Although there is a cure for psoriasis, conventional medicine only treats the symptoms of the disease, and therefore, it cannot bring about a complete recovery. Complete recovery from psoriasis can only be achieved by strengthening the immune system by combining body, mind, and spirit.
Although psoriasis does not result in the death of patients, it causes them inhibitions, mental crises, and depression and leads to a sharp decline in their quality of life. Psoriasis is a prevalent autoimmune disease in both men and women. (Psoriasis is slightly more common in women than in men.)
Current estimates are that about 2% —3 % (some even claim 4%) of the world's population suffers from psoriasis, about 125 million people worldwide, of whom about 8 million are in the United States. In most autoimmune diseases, the ratio of women to men is much higher. Although the disease manifests itself in the skin (in varying degrees of severity, in different locations and forms), it is a long-term immune system disease. A condition in which the body attacks itself is not routine.
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Psoriasis – Natural Self-healing Skin Recovery and Rehabilitation. (Copy & Paste)
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A short introduction to Psoriasis by Self-healing medicine.
14/10/2019 10:53
The next post: Why the current drug therapy cannot bring about a complete recovery from psoriasis. (Nor other autoimmune diseases)
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