Radiating life-force energy — The ultimate CURE.

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A quantum scanner that injects life energy directly into blocked meridians (energy channels) is the next generation of energy medicine.
Qi life-force energy.

"To discover the universe's secrets, think about energy, frequency, and vibrations. (Nikola Tesla)" 

This short article reviews the dramatic implications of the energetic body in curing diseases perceived as incurable, such as cancer and autoimmune diseases. Life energy can be illustrated by a simplistic analogy with cars as the energy of the spark that ignites fuel combustion. You can fill up with fuel, but the car won't start without the spark. We can eat to our fullness, but without the spark, with the right timing and intensity, the person will get sick. The spark (life energy) exists from when life begins and throughout life. Physics has accepted the duality of matter and energy for more than a century, but medicine is still procrastinating.


Introduction to the concept of Qi life-force energy. 

"To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."

Links: | Qi and Bioelectromagnetic Energy. By Randall L. Waechter, Ph.D.  | Yin Yang House Theory - Explore Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine.

The connection between the body, mind, and spirit.

  • The Chinese concept of Qi is not easily translated into Western thought.
  • Although this connection has been known for thousands of years, modern conventional medicine does not balance the body, mind & spirit.
  • Not everyone knows that acupuncture is an energetic treatment method that aims to balance life energy, which is essential for a healthy life.

My comment concerning the idea that Qi reflects blood circulation.

  • Qi life force is much more than blood circulation, which many people sometimes refer to. However, elevating the organ's Qi will also improve blood circulation.
  • It is essential to emphasize that the energy channels are incompatible with the neural transmission system.


LIFE-FORCE (Ψ) = {BODY (Ψ)} X {MIND (Ψ) (Conscious Ψ)( i Subconscious Ψ)

The formula refers to the energy level in the central energy channel. Every organ and tissue in our body has its energy.

  • Life energy is energy at the quantum level; therefore, the formula is unconventional. The formula contains a component of complex numbers because the spiritual energy is in another dimension.

These are simultaneous equations. (Each variable affects the other variables and themselves.)

  • LIFE-FORCE (Ψ)                    - Life force wave function
  • BODY (Ψ)                              - Physical body wave function.
  • MIND (Ψ) (Conscious)           - Mental conscious wave function.
  • MIND (Ψ) (Subconscious)     - Subconscious spiritual wave function.
  • i (complex numbers)            - The square root of -1 (Oscillates due to the spiritual energy)

The body, mind, and life-force energy (spiritual) are entangled and non-separable. They are all reflections of each other.

Life energy exists as long as we live and is reset by death. The subconscious mind has a massive effect because it acts exponentially on the conscious mind. The formula I propose presents a theoretical and mathematical conception of life energy. The distance to discovering and harnessing life energy is still great but critical in many aspects.


Life-force energy transfusion- the ultimate "CURE."

Life-force energy transfusion- the ultimate

Life energy is "Cosmic energy" and has not yet been identified.

  • The life energy gates of energy channels (meridians) and energy centers (chakras) are controlled by an electromagnetic gates mechanism, which is also why acupuncture uses excellent electrical conductors. An MRI scan does not image the spirit, and Kirilian photography (high voltage) captures our body's magnetic field, not the spirit!


My life was saved thanks to extraterrestrials' systematic injection of life energy.

An extraterrestrial energy-injecting device left marks on my hand. (Without being abducted)

The locations of energy penetration are not accidental, and there are two signs. (entry and exit) is because energy always moves between poles.

Link: An extraterrestrial energy-injecting device left marks on my hand.

Extraterrestrial energy injection instrument marks.

Without an energy injection, I would have died long ago. (Gallery) The concept of energy injection exists in science fiction films, but very technologically advanced extraterrestrials successfully implement it. Think of the enormous potential of this technology, which can cure patients with cancer, autoimmune diseases, and others, not as a single therapy but in combination with a healthy lifestyle and diet.

  • The science of physics has long accepted the duality of matter and energy. Identifying life energy does not meet medicine's priorities, mainly because (Western) medicine does not see the human body as a dual entity. (Matter and energy)


Life-force Energy transfusion is the next level of futuristic medicine. 

Implementing the "energy infusion" concept can take humanity to extreme scenarios.

"Cure" for many diseases. (Incurable today)

  • An infusion of life-force energy can cure diseases like cancer.
  • The infusion of life-force energy will help heal many chronic diseases.

Life-force energy infusion - Charging the life force externally to improve vitality and mood. 

  • Feeling weak or upset after events that drain the body of life-force energy (not just calories), we can enter a facility that "injects" life-force energy and is extremely strengthened and refreshed.
  • Separation, crisis, or negative emotions empty the life force's energy. The energy enters the unique facility and renews the lost energy, immediately improving the body's mood and energy.

A meter of love and Emotions? (Science fiction)  

  • Their energetic synergy will also determine the matching of couples.
  • Love/Hate detectors can be the outcome of such technology.

Dual Quantum health scanners and tissue repair. (Similar to the ideas in Star Wars.)

  • Dual-purpose quantum scanners that can diagnose and heal through the connection between body, mind, and spirit will do things that seem like science fiction today.
  • Nanotechnology, which combines genetic engineering with a scanner that diagnoses and injects the life energy required for cell regeneration, is an idea from science fiction films. However, it represents the next step in the medical world.


Good chemistry between people = full energetic synchronization.

"Good Chemistry" between people. 

  • Good chemistry between people is the ability to co-create mutual charging of life-force energy. (Synergy - Both sides win.)

"Bad Chemistry between people. 

  • Bad chemistry also exists. Lousy chemistry between people can manifest in the mutual discharging of life-force energy. (Both sides lose.)


There is no positive or negative energy. (Only charging and discharging.)

  • However, charging can strengthen power; conversely, discharging can weaken energy. Thus, it may be perceived as positive and negative energy.

Charging the life-force energy. (Comes from deep positive emotions)

  • Love and happiness are potent generators of positive energy. Deep belief generates the same effect as positive energy. This is why meditation and guided imagery are proposed as healing tools for sick people.

Discharging the life-force energy. (Comes from deep negative emotions) 

  • Just as Qi is charged, Qi is also discharging. People use natural minerals and stones to block the harmful effects of discharging energy.


There is a danger that dubious entities will develop technology that can control life-force energy with harsh consequences.

The idea of "death rays" was conceived by Nikola Tesla, and there is even evidence that the Soviet Union paid him a considerable amount for this development. Was Nikola Tesla murdered? Evidence shows he was being monitored, but the mystery will probably remain unsolved forever. However, the threat of death rays is not just science fiction.

  •  A "death beam" that empties (Discharges) the life-force energy now sounds like science fiction, but if terrorist organizations have such technologies, there will be a terrible danger. The danger of such technologies is that they can be operated remotely! 


I estimate that genetic engineering of the next generation, carried out using simulators on quantum computers and artificial intelligence, will make it possible to cure genetic diseases using retroviruses that correct exactly the defective fragments of the patient's DNA within a few decades. Since the viruses "hijack the cells," the repair will also affect the offspring.

Leapfrogging on such a vast scale requires understanding and harnessing life's energy as a first step. 


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Is the "infusion of life energy" the future technology of medicine?
The idea that every tissue in the human body can be healed and restored through the injection of life energy appears in many science fiction films. But they are not devoid of applicability!
Is there scientific proof for the existence of life energy?
Medical science is not busy searching for insights into life energy, mainly because these are considered part of alternative medicine. Acupuncture has been shown in many studies to be effective.
Why is it critical to master and harness life energy?
Harnessing the forces of life energy can cure all chronic diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases, addictions, mental illnesses, and more.
Do pharmaceutical companies influence stopping the development of energy medicine?
The pharmaceutical companies have no interest in developing competition from energy medicine, although this is not the only explanation. Pharmaceutical companies may be the body that invests in the development of energy medicine. The medical establishment and the public have not yet internalized the critical need for energy medicine.
Is energy medicine the medicine of the future?
Energy medicine is the main missing link in understanding the connection between body, mind, and spirit. Without cracking and understanding the energetic processes in the human body, there will be no cure for chronic diseases such as cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Is it possible to misuse "life energy injection" technologies
"Life Energy Injection" technologies are also able to do the opposite! Pumping life energy. Dubious entities may make harmful use of futuristic technologies. Therefore research and development must be carried out by responsible parties. This technology may also have military applications, which a treaty should prohibit.
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Radiating the life-force energy will be the ultimate CURE.
1. Why is a medicine that treats the energetic body (separate from the physical body) the medicine of tomorrow?
The idea of injecting energy that repairs and restores damaged organs appears frequently in science fiction films. The idea that the energetic body can be treated without cuts, injections, or invasive procedures requires a dramatic change in the perception of the human body in general and the medical world in particular.
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A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 2.
Physics has long recognized the duality of matter and energy. String theory in modern physics presents the properties of matter as vibrating energy strings. Medicine still refuses to accept the duality of energy and matter concerning the human body. The conceptual change will happen relatively soon.
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