenomenon...
02/09/2021 17:01
I am sorry that you are financially affected by the global crisis; you will be comforted by the fact that the drugs you have taken do not cure; they o...
25/07/2021 21:38
The reaction you experience is typical for someone with a gallbladder blockage, resulting in an imbalance in the intestinal flora. It is advisable to ...
25/07/2021 21:29
I recommend separately adding the squeezed lemon juice to the lukewarm water, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and a heaping tablespoon of olive o...
27/05/2021 16:31
Detoxification in fibromyalgia patients is expected to be relatively long and must include mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys. Ups and...
24/05/2021 23:46
The detoxification process increases the body's energy level. The immune system's reaction is more powerful and is reflected in changing symptoms. The...
15/05/2021 0:44
Fibromyalgia patients suffer from multiple inflammations in the body, usually in several systems and organs. Inflammations are an expression of damage...
06/05/2021 12:06
Fibromyalgia patients suffer from complex pain in different systems. It is worth emphasizing that pain relief using self-healing is a relatively long ...
01/05/2021 23:06
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available; it is suitable for everyone, including fibromyalg...
25/04/2021 16:35
I recommend controlled sun exposure for fibromyalgia patients. The sun has anti-inflammatory properties and does not cause skin cancer!
The sun is ...
23/04/2021 17:00
It is essential to emphasize that enemas and detoxification are imperative tools but usually not enough for recovery from Fibromyalgia, a systemic dis...
15/04/2021 18:46
I recommend you listen with your eyes closed in a quiet room while meditating on music at reputational frequencies. If you search YouTube or elsewhere...
10/04/2021 12:07
Fibromyalgia patients must undergo mechanical detoxification to strengthen the immune system to fight off inflammation.
Detoxification raises the e...
08/04/2021 8:40
Practical issues regarding Fibromyalgia patients.
The first period of falling asleep without sleeping pills is the most challenging, after which sl...
28/03/2021 11:09
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread; they result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of homeostasis in the metabolism of c...
25/02/2021 22:27
I recommend you consult a qualified naturopath, especially in the early stages of dietary and lifestyle changes. The article in the attached link may ...
25/02/2021 22:26
The most appropriate treating agent at the moment is a certified naturopath. But there is no uniform methodology, so checking and agreeing with the wa...
25/02/2021 22:14
I recommend you seek help from a certified naturopath, at least in the early stages of recovery. Fibromyalgia manifests multiple chronic inflammations...
01/01/2021 19:41
Fibromyalgia is a multisystem disease requiring mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys and an anti-inflammatory diet.
Mechanical detoxi...
30/12/2020 19:18
The leading cause is an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Balancing the gut flora will eliminate the fungal infection throughout the body. Why are re...
27/12/2020 18:34
Medicine's approach to detoxification is not unique to Fibromyalgia but in general. Paradoxically, medicine uses the same detoxification tools, only i...
01/12/2020 19:24
It is recommended that fibromyalgia patients switch to an anti-inflammatory diet, described in detail in the article in the attached link. Sulfur-rich...
27/11/2020 22:57
I recommend that fibromyalgia patients and all (healthy) family members adopt this simple habit of starting the day on an empty stomach with lemon jui...
23/11/2020 22:27
Following the instructions, coffee enemas are a safe and effective tool for strengthening the immune system. However, many coffee enemas (which have t...
14/11/2020 21:58
Fibromyalgia is a multi-symptomatic inflammatory disease in various systems and organs. The functions of the liver and kidneys have a critical impact ...
12/11/2020 13:05
Acupuncture may well help patients with fibromyalgia relieve various symptoms; however, many treatments are needed to feel a significant change. Acupu...
12/11/2020 12:58
Women have an increased tendency to develop gallstones and bile obstructions. It has a far-reaching impact on the immune system. The main reasons for ...
10/11/2020 21:44
Acupuncture is a very effective treatment in general, including for Fibromyalgia patients. However, a series of treatments are often needed to feel th...
Posts from the forum "Migraines are excruciating pain."
28/02/2022 4:07
Nature has a calming effect. The clear air helps productivity and creativity. There is no need to look for exotic nature; find the available nature cl...
28/02/2022 4:02
Practical issues concerning Migraine patients. Frequency music may be another tool for migraine headaches, but not as an exclusive treatment.
It is...
10/02/2022 9:36
From my extensive experience in Chinese medicine, I can attest that combining cupping and scraping (after lubrication) temporarily alleviates migraine...
10/02/2022 9:14
This traditional Chinese recipe is suitable for all types of flu and, in fact, for any inflammatory disease, including migraines.
Rinse a generous...
18/01/2022 2:55
Migraines are symptoms of intracranial pressure due to disruption of the blood flow of the jugular (neck) veins due to swollen lymph nodes. A gentle m...
29/10/2021 16:16
The diets you mentioned are unsuitable for you, and in general, they are based on a diet high in protein, especially from animals. These are inflammat...
29/10/2021 15:49
Detoxification workshops, designed to impart knowledge and tools, usually last a few days. You will probably not feel a dramatic change after a few da...
02/09/2021 17:10
Regardless of who is right in the argument! It is recommended that you agree with your wife's family and make peace at home, even at a price that seem...
02/09/2021 17:02
I am sorry that you are financially affected by the global crisis; you will be comforted by the fact that the drugs you have taken do not cure; they o...
26/07/2021 20:44
I recommend separately adding squeezed lemon juice to the lukewarm water, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and a heaping tablespoon of olive oil. ...
26/07/2021 20:44
The reaction you experience is typical for someone with a gallbladder blockage, resulting in an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Restoration of inte...
20/06/2021 22:03
Migraines are symptoms of intracranial pressure due to disruption of the blood flow of the jugular (neck) veins due to swollen lymph nodes.
27/05/2021 16:32
The first stages of mechanical detoxification can be especially difficult for migraine sufferers. It is a natural phenomenon of the body. Don't be tem...
24/05/2021 23:47
Migraine pains are one of the worst pains I have ever experienced. At the same time, I have not taken painkillers for 15 years. It is highly advisable...
06/05/2021 12:06
In my experience, migraine pains are one of the most severe and debilitating. To relieve migraine pain, knowing the causes of the disease is essential...
01/05/2021 23:06
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available; it is suitable for everyone of any age and condit...
25/04/2021 16:21
Gingivitis in those who maintain good oral hygiene originates from an imbalance of the intestinal flora. The mouth and gums are the gateways to the di...
23/04/2021 17:02
It is essential to emphasize that enemas and detoxification are imperative tools but often not enough for migraine recovery. I highly recommend enemas...
15/04/2021 18:46
Listening to music while lying down with eyes closed, preferably in a dark and quiet room, is recommended. This is especially true while meditating an...
10/04/2021 12:09
It is essential to emphasize that migraines, an inflammatory disease, abound favorably after detoxification, mainly mechanical detoxification, which i...
08/04/2021 8:40
Practical issues regarding Migraine patients. The first period of falling asleep without sleeping pills is the most challenging, after which sleep bec...
07/04/2021 16:27
Over time, very acidic urine may indicate a very acidic digestive system. (The body eliminates excess acidity through the urine.) A very acidic digest...
07/04/2021 15:40
Rehabilitation of the intestinal flora and the digestive system's pH balance significantly affects the weakening of migraine pain.
In contrast to o...
04/04/2021 21:56
Patients suffering from Migraines first turn to conventional medicine; having not found a satisfactory solution, they are looking for alternative ther...
28/03/2021 11:09
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread. They result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of homeostasis in the metabolism of c...
25/02/2021 22:27
I encourage you to seek help from a naturopath, especially in the early stages of your diet and lifestyle changes. I recommend that you read the artic...
19/01/2021 16:04
Various additives are not intended for prolonged use, and their absorption is inferior to nutrients in food and beverages. Don't fear controlled sun e...
01/01/2021 19:42
Migraine sufferers usually need mechanical detoxification to strengthen the immune system and restore the swelling of the lymphatic system in the neck...
27/12/2020 18:37
Since migraines are an inflammatory phenomenon (explained in detail in the attached link), any detoxification helps reduce migraine headaches in the l...
01/12/2020 19:26
Migraine sufferers must adhere to a natural diet rich in sulfur to allow glutathione synthesis in the liver.
Glutathione is of enormous importance ...
01/12/2020 19:24
Glutathione is of enormous importance in the proper functioning of the immune system. Prolonged glutathione deficiency can cause severe illnesses, inc...
27/11/2020 23:03
Lemon is very acidic but acts as a chemical base in our bodies. It flushes the kidneys. In the morning, squeeze a whole lemon (possibly half) and add ...
10/11/2020 21:51
Acupuncture is a very effective treatment in general, including for migraine patients. However, a series of treatments are often needed to feel the re...
08/11/2020 22:51
Reflexology is an excellent sedation tool, especially before bed. It can temporarily reduce blood pressure and alleviate migraine pain, but reflexolog...
Posts from the forum "Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis."
26/11/2022 9:40
Wheatgrass has anti-inflammatory properties and a strong chemical base, just like the other greens. I have extensive experience with wheatgrass. Drink...
31/10/2022 4:53
Bile fluid is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder in case of need (fatty food). Bile fluid is a solid chemical alkaline that contradic...
28/02/2022 3:35
Decreased liver function immediately decreases bile production, which serves as sewage for the human body. Freshly squeezed natural juice allows the l...
28/02/2022 3:28
Walking, especially after meals, is essential in chronic digestive system patients. It helps with digestion and is critical for preventing constipatio...
28/02/2022 3:26
Detoxification workshops usually combine practical training on proper nutrition, drinking squeezed juices, and standard detoxification techniques such...
25/02/2022 3:30
Practical issues concerning Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBS, and All Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
Moderate walking, especially aft...
25/02/2022 3:28
Detoxification workshops usually combine practical training on proper nutrition, drinking squeezed juices, and standard detoxification techniques such...
23/01/2022 3:49
Walking immediately after a lightning storm benefits patients with gastrointestinal tract conditions and positively elevates energy levels.
23/01/2022 3:46
Berries natural squeezed juice is an energy drink that is relatively easy to prepare and contains powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts en...
29/12/2021 3:36
Gallbladder blockages are typical in menopausal women, so estrogen levels drop—hormonal fluctuations in women, especially women who have had births an...
29/12/2021 3:28
To regenerate the intestinal tissue, several conditions are required at the same time:
Relaxed lifestyle.
Regular flow of bile (from the gallblad...
17/10/2021 11:41
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and controlled exposure. It is important to emphasize t...
02/09/2021 16:59
I am sorry that you are financially affected by the global crisis; you will be comforted by the fact that the drugs you have taken do not cure; they o...
25/07/2021 21:42
The reaction you experience is typical for someone with a gallbladder blockage, resulting in an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Combined with an ea...
25/07/2021 21:29
The recommendation you received is excellent and suitable for all household members, especially recommended in patients with chronic gastrointestinal ...
21/06/2021 22:18
Although rain (partially) cleans the air pollution and washes the dust in the streets, the explanation is more profound. Like waterfalls and sea waves...
27/05/2021 16:30
Detoxification (mainly mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys) raises the body's energy level. The immune system responds immediately, so ...
24/05/2021 23:45
Recovery from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is usually a lengthy process that requires extensive tissue rehabilitation. Knowing that ...
06/05/2021 12:05
It is worth emphasizing that the detailed methods for pain relief are not unique only to digestive system pain. The unique feature of all these method...
05/05/2021 21:30
Drug treatment with antibiotics, receptor blockers, painkillers, and steroids does reduce the intensity of the pain in the short term but perpetuates ...
Similar to drugs that suppress the immune system, are there drugs that strengthen the immune system?
02/05/2021 21:12
Antioxidants are essential in the diet of patients with chronic digestive tract diseases. Still, they are only one part of the nutritional issues that...
01/05/2021 23:04
Drinking naturally squeezed juices is especially essential for patients with chronic digestive tract diseases. The juice (not too sweet) can renew the...
25/04/2021 16:34
I recommend that patients with chronic digestive tract diseases incorporate controlled exposure to the sun as part of their self-healing treatment. Th...
25/04/2021 16:19
It is worth emphasizing that those who suffer from chronic intestinal disease are also exposed to increased gum problems. The mouth is the gateway to ...
23/04/2021 16:57
I highly recommend enemas as a treatment method, especially for IBD patients. However, there are risks, and for those who are interested, I recommend ...
15/04/2021 18:44
While meditating, frequency music may benefit IBD patients, not as a single therapy but in combination.
I recommend listening with your eyes closed...
10/04/2021 12:07
Practical issues regarding Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, and all IBD Patients.
Detoxification raises the energy level of our body and stren...
08/04/2021 8:38
There are practical issues regarding Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBS, and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. (IBD) patients.
The first period of...
28/03/2021 11:07
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread. They result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of homeostasis in the body's calcium ...
25/02/2021 22:25
The difficulty of finding a treating facilitator pushed me to treat in China, in a private clinic, and also in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital...
25/02/2021 22:12
Patients with chronic diseases of the digestive tract often require nutritional counseling and mechanical detoxification, so you should use the guidan...
01/01/2021 19:40
For IBD patients, mechanical detoxification of the liver, gallbladder, intestine, and kidneys is recommended. It is also essential to restore the flow...
27/12/2020 18:36
I recommend that patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract perform mechanical detoxification of the liver (preferably also of the k...
01/12/2020 19:21
Glutathione is a critical antioxidant at the cellular level in patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Foods rich in sulfur may ...
27/11/2020 23:00
Patients with chronic digestive system diseases suffer from unbalanced intestinal flora, particularly acidic intestines. This simple action is highly ...
12/11/2020 13:11
Acupuncture may help IBD patients relieve various symptoms; however, many treatments are needed to make a significant change. Acupuncture is an excell...
Posts from the forum "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (COPD)"
15/01/2023 14:15
It is advisable to avoid carpets, especially wall-to-wall, throughout the house. They are a hotbed for dust mites that will only worsen your condition...
15/01/2023 14:06
Walking regularly immediately after rain, preferably after a lightning storm, among trees, and clean air (without car smoke) while inhaling and exhali...
15/01/2023 14:02
Common allergens include animal hair, pollen, dust mites, mildew, mold, air pollution, and various household cleaning chemicals. Allergens require the...
28/02/2022 3:56
Practical issues concerning COPD patients.
Exercise, not necessarily intense, is essential for the proper flow of lymph fluid, which is the immune ...
28/02/2022 3:49
This traditional Chinese recipe is very suitable for all types of flu and, in fact, for any inflammatory disease, including COPD. It is advised to app...
19/01/2022 7:15
Squeeze a packet of berries, one lemon, ginger finger, apple, or pear, add some mint leaves, and get a healthy, easy-to-prepare juice. (It is not fatt...
19/01/2022 7:14
Respiratory system detoxification is especially beneficial for COPD patients.
Lightning storms charge the air with negative ions. You breathe air ...
19/10/2021 8:09
Benign prostate enlargement is a widespread phenomenon among men aged 50 and over. The phenomenon is caused by inflammatory processes that divert the ...
19/10/2021 8:06
Practical issues regarding COPD patients.
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and contro...
02/09/2021 17:03
I am sorry that you are financially affected by the global crisis; you will be comforted by the fact that the drugs you have taken do not cure; they o...
17/08/2021 22:35
There are other techniques of intrusion into the subconscious, both to my taste and no less challenging! Such as energetic flushing (not available in ...
21/06/2021 22:22
COPD patients are advised to practice deep breathing, with pauses and moving from nostril to nostril, while walking moderately immediately after the r...
02/06/2021 21:45
For COPD patients suffering from constipation, it is advisable to check the urine's acidity. Acidic urine with a pH of 5.5 or below usually indicates ...
27/05/2021 16:33
For smokers, detoxification may take several months or more, depending on the intensity and method. Mechanical detoxification is faster but may also e...
24/05/2021 23:47
It is recommended for COPD patients (smokers and non-smokers) to perform mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys, including an anti-inflamm...
23/05/2021 17:15
Castor oil is a natural laxative, but it is not recommended for prolonged use. Forced diarrhea is not a suitable long-term weight loss method. If you ...
18/05/2021 0:20
In health food stores, there are herbal remedies whose effectiveness against depression is questionable. The drug you are taking, Cipralex, allows the...
17/05/2021 23:50
Obstructive lung disease significantly impairs quality of life and is a good reason for mood impairment. At the same time, diet has a far-reaching eff...
15/05/2021 0:49
High blood cholesterol and high blood pressure are prevalent symptoms in chronic patients, including COPD patients. There is a misunderstanding about ...
09/05/2021 9:04
Nutritional issues regarding COPD patients.
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid in building cells in our body, and we can not synthesize it, so it ...
06/05/2021 12:08
The self-healing method is essentially anti-inflammatory and works on the causes of pain, not its symptoms. The disadvantage of this method is that it...
01/05/2021 23:08
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available; it is suitable for everyone of any age and condit...
25/04/2021 16:38
Practical issues regarding COPD patients. Controlled sun exposure is recommended for COPD patients. It may dry up a troublesome cough full of phlegm.
25/04/2021 16:22
Practical issues regarding COPD patients.
You can apply two drops of eucalyptus or grapefruit seed oil (both very bitter). In that case, you will f...
25/04/2021 16:09
I recommend using eucalyptus oil. Put five drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a hot humidifier. (Caution from children is required) Eucalyptus oil h...
23/04/2021 17:03
It is essential to emphasize that enemas are a very effective tool for detoxification but are usually not enough to bring about recovery from COPD, wh...
20/04/2021 0:00
Corticosteroids, bronchodilators, receptor blockers, and various antibiotics cannot cure COPD but only slightly relieve the symptoms at the cost of co...
18/04/2021 20:00
It is not recommended to use laxatives regularly, including natural laxatives such as castor oil.
Constipation is often the result of an unbalanced...
A naturopath warmly recommended me self-healing frequency music. Is it beneficial for COPD patients?
15/04/2021 18:48
I recommend that COPD patients listen with their eyes closed in a quiet room while meditating on music at reputational frequencies. This is an effect...
14/04/2021 14:44
To recover, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease, both physical and mental. The body has no schedule for recovery, so caregivers usu...
12/04/2021 19:05
One of the most troublesome experiences was watching a patient with difficulty breathing! One session with a pulmonary emphysema patient may well caus...
10/04/2021 12:10
Practical issues regarding COPD patients.
Detoxification raises the energy level of our body and strengthens the immune system. Inflammations, usua...
08/04/2021 8:42
I recommend that COPD patients make an effort and quit sleeping pills. They disrupt the brain's natural mechanism controlled by the pineal gland and t...
04/04/2021 21:57
COPD patients first turn to conventional medicine; having not found a satisfactory solution, they seek alternative therapies in self-healing medicine....
28/03/2021 11:11
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread, including in COPD patients; they result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of homeos...
25/02/2021 22:29
Corticosteroids, bronchodilators, receptor blockers, and various antibiotics cannot cure COPD but only slightly relieve the symptoms at the cost of co...
25/02/2021 22:29
Corticosteroids, bronchodilators, receptor blockers, and various antibiotics cannot cure COPD but only slightly relieve the symptoms at the cost of co...
25/02/2021 22:16
I recommend that you consult a qualified naturopath who will accompany you later. Medicine for self-healing requires constant guidance. The article in...
19/01/2021 16:05
Most of us are exposed to TV shows or other media that teach us about one essential supplement. We run to the health food store and buy the supplement...
19/01/2021 15:48
Corticosteroids, bronchodilators, receptor blockers, and various antibiotics cannot cure COPD but only slightly relieve the symptoms at the cost of co...
01/01/2021 19:44
COPD patients need mechanical detoxification because any obstructive disease in the respiratory system's tissues produces a lot of phlegm. Detoxificat...
30/12/2020 19:23
COPD patients often suffer (as well as other chronically ill patients) from an imbalance of the intestinal flora that causes a weakening of the immune...
27/12/2020 18:38
Walking in clean air, preferably in an area with vegetation and trees, immediately after rain or a lightning storm is especially recommended for COPD ...
01/12/2020 19:27
Regular consumption of natural foods rich in sulfur may strengthen the damaged immune system of COPD patients.
Glutathione is of enormous importanc...
27/11/2020 23:05
It is highly recommended that everyone, including COPD patients, start their day before breakfast on an empty stomach with lemon juice, apple cider vi...
15/11/2020 13:19
Controlled exposure to direct sunlight (possibly winter sun) is highly recommended for COPD patients as it dries phlegm. I recommend reading the artic...
10/11/2020 21:41
Acupuncture is a very effective and powerful treatment in general, and it is also recommended for COPD patients. However, a series of treatments is of...
02/11/2020 18:34
Swimming is one of the healthiest and most recommended sports for COPD patients. Young patients may benefit the most from swimming. The water must be ...
12/10/2020 1:33
It is relevant only to COPD patients who are smokers.
China is a country with one of the highest smoking rates globally. During my extended stay i...
29/09/2020 11:33
Carpets are an excellent incubator for dust mites, a potent allergen for most respiratory disease patients. The use of chemicals is not desirable. The...
Posts from the forum "The cancer philosophy. (All types)"
10/10/2022 23:17
The liver of cancer patients bears a substantial burden, mainly from the various drug treatments. The liver is the organ of bitterness, both on mental...
25/09/2022 6:04
By complying with fundamental requirements (mental and physical), all chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable! Cancer manifests as the "En...
22/08/2022 8:23
Wheatgrass juice contains chlorophyll (magnesium), vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Its taste is dominant; drinking large amounts of it is challengin...
24/02/2022 14:00
A reflexology massage before bed soothes and helps in more profound and continuous sleep. If the expense of the massage weighs on you, a similar effec...
24/02/2022 3:42
Cancer treatment usually also requires treatment of the mental-energetic dimension, which is no less challenging and does not have sufficient emphasis...
24/02/2022 3:28
Music frequency therapy is usually only a complementary and relaxing treatment, not a single therapy for cancer patients. The concept behind the thera...
15/02/2022 4:20
Nature has a calming effect. The clear air helps productivity and creativity. There is no need to look for exotic nature; find the available nature cl...
03/02/2022 8:44
Avoid all alcoholic beverages.
Drinking alcoholic beverages (including beer and wine) is not recommended, as they damage the immune system.
Avoid ...
03/02/2022 8:33
Although these principles sound clear and logical, they are sometimes challenging.
Happiness has a high impact on qi. Find time for the things and h...
31/01/2022 11:14
Diagnosis using the tongue is prevalent in Traditional Chinese Medicine, even today. It is relatively easy. You will find videos and accurate explanat...
29/01/2022 10:22
Body odors are often the result of an accumulation of toxins that the body tries to eliminate through excessive sweating. In cancer patients, especial...
17/01/2022 4:09
Natural antioxidants are consistently superior to all kinds of supplements. Combining foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, with an anti-inflam...
17/01/2022 4:04
Mechanical cleansing of the liver and gallbladder has far-reaching benefits, such as strengthening the immune system. At the same time, it is an actio...
17/01/2022 3:50
For cancer patients, I recommend performing coffee enemas and detoxification through a naturopath and close supervision. Coffee enemas, combined with ...
12/01/2022 7:43
Lightning storms charge the air with negative ions. When you breathe in air with negative ions (loaded with an additional electron), you strengthen li...
11/01/2022 7:11
You are indeed correct! I have not deliberately detailed the recommended treatments for cancer patients. Cancer patients are often life-threatening. T...
11/01/2022 6:44
Following Self-healing methods is challenging mentally and physically, mainly because it takes discipline and self-confidence to serve as your medical...
02/09/2021 17:05
I am sorry that you are financially affected by the global crisis; you will be comforted by the fact that the drugs you have taken do not cure; they o...
17/08/2021 22:41
Other techniques of intrusion into the subconscious, both to my taste and no less challenging, include energetic flushing (not available in most place...
05/08/2021 17:38
Strengthening the immune system in cancer patients is critical but incredibly challenging because it requires a combination of body, mind, and spirit....
01/08/2021 13:23
Cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of confined cells that isolate themselves from the healthy surrounding tissue in self-defense.
I re...
01/08/2021 13:18
Natural and freshly squeezed juice provides the body with essential nutrients, strengthens the immune system, and raises the body's energy. Most fruit...
21/06/2021 22:23
Cancer patients usually suffer from a shallow energy level; therefore, walking in nature is especially recommended. Cancer manifests as the "Energetic...
27/05/2021 16:38
Cancer patients, especially patients in the gastrointestinal tract, who want to perform detoxification of the liver and kidneys must take special care...
18/05/2021 0:23
The drug you are taking, Cipralex, allows the brain to receive increased stimulation of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is critical to our mood....
17/05/2021 23:51
A healthy diet of varied natural foods and beverages, unprocessed and not industrialized, with high dietary fiber content, probiotic bacteria, natural...
09/05/2021 9:07
Cancer patients should prefer natural foods over any supplement. Additives are often not absorbed and are less valuable than those natural food ingred...
06/05/2021 12:10
The self-healing method is essentially anti-inflammatory and works on the causes of pain, not its symptoms. The disadvantage of this method is that it...
02/05/2021 21:31
I recommend that cancer patients avoid all kinds of supplements altogether. If you have nutrient deficiencies, look for foods that are rich in them. C...
01/05/2021 23:11
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available.
Link: Regularly drinking freshly squeezed juic...
25/04/2021 16:41
The sun is the source of life on earth. People mistakenly avoid controlled sun exposure! Many people today have a chronic vitamin D deficiency. The ad...
25/04/2021 16:24
Practical issues regarding cancer patients.
You can apply two drops of eucalyptus or grapefruit seed oil (both very bitter). In that case, you wil...
23/04/2021 17:10
Coffee enemas, along with detoxification, affect the strengthening of the immune system. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that cancer patie...
20/04/2021 0:02
Prolonged pain and suffering and a decreased quality of life have a far-reaching effect on the psyche - the loss of joy and happiness. The patient may...
15/04/2021 18:52
Cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of confined cells that isolate themselves from the healthy surrounding tissue in self-defense.
If y...
10/04/2021 12:12
Detoxification sometimes intensifies specific symptoms, whereas other symptoms disappear. However, it is essential for cancer patients with high drug ...
08/04/2021 8:44
I recommend that cancer patients minimize the consumption of non-cancer medications, including sleep medications.
The first period of falling aslee...
07/04/2021 16:29
The immune system is weakened in cancer patients, making balancing the intestinal flora especially essential. Very acidic urine over time may indicate...
To what extent are cancer patients willing to try alternative therapies (medicine for self-healing)?
04/04/2021 21:58
Patients with chronic diseases, including cancer, first turn to conventional medicine; having not found a satisfactory solution, they seek alternative...
28/03/2021 11:15
Calcium deposits are widespread, including in cancer patients. The source of the phenomenon is inflammatory processes resulting from a processed and i...
18/03/2021 17:55
Acupuncture, in the hands of a specialist doctor, can inject and balance energy into blocked energy channels (meridians). It may be vital for cancer p...
18/03/2021 17:40
Acupuncture effectively reduces most pains, including the pain of cancer patients; it usually requires several treatments to feel relief. At the same ...
18/03/2021 17:27
Acupuncture is a procedure that aims to restore the body to an energetic balance by introducing energy into energy channels (blocked meridians). I hig...
16/03/2021 21:22
Several clinics around the world treat cancer patients with alternative medicine methods. (Self-healing medicine) The best known of which is probably ...
15/03/2021 22:22
The liver of cancer patients carries a significant metabolic burden, partly because of drug treatments. Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver. Vitamin B1...
15/03/2021 22:19
Drinking lemon juice with apple cider vinegar and olive oil is suitable for everyone, including cancer patients. It boosts the immune system with mini...
15/03/2021 22:17
Glutathione is of enormous importance in the proper functioning of the immune system. Prolonged glutathione deficiency can cause severe illnesses, inc...
15/03/2021 21:31
I recommend that cancer patients switch to a balanced diet, including many natural products, be exposed to the sun in a controlled way, and ultimately...
15/03/2021 21:20
Theoretical issues regarding cancer patients. Immune system rehabilitation must integrate the body, mind, environment, and spirit.
Mental, Behavio...
14/03/2021 21:07
Cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of cells that isolate themselves from the healthy surrounding tissue in self-defense. Cancer is a name...
14/03/2021 20:47
The fear effect exists in most patients with severe illnesses or those perceived as incurable. (Including me at the time) The explanation is related t...
12/03/2021 21:04
The social pressure that raises profound questions makes it difficult for the patient to go against the flow. Turning to alternative medicine (self-he...
12/03/2021 20:58
Life-force energy is all around us and in every organ of our body; without it, we will die. Interference with life-force energy flow can result in phy...
12/03/2021 20:50
By complying with fundamental requirements (mental & physical) — All chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable, Including all types of cance...
12/03/2021 20:41
Cancer patients must follow an anti-inflammatory diet and undergo mechanical detoxification to quickly increase their life energy. Mechanical detoxifi...
Posts from the forum "Autoimmune diseases."
04/02/2023 16:26
The fact that you were able to uncover the unresolved trauma that caused the disease will save you treatment time, but finding the trauma does not rem...
24/02/2022 4:07
Autoimmune patients are advised to listen to music while lying down with their eyes closed, preferably in a dark and quiet room. It is possible while ...
24/02/2022 4:04
Detoxification workshops usually combine practical training on proper nutrition, drinking squeezed juices, and standard detoxification techniques such...
22/02/2022 9:10
Exercise and massages have an excellent effect on the body and mind while boosting the immune system and a good mood. There is no need for strenuous a...
15/02/2022 4:29
Nature has a calming effect. The clear air helps productivity and creativity. There is no need to look for exotic nature; find the available nature cl...
12/01/2022 8:05
Rinse a pack of berries thoroughly. Cut a ginger finger into strips and an apple. (or pear) Squeeze the juice of one lemon and place it in the juicer....
12/01/2022 7:44
Lightning storms charge the air with negative ions. You breathe air with negative ions (loaded in an additional electron), strengthening life energy. ...
01/12/2021 7:21
Patients with autoimmune diseases need the leisure to do what they like to strengthen their immune systems. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and love...
18/11/2021 8:07
I must emphasize that I have no experience with medical leeches. I believe leeches have health benefits, and it is not for nothing that the medical co...
18/11/2021 7:54
The leeches release potent anticoagulant enzymes, together with sucking the blood from the affected area; they restore the blood flow and lymph fluid ...
17/10/2021 11:20
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and controlled exposure. It is important to emphasize t...
19/08/2021 16:27
It is essential to take extra care when reducing or stopping the medication. It is advisable to reduce each time a different drug is used and test the...
17/08/2021 22:46
Unresolved traumatic events are most often stored in the subconscious Mind. This is because of self-defense. The approach to subconsciousness is often...
17/08/2021 22:45
There are other techniques of intrusion into the subconscious, both to my preference and no less challenging! Such as energetic flushing (not availabl...
14/08/2021 21:31
It is essential to emphasize that there is a very significant mental-energetic emphasis stemming from unresolved traumas in autoimmune diseases. The m...
07/08/2021 16:51
Hair appearance is closely linked to our health and the nutrition we consume. The fastest way to repair damaged hair is through naturally squeezed jui...
28/07/2021 21:56
Varicose veins in the legs result from inflammatory processes that damage the valves of the leg veins and cause swelling, sometimes also pain, and an ...
28/07/2021 21:29
I recommend listening with your eyes closed in a quiet, dark room while meditating on music at reputational frequencies and preferably using guided im...
26/07/2021 20:42
The reaction you experience is typical for someone with a gallbladder blockage, resulting in an imbalance in the intestinal flora. An easy-to-digest a...
26/07/2021 20:41
I recommend adding to the lukewarm water the squeezed lemon juice, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and a heaping tablespoon of olive oil separate...
19/07/2021 23:25
Your distress is clear and understandable. Without an understanding of the causes of the disease, it is tough to cure it! A disease that breaks out at...
19/07/2021 23:11
Many reports of patients with a wide range of chronic diseases have benefited from CBD oil. However, there is no comprehensive research on the subject...
20/06/2021 21:59
Discipline is not only a question of personality but also concerns the question of HOPE. People who are hopeless about recovery get into a depression ...
27/05/2021 16:28
Detoxification (mainly mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys) raises the body's energy level. The immune system responds immediately, so ...
24/05/2021 23:43
Nutrition-based detoxification and cleansing of the liver, gallbladder, intestines, and kidneys have a far-reaching effect on strengthening the immune...
09/05/2021 8:58
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid in building cells in our body, and we can not synthesize it, so it must be reached through diet. Studies have consi...
06/05/2021 12:03
The self-healing method is essentially anti-inflammatory and works on the causes of pain, not its symptoms. It is recommended for autoimmune patients ...
01/05/2021 23:02
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available for autoimmune patients; it is suitable for everyo...
25/04/2021 16:33
Controlled exposure to the sun has additional benefits beyond the immediate production of vitamin D3. (appropriate safety rules, including wearing a h...
25/04/2021 16:18
You can apply two drops of eucalyptus or grapefruit seed oil (both very bitter). In that case, you will feel almost immediate relief because of eucaly...
23/04/2021 16:54
I highly recommend enemas as a treatment method, especially for chronic patients, including those with autoimmune diseases. However, I would like to e...
15/04/2021 18:41
Autoimmune diseases are complex diseases that require simultaneous treatment of the body, mind, and spirit. It is desirable to emphasize that frequenc...
10/04/2021 12:05
Practical issues regarding autoimmune patients.
Detoxification raises the energy level of our body and strengthens the immune system. Inflammations...
08/04/2021 8:35
The first period of falling asleep without sleeping pills is the most challenging, after which sleep becomes more natural. Natural solutions include d...
07/04/2021 22:23
The answer depends very much on the patient's age. Autoimmune diseases that break out at a young age (30 and under) are usually the result of unresolv...
07/04/2021 15:36
In contrast to our blood in a minimal range of values (of a weak alkaline environment) in the digestive system, there are very high acid-base gaps. ...
02/04/2021 21:34
To my knowledge, the Ayahuasca drug cannot be used in many countries worldwide. At the same time, its ability to penetrate the subconscious is especia...
28/03/2021 11:05
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread, including in autoimmune patients; they result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of ...
25/02/2021 22:24
Treatment of autoimmune diseases using the self-healing method is the only option for recovery because it is the only method that treats the causes of...
25/02/2021 22:10
There are about 100 alternative diagnostic and treatment methods. Indeed, it is not easy to choose from all the variety. I recommend that you delve in...
24/02/2021 23:43
The fear effect exists in most patients with severe illnesses or those who are perceived as incurable. (Including me at the time) The explanation is r...
01/01/2021 19:38
Patients with autoimmune diseases need powerful combined detoxification of nutrition, mechanical detoxification, and complementary detoxification. Mec...
30/12/2020 19:12
The leading cause of fungal infections is an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Balancing the gut flora will eliminate the fungal infection throughout...
27/12/2020 18:27
The treatment of autoimmune diseases must emphasize the mental dimension of unresolved traumas from the past. At the same time, detoxification is high...
22/12/2020 23:10
Nail fungus is not just a matter of hygiene in swimming pools and damp places that contact the feet; it is mainly a symptom of an unbalanced intestina...
20/11/2020 0:01
I highly recommend acupuncture in psoriasis patients to strengthen the immune system and balance life energy without any side effects. In the article ...
19/11/2020 23:52
I have been intermittently staying in Changsha, China, due to liver cirrhosis for the past 16 years and have performed hundreds of acupuncture by diff...
15/11/2020 13:33
Without regular thyroid hormone production, the body's metabolism level decreases, and there is an increased tendency for obesity. Stomach shortening ...
15/11/2020 12:55
I recommend reading the article in the attached link. It is also advisable to use a naturopath to guide you through the stages of recovery from ALS, w...
14/11/2020 21:52
The fact that the body attacks itself is a malfunction of the immune system recognizing the body cells as an "enemy." The detection mechanism of self-...
14/11/2020 21:33
Uncontrolled exposure to the sun is not recommended for anyone. Thousands of patients with psoriasis and other skin diseases come to the Dead Sea (the...
12/11/2020 13:31
Removing unresolved traumas from the subconscious while transferring them to the conscious (without forgetting) is critical for patients with autoimmu...
12/11/2020 13:08
As someone who has performed over 300 acupunctures in China, I can confidently say that acupuncture is a particularly effective treatment, sometimes a...
12/10/2020 21:18
Although Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease are seemingly opposite conditions of Thyroid autoimmune diseases, they can be treated with the sa...
29/09/2020 4:14
The body never works at random. Of over 80 different autoimmune diseases, only type 1 diabetes damage the pancreas. Of course, the main question is wh...
29/09/2020 4:10
The more severe the disease, the more the patient fears not complying with the attending physician; thus, it misses a significant opportunity for a di...
29/09/2020 4:06
MS & ALS are not incurable diseases. Recovery from MS or ALS is achievable using self-healing medicine. Although not similar, both can be treated with...
29/09/2020 3:53
Psoriasis patients are treated with the misconception that this is an incurable disease. Therefore, treatment is only symptomatic and does not attempt...
29/09/2020 3:50
Although Hashimoto thyroiditis and Graves' disease are seemingly opposite conditions of Thyroid autoimmune diseases, they can be treated with the same...
02/04/2020 20:39
Although Hashimoto thyroiditis and Graves' disease are seemingly opposite conditions of Thyroid autoimmune diseases, they can be treated with the same...
14/10/2019 10:53
Although there is a cure for psoriasis, conventional medicine only treats the symptoms of the disease, and therefore, it cannot bring about a complete...
Posts from the forum "Coronary heart diseases, hypertension, and high cholesterol."
19/01/2022 7:04
This energy drink, relatively easy to prepare, contains powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts energy quite immediately. It can help reduce...
19/10/2021 8:20
Benign prostate enlargement is a widespread phenomenon among men aged 50 and over. The phenomenon is caused by inflammatory processes that divert the ...
02/09/2021 17:04
I am sorry that you are financially affected by the global crisis; you will be comforted by the fact that the drugs you have taken do not cure; they o...
19/08/2021 16:46
It is essential to take extra care when reducing or stopping the medication. It is advisable to reduce each time a different drug is used and test the...
27/05/2021 16:33
Although medicine does not attach importance to detoxification, even simple logic dictates that it is required for chronic heart patients. Blockages i...
24/05/2021 23:48
Be aware that self-healing has ups and downs; it does not indicate it does not work. The last stage might be the hardest because the immune system is ...
15/05/2021 0:49
Patients with chronic heart diseases tend to stick to the drug treatment, partly because of natural fears, but without realizing that high blood chole...
10/05/2021 21:52
Coronary heart diseases result from an unhealthy (mental and physical) lifestyle and an inflammatory diet. There is no medicinal solution for these, a...
06/05/2021 12:09
The self-healing method is essentially anti-inflammatory and works on the causes of pain, not its symptoms. The disadvantage of this method is that it...
01/05/2021 23:09
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available; it is suitable for everyone, including CHD patien...
25/04/2021 16:40
Practical issues regarding CHD patients. The sun is the source of life on Earth. People mistakenly avoid controlled sun exposure! Most people today ha...
25/04/2021 16:23
Practical issues regarding CHD patients.
You can apply two drops of eucalyptus or grapefruit seed oil (both very bitter). In that case, you will f...
23/04/2021 17:04
I recommend enemas and mechanical detox as a treatment method, including for chronic heart patients. However, there are risks, and for those who are i...
15/04/2021 18:49
I recommend listening with your eyes closed in a quiet room while meditating on music at reputational frequencies, possibly while employing guided ima...
10/04/2021 12:10
Patients with coronary heart disease need nutritional and mechanical detoxification, including a natural protocol (without drugs) for dissolving calci...
28/03/2021 11:12
Calcium deposits in internal organs and blood vessels are widespread in chronic heart patients; they result from prolonged inflammatory processes and ...
25/02/2021 22:30
A certified naturopath is the most appropriate treatment agent for CHD patients. However, there is no uniform methodology, so checking and agreeing wi...
25/02/2021 22:17
I recommend using the attached article that elaborates extensively on the mental and physical treatments required for recovery from chronic heart dise...
01/01/2021 19:44
Patients with coronary heart disease need mechanical liver-kidney detoxification that strengthens their immune system and helps repair damage to the h...
27/12/2020 18:41
Coronary heart disease results from inflammatory processes strongly influenced by stress, anxiety, and an inflammatory diet that is usually industrial...
01/12/2020 19:28
Glutathione is relevant for everyone, as well as for patients with chronic heart diseases. Since it cannot be obtained in its active form, consuming v...
27/11/2020 23:04
Lemon is very acidic but acts as a chemical base in our bodies. It flushes the kidneys. In the morning, squeeze a whole lemon (possibly half) and add ...
15/11/2020 18:57
Patients with chronic heart disease often suffer from the accumulation of calcium deposits derived from inflammatory processes. There is a natural opt...
Posts from the forum "Chronic kidney disease. (CKD)"
23/01/2022 3:58
Naturally squeezed berry juice is an energy drink that is relatively easy to prepare and contains powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts en...
03/01/2022 3:16
Chronic prostatitis, usually asymptomatic, causes the male hormone testosterone to reach the prostate instead of the bloodstream, causing it to enlarg...
17/10/2021 22:18
I guess the dermatologist forbade you from overexposure to the sun and did not forbid moderate and controlled exposure. It is important to emphasize t...
02/09/2021 17:01
I must mention that a financial crisis damages the kidneys, especially the kidneys, as they are related to the root Chakra. (Energy Center)
I am s...
21/06/2021 22:42
There are several ways to recharge the life energy in our body. Unfortunately, none of them are simple.
1 Natural, varied, fresh, and healthy food ch...
21/06/2021 22:19
Although the rain (partially) cleans the air pollution and washes the dust in the streets, the explanation is deeper. Like waterfalls and sea waves, l...
27/05/2021 16:30
The liver is often damaged in patients with chronic kidney diseases since it tries to compensate for poor kidney function. Detoxification in chronic k...
24/05/2021 23:45
Patients with chronic kidney diseases need mechanical detoxification of the kidneys and liver. The operation usually involves the appearance of weakne...
15/05/2021 0:43
These two widespread symptoms are related to each other. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that creates a lot of damage to tissues an...
06/05/2021 12:05
Better viewed in the link below:
How can the self-healing method relieve chronic pain (including kidney pain)? (...
02/05/2021 21:12
Chronic kidney disease patients usually need detoxification of the liver and kidneys and addressing mental unresolved traumatic issues, which is even ...
01/05/2021 23:05
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available; it is suitable for everyone of any age and condit...
25/04/2021 16:35
The sun is the source of life on earth. People mistakenly avoid controlled sun exposure! Most people today have a chronic vitamin D deficiency, includ...
23/04/2021 16:57
I highly recommend enemas as a treatment method, especially for chronic kidney patients. It is essential to emphasize that enemas are often part of th...
15/04/2021 18:45
I recommend listening with your eyes closed in a quiet room while meditating to music at reputational frequencies. Frequency therapy is effective only...
10/04/2021 12:07
Chronic kidney patients often also suffer from liver weakness, which carries a heavy burden. The combination causes increased toxicity in the body, wh...
04/04/2021 21:55
Patients with chronic kidney diseases first turn to conventional medicine; having not found a satisfactory solution, they seek alternative therapies i...
28/03/2021 11:08
Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread. They result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of homeostasis in the body's calcium ...
11/03/2021 8:09
Personal details about the patient were deliberately skipped. I must emphasize the mental-energetic aspect of the disease. Kidney disease (especially ...
25/02/2021 22:26
I recommend patients with chronic kidney diseases start the journey of self-healing by reading the articles in the attached link. Because of the diffi...
01/01/2021 19:40
Patients with chronic kidney diseases need mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys. It is usually a lengthy process full of ups and downs, ...
27/12/2020 18:37
In patients with chronic kidney disease, the liver carries a heavy burden as it tries to compensate for the loss of kidney function. Therefore, detoxi...
01/12/2020 19:21
Patients with chronic kidney diseases must adhere to a natural diet rich in sulfur.
Glutathione is enormously important in properly functioning the...
27/11/2020 23:01
Patients with chronic kidney diseases must adopt this habit as a life routine. Lemon is very acidic but acts as a chemical base in our bodies. It flus...
27/11/2020 22:00
By complying with fundamental requirements (mental and physical), all chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases, including CKD, are curable!
Every di...
12/11/2020 13:26
It is advisable to take advantage of the liver's remarkable regeneration capabilities, lower the burden on the injured kidneys, and thus initiate dama...
Posts from the forum "Type 2 diabetes (T2D) natural recovery."
27/02/2022 4:24
Diabetes patients are advised to listen to frequency music while lying down with their eyes closed, preferably in a dark and quiet room. They should a...
27/02/2022 4:13
This traditional Chinese recipe is suitable for all types of flu and, in fact, for any inflammatory disease, including T2D. The treatment is appropria...
27/02/2022 4:07
Therapeutic Massage benefits:
Increasing the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid.
Pain relief.
It is relaxing and relieves tension.
Helps sleep.
24/02/2022 4:18
Detoxification workshops usually combine practical training on proper nutrition, drinking squeezed juices, and standard detoxification techniques such...
24/02/2022 4:09
Diabetes patients are advised to listen to frequency music while lying down with closed eyes, preferably in a dark and quiet room. It is recommended w...
19/01/2022 7:10
Berry squeezed juice is an energy drink that is relatively easy to prepare and contains powerful and concentrated antioxidants. It boosts energy quite...
19/11/2021 5:49
People with diabetes can drink freshly squeezed natural juice, which must be balanced in sweetness and acid/base. The best way to get juice that is no...
19/11/2021 5:37
Medicinal leeches may significantly improve the healing of wounds originating from pressure and necrosis wounds, characteristic of diabetics in severe...
19/10/2021 8:28
Benign prostate enlargement is a widespread phenomenon among men aged 50 and over. The phenomenon is caused by inflammatory processes that divert the ...
02/09/2021 17:04
I am sorry that you are financially affected by the global crisis; you will be comforted by the fact that the drugs you have taken do not cure; they o...
19/08/2021 16:36
It is essential to take extra care when reducing or stopping the medication. It is advisable to reduce each time a different drug is used and test the...
14/08/2021 21:35
Diabetes also has a mental dimension of living under stress and anxiety, requiring a lifestyle change. It is important to emphasize that optimal weigh...
22/06/2021 22:33
Diabetes is a systemic disease that affects all the cells of the body and affects appearance. I recommend you read the article in the attached link ab...
27/05/2021 16:34
Patients with diabetes suffer from "cell poisoning" because energy does not effectively reach the cells. Detoxification is essential for diabetics, us...
06/05/2021 12:09
Practical issues regarding diabetes patients.
Link: Alleviating chronic pain using anti-inflammatory methods. (...
01/05/2021 23:09
Freshly squeezed juice with natural and fresh ingredients is the most potent energy drink available; it is suitable for everyone of any age and condit...
25/04/2021 16:41
Prolonged vitamin B12 deficiency in non-vegetarians may indicate weakness in liver function. Vitamin B12 is essential for the functioning of the immun...
25/04/2021 16:40
Diabetic patients are recommended to be exposed to the sun in a controlled manner. Natural vitamin D3 production is superior to any supplement.
25/04/2021 16:23
The herbal substitutes for treating toothache are not unique to diabetes patients. At the same time, people with diabetes are advised to minimize the ...
23/04/2021 17:05
I recommend enemas as a detoxification method for diabetes patients. However, there are risks involved. I recommend carefully reading the article rega...
15/04/2021 18:49
I recommend listening with your eyes closed in a quiet room while meditating on music at reputational frequencies. Listening to music at selected freq...
The paradox of detoxification in diabetes patients - sometimes sending them to the medicine cabinet!
10/04/2021 12:11
People with diabetes are in a state of "poisoning" of the body's cells and need mechanical detoxification of the liver and kidneys, which can take a r...
08/04/2021 8:43
People with diabetes are "poisoning" the body's cells. It is recommended that medications, including sleep medications, be reduced. The first withdraw...
04/04/2021 21:58
Diabetes patients first turn to conventional medicine; having not found a satisfactory solution, they seek alternative therapies in self-healing medic...
28/03/2021 11:13
Practical issues regarding T2D patients. Calcium deposits are a common phenomenon and the result of inflammatory processes. In diabetics, the combinat...
26/03/2021 0:03
I advise people with diabetes to avoid supplements altogether. They are often unnecessary and sometimes harmful. Switching to an anti-inflammatory, va...
26/03/2021 0:03
The difficulty of finding a treating facilitator pushed me to treat in China, in a private clinic, and also in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital...
26/03/2021 0:00
People with diabetes often need detoxification by cleansing the liver, gallbladder, intestines, and kidneys. This is explained by the disease's nature...
25/03/2021 23:40
Lemon is very acidic but acts as a chemical base in our bodies. It flushes the kidneys. In the morning, squeezing a whole lemon (possibly half) and ad...
25/03/2021 23:40
Glutathione is of enormous importance in the proper functioning of the immune system. Prolonged glutathione deficiency can cause severe illnesses, inc...
25/03/2021 23:38
An effective treatment that may save people with diabetes is pressure chamber therapy (a rather expensive treatment), and medical leeches can also sav...
15/11/2020 12:43
Type 2 diabetes is a disease of all the body cells that do not produce energy efficiently. Because the disease's leading cause is poor nutrition (comb...