Chronic morbidity breaks every possible record, and medicine must think outside the box and try to imitate a healthy lifestyle and diet, not by pharmaceutical means but by a combination of technologies, some of which spatially already exist.
This post is an introduction to a detailed article that offers an innovative combination of anti-aging and immune-boost futuristic technologies. Link: Anti-aging and immune-boost synergetic technologies.
Combining existing and new anti-aging immune-boosting technologies is the next breakthrough in interventional medicine.
Clinical trials with stem cells did not yield the promising results expected. In sorting stem cells into the required cells, a trigger is activated only when appropriate conditions exist, i.e., the affected area is free of decayed tissue. The blood vessels that feed the organ must be in good working order, and the energy level must be high enough to allow the process.
These suggested technologies have the advantage of using existing tools and not burdening patients with drugs and foreign substances.
- Clinical studies confirm that self-healing releases stem cells that start to rehabilitate damaged tissue. The main difficulty is creating the trigger for self-healing, which is holistic, unlike modern medicine, which is mechanistic.
The main difficulty in self-healing is the need for strict discipline, a healthy lifestyle, and nutrition. Therefore, I have proposed an innovative combination that will help in self-healing and speed up the natural self-healing processes.
The main idea is to combine three synergetic, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and immune boost technologies:
The article in the link attached at the bottom of the page suggests combining existing technologies with an innovative approach.
- The technology of using sound waves to crush kidney stones (Lithotripsy) has existed for many years. Surprisingly, there is no equivalent technology for dissolving biliary stones from the liver and gallbladder, although many people suffer from this phenomenon, impairing their immune system. The natural alternative of flushing the liver and gallbladder is challenging to perform.
- Futuristic technology filters blood and lymphatic fluid levels to mimic those of people with healthy diets and lifestyles. It will be integrated with liquefying intra-hepatic bile stones and opening liver and gallbladder blockages if necessary.
- Stem cells fail in clinical trials because they need an anti-inflammatory environment to work and enough energy (not calories) to activate their trigger. Stem cells are embryonic cells that can differentiate into any cell in our body.
- The technology of injecting life energy does not yet exist, but it can be described as an analogy to computerized and continuous acupuncture that balances the body energetically.
It is essential to emphasize that self-healing processes are physical and mental simultaneously.
It suggested technology will prolong lives and, most importantly, enable rehabilitation and recovery from chronic diseases.
Continue reading: Anti-aging and immune-boost synergetic technologies.

Rejuvenation requires combined treatment of body, mind, and spirit. These are very complex mechanisms, including an energetic component that cannot be treated with chemicals. The only option is to imitate the body's actions and synchronize with them.