Unfortunately, deciphering the genetic code was not enough to bring about recovery from acquired chronic diseases. New medical ventures that use AI are based on optimizing existing treatments with fewer side effects and increased effectiveness. However, they still do not change medicine's worldview and continue treating the symptoms rather than the causes of chronic diseases.
- It is imperative to neutralize the causes of chronic diseases to cure them. However, the causes of chronic diseases are numerous and combine heredity, environment, and physical and mental lifestyle, and not all of these variables have clear and quantifiable indicators.
Geneticists compare decoding the genetic code to reading a book where all the words are known, but its content is not necessarily fully understood. A breakthrough in genetics could be made using language-based AI models similar to existing models. The genetic code is a binary language for producing proteins, the building blocks of life. The enormous difficulty is that a combination of genetics, nutrition, lifestyle, and the mental-energetic dimension is required, which today has no expression in medicine.
Decoding the causes of all chronic acquired diseases will be The 21's healthcare revolution.
Deciphering the causes of autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer, mental illnesses, and addictions is a possible task that will dramatically change the world of medicine. The treatment will focus on eliminating the causes of the disease rather than its symptoms.
- Although we think chronic diseases are a matter of chance, knowing that the body never works randomly is essential. Therefore, all chronic diseases' nature, location, and severity are consequential!
- If we know the causes of the disease precisely, we can neutralize them and recover quickly, with a sharp reduction in drug treatment designed to treat symptoms. Eliminating the causes will prevent suffering, side effects, unnecessary expenses, and severe side effects caused by the treatment.
The technology to implement the project already exists. The initiative is needed, especially a change in the medical establishment's perceptions, which are fixated on the old methods of treating disease symptoms. The venture's potential is enormous!
Continue reading: Deciphering the underlying causes of all chronic illnesses.

Modern medicine has not been able to identify the causes of disease in a way that would allow treatment of the causes of the disease and therefore has focused on treating the symptoms. However, treating the symptoms usually only perpetuates the disease and does not lead to the patient's recovery.