Unfortunately, deciphering the genetic code was not enough to bring about recovery from acquired chronic diseases. New medical ventures that use AI are based on optimizing existing treatments with fewer side effects and increased effectiveness. However, they still do not change medicine's worldview and continue treating the symptoms rather than the causes of the disease! Therefore, they will not be able to cure chronic diseases.
- Deciphering the genetic code will make it possible in the coming decades to correct genetic diseases using genetic editing, cutting, and pasting technologies (a technology known as CRISPR) successfully tested in COVID-19 vaccines and clinical trials. However, in many chronic diseases, including many autoimmune diseases and cancer, the explanatory component of genetics in morbidity on average is single-digit percentages, except for exceptional cases, does not exceed 20% and therefore requires a combination of additional variables, mainly lifestyle (mental and physical, nutrition and treatment of the energetic dimension, which is not at all known to medicine.
The suggested venture to treating chronic disease causes is challenging but exceptionally rewarding.
- To reach a result that can be implemented based on changes in mental, physical, and nutritional lifestyles, it is necessary to statistically decipher all the variables, including the mental-energetic dimension, at a high level of significance, such that it will be possible to maneuver between the variables, except heredity.
- The patient's prescription will include a precise recipe for a healthy lifestyle, an exact, personalized diet, lifestyle changes, both mental and physical, recommendations for age-appropriate physical activity and health status, and most importantly, a recipe for releasing unresolved traumas from the past, with clear indications of what to look for and at what level. These are insights that have never been at the attention of medicine.
The proposed project represents a fundamental shift in the perception of the entire field of chronic disease treatment.
- Instead of treating the symptoms of the disease, the treatment will be focused on neutralizing the causes of the disease. It will dramatically lower chronic disease morbidity that until now were perceived as incurable, such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's), mental illness, addictions, and more. Symptomatic treatment is not able to cure chronic diseases. The only chance for the chronically ill is by eliminating the causes of the disease.
New technologies that combine powerful quantum computing with artificial intelligence can accurately pinpoint the causes of chronic diseases. No chronic patient will hesitate to use this innovative service. The project will require massive investment, but the returns for investors and humanity will be tremendous.
Medicine today treats the symptoms of chronic diseases, not the causes, which are not fully known!
Without decoding the disease's causes, medicine handles the disease's symptoms! But such treatment has a heavy price. Quantum computing can initiate individually tailored therapies that will eradicate chronic diseases. It may be the medical revolution of the 21st century!
- Although we think chronic illness and addictions are a matter of chance, knowing that the body never works randomly is essential. Therefore, the nature of all chronic diseases, mental illnesses, addictions, location, and severity are consequential!
Suppose we know precisely the causes of the disease. In that case, we can neutralize them and gradually recover, with a sharp reduction in drug treatment designed to treat symptoms. Eliminating the causes will prevent suffering, side effects, unnecessary expenses, and severe side effects caused by the treatment.
Cracking the genetic code took 13 years, but it's just part of the puzzle. The job is not complete yet.
Geneticists compare the decoding of the genetic code to a book in which all the words are known, but its content is not necessarily fully understood. A breakthrough in genetics could be made using language-based AI models similar to existing models. The genetic code is a binary language for producing proteins and the building blocks of life. The enormous difficulty is that a combination of genetics with nutrition, lifestyle, and the mental-energetic dimension is required, which today has no expression in medicine.
Only by decoding all the explanatory variables (including heredity) will we fundamentally solve the riddle of chronic illness causes.
The main explanatory variables are:
- Lifestyle and diet.
- Nutrition and eating habits. (Reflected in blood and many other tests.)
- Physical environment and living conditions.
- Mental environment.
- Exposure to pathogens. (Mainly through blood tests.)
- Genetics.
- Gender and age.
- Psychological - Energetic. (unresolved mental traumas) - There is no qualitative or quantitative expression; therefore, it is not measured.
The leading causes and catalysts of chronic morbidity.
(Psychological - Energetic, Unhealthy lifestyle and diet, Exposure to pathogens.)
The body never works randomly. Therefore, every cause of chronic morbidity can be simulated.
The nature, location, and severity of all chronic diseases are consequential!
- Symptomatic treatments (such as medications) usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.
- Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
- Suppose we know precisely the causes of the disease. In that case, we can neutralize them and fast recover, with a sharp reduction in drug treatment designed to treat symptoms. Eliminating the causes will prevent suffering, side effects, unnecessary expenses, and severe side effects caused by the treatment.
Medicine has failed to resolve the chronic morbidity riddle.
- Much knowledge was gained regarding heredity and a healthy lifestyle, but paradoxically, chronic morbidity only increased! A logical explanation for the phenomenon—lacking a whole and central dimension that has a decisive influence—is the mental and energetic factor. (Life force energy.)
The mental-energetic dimension is critical in understanding the causes of chronic diseases and addictions.
The (unconventional) perception of the human body as a dual, physical, and energetic entity is essential to full recovery.
"To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."
- By nature, we are focused on the disease we suffer from. Still, it is essential to discover the mechanism common to all non-genetic long-term immune failure diseases to understand and heal them.
The concepts of Meridians and Chakras can be used, improved, and validated. Although the method is inaccurate, it can be improved with modern tools.
What is lacking today to run the ultimate model of cracking the causes of chronic morbidity?
Known variables:
- We have precise data quantified available for the first variable (lifestyle and diet).
- Since the genetic code has already cracked genetic information into a single gene, its effects are known and existent.
- Medicine today knows how to diagnose all the pathogens that harm people.
Unknown variable - Critical.
Translating mental traumas into more precise terms with quantitative characteristics and vectors, power, and location is challenging.
The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions.
An initial starting point for the missing mental-energetic dimension.
Indian Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine tools of chakras (energy centers) and meridians (energy channels) concept.
Link: Radiating the life-force energy will be the ultimate CURE.
- When we talk about negative (and positive) emotions, we cannot give them any numerical or tangible expression today. Anger, fear, guilt, stress, etc., enter one basket not expressed in any mathematical form.
- Using the knowledge accumulated over thousands of years in Indian and Chinese medicine, it is possible to model all mental variables. (This can be an excellent basis for research.)
- The conductivity and obstruction level in the 14 meridians and seven energy centers (chakras) can provide an essential dimension with valuable information.
- According to Indian and Chinese medicine, there are typical mental traumas; this information may be vital for future treatment.
- To validate the apparent link between mental trauma and the disease's location in the body, it is necessary to use independent hypotheses to confirm the findings individually in a sample.
Quantum computer. (Such a project requires enormous computing power.)
Custom simulation, at the molecular level, is an essential byproduct of the project.
The model will offer (for a fee) a simulation of the stages of recovery in various scenarios.
- The patient will be given a saliva sample to perform a (one-time) genetic analysis and consent to use existing and future databases, including all existing medical information.
- The patients will describe their lifestyle and nutrition in great detail using a smartphone application of a specialist system of the project.
- The patients will list the diseases, to the best of their knowledge, and all the symptoms they have experienced in recent times and the past.
- Severe mental events, with traumatic potential, noting the period that has elapsed since then.
What is the model supposed to show?
The analytical analysis results will give an accurate map of the probabilities of the various causes and how to most effectively and efficiently cure chronic disease.
- Patients will receive a prescription of recommended nutrition and recommended lifestyle, adapted to their abilities, with specific adaptation to their heredity, and with a solid mental emphasis. With the possibility of maneuvering between the variables, if necessary, statistically estimating each route they choose.
- The statistical cracking of the model will make it possible to alternate between the variables so that if you do not follow a strict diet, you can, for example, lead a quiet and calm lifestyle instead or adopt a pet.
A possible scenario for implementing the project results.
What will patients' lives look like after the knowledge accumulated in the project is available?
- The system will synchronize with existing information in the various health systems. If additional tests are required following the individual specifications, the client/patient will be sent to complete them.
- The results will be action required to neutralize the causes of the disease. The system will maintain a patient monitoring interface with dynamic instructions according to treatment progress and symptoms. The entire system will run as an artificial intelligence project.
And what about older chronic patients suffering from chronic illnesses?
- For more severely ill chronic patients, innovative anti-inflammatory technologies that mimic a healthy lifestyle will be offered.
A dynamic statistical model capable of bringing about recovery from chronic diseases with probabilities of 80% or more will immediately become a critical service. No one will give up on it! Its use will result in financial savings several times the medical expenses associated with prolonged chronic morbidity.
Who is supposed to fund the project?
- The economic model will depend on use. Since chronic morbidity has become a global epidemic, the project is expected to generate enormous revenues and a very high return on investment.
The project's cost could reach $50 billion or more. Sharing medical databases will require appropriate legislation and, therefore, political support.
The funding will come from medical insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and medical equipment companies that the project will harm, as well as investors who will be issued bonds guaranteed by the cash flow of the project's users and citizens worldwide.
- The project will be carried out by private companies that win tenders. The intellectual property will be limited in time.
- Pharmaceutical companies, the biggest losers from the project, will be offered the opportunity to be among the first investors.
The project's main barriers are not technological and relate mainly to two areas: medicine will have to change old worldviews, and pharmaceutical companies liable to be harmed by a sharp decline in drug use must receive a clear economic incentive. The public's benefit will be unprecedented.
Summary and Conclusions.
New medical ventures that use AI are based on optimizing existing treatments with fewer side effects and increased effectiveness. However, they still do not change medicine's worldview and continue treating the symptoms rather than the causes of the disease! Therefore, they will not be able to cure chronic diseases.
- My approach is different and particularly challenging. To reach a result that can be implemented based on changes in mental, physical, and nutritional lifestyles, it is necessary to statistically decipher all the variables, including the mental-energetic dimension, at a high level of significance, such that it will be possible to maneuver between the variables, except heredity.
- The technology to implement the project already exists. The initiative is needed, especially a change in the medical establishment's perceptions, which are fixated on the old methods of treating disease symptoms. The venture's potential is enormous!
After appropriate calibration (different genetics), the project can serve the world's population. Those who control the project will wield economic and political power unprecedented in medicine.

Decoding the causes of all chronic diseases, including cancer, mental illnesses, and addictions, will enable us to treat the causes instead of the symptoms.