Discussion: I went to see a specialist who laughed at me when I asked about detoxification. I really wonder what to do?

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  3. Migraines are excruciating pain.

I went to see a specialist who laughed at me when I asked about detoxification. I really wonder what to do?

Since migraines are an inflammatory phenomenon (explained in detail in the attached link), any detoxification helps reduce migraine headaches in the long term. (In the short time, there may be an exacerbation)

Migraines are a phenomenon most commonly associated with gallbladder infections! (Especially in women) The gallbladder's meridian (energy channel) is essential in treating migraines. When the body has low toxicity levels, the body's energy will improve significantly. Therefore, the immune system can fight all pathogens much more effectively. Lowering the immune burden enables recovery from most chronic diseases, including migraines.

I am well aware of conventional medicine's attitude to detoxification. I have experienced the same reactions. When I mentioned meridians (energy channels), the response was contempt.

Migraines are paralyzing pain.
Migraines are symptoms of intracranial pressure due to disruption of the blood flow of the jugular (neck) veins due to swollen lymph nodes.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/125 (Copy & Paste)

Comprehensive Detoxification Guidelines.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/113 (Copy & Paste)
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