Damage to the liver often accumulates over decades and is difficult to repair in the short term. Emptying the liver of toxins, cysts, rotten tissue, and cholesterol stones (solidified bile) is lengthy but life-saving! There are only two alternatives for severe chronic liver patients: Liver transplantation! Or prolonged treatment by self-healing. The only option for recovery for chronic liver patients who passed the no-return point (other than a liver transplant) is a treatment using the self-healing method, which combines body, mind, and spirit.
Recommended: Liver (Intrahepatic) biliary stones and Gallstones.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/151 (Copy & Paste)
Chronic Liver Diseases and Cirrhosis | Liver rehabilitation, by Self-Healing Natural Medicine.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/121 (Copy & Paste)
Why is recovery from chronic liver disease particularly prolonged?
08/11/2020 13:06
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