Cancer treatment usually also requires treatment of the mental-energetic dimension, which is no less challenging and does not have sufficient emphasis in modern medicine.
Detoxification workshops usually combine practical training on proper nutrition, drinking squeezed juices, and standard detoxification techniques such as coffee enemas and liver and gallbladder flushes. Cancer patients are most often in a state of low energy and severe metabolic load, partly due to the violent drug treatment they are receiving. The detoxification workshops are practical, especially in the guidance aspect. Curing cancer in a workshop that usually lasts several days is impossible. Still, it is certainly possible to learn essential habits that will accompany the patient on their further journey toward recovery.
Link: Cancer causes emphasize its two interconnected trajectories. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: I recommend cancer patients to listen with their eyes closed while meditating on music at reputational frequencies.
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