This introduction suggests an unconventional approach to explaining the formation of tumors and lesions using energy flow tools. The attached link describes a detailed model: Various tumor types isolate damaged tissue in self-defense.
The insights I present are based on my 18-year personal experience as a cirrhosis patient.
- Suppose you make an analogy with a technology that neutralizes computer viruses by quarantining them. In that case, the human body performs a similar action against situations that endanger the person, except that our insight on the subject is simplistic and sees the tumor as the root of the evil and not what caused the tumor to form in the first place.
An authentic photo of a polyp from my digestive system was taken on a mobile phone. The star is where the flash is reflected in the image.
My suggested hypothesis regarding tumors and lesions of all kinds.
Tumors of all types (including polyps and cysts) are formed by prolonged inflammatory processes along the meridians (or in related organs), usually close to the acupuncture points, which are the valves of the human body's energetic conduction.
- My proposed model is consistent with how the human energetic body works and can be empirically tested relatively easily. All that is needed is a different, out-of-the-box thinking of medical science that has adapted mechanistic thinking of the human body unsuitable for the 21st century.
Outbreak of herpes zoster infection due to intensive detoxification.
Herpes sores in my right leg, several times a few years apart, along the bladder meridian, which impaired severely due to my liver cirrhosis
The causes of Cysts. Polyps, Tumors, and other lesions.
Cysts, polyps, and tumors are formed in an organ that is in a prolonged inflammatory state or along the meridian (energy channel) to which it is associated. Lipomas (fatty sacs) are manifestations on the surface along a blocked meridian with prolonged inflammation.
Cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of confined cells that isolate themselves from the healthy surrounding tissue in self-defense. Link: Cancer causes emphasize its two interconnected trajectories.
This knowledge can also derive the necessary treatment in cases where the tumor causes a functional condition. This article is part of a broader model that extensively describes the energetic perception of prolonged immunodeficiency—link: The 4 groups of long-term immunodeficiency illnesses.
- Various tumors, including cysts and polyps, are prevalent. Most people will have tumors, without malignancies, during their lifetime. At the same time, medicine does not pay attention to the causes of the tumor formation and attributes the disease to the tumor when the tumor is only a symptom!
Since the human body is built for survival, never acts randomly, and has no self-destructive mechanism (the mind has), the inevitable conclusion is that tumors, including all cancers, are only self-defense mechanisms and are a symptom! If we thoroughly understand the causes of their formation, we can treat them optimally.
- Life energy can be illustrated by a simplistic analogy with cars as the energy of the spark that ignites fuel combustion. You can fill up with fuel, but the car won't start without the spark. We can eat to our fullness, but without the spark, with the right timing and intensity, the person will get sick. The spark (life energy) exists from when life begins and throughout life.
The broad suggested definitions of inflammation and physical pain mirror each other.
If you look for these definitions, you will find they are not uniform.
- "Inflammation - is a short or continuous immune response caused by temporary or permanent cell damage intended to rehabilitate the damaged tissue."
- "Physical pain - is a short or continuous alarm sensation caused by temporary or permanent cell damage (above a certain threshold) in tissue with sensory nerves (nociceptors)." Pain is a part of the self-defense mechanism.
Since the human body never operates by random processes, there must be an explanation for the formation of tumors of all kinds.
- The explanation of why various lesions, not just tumors of several types, form along the meridians or in internal organs is related to the energy of life flow. The meridians are the body's energy channels near the skin's surface. The acupuncture points can be illustrated as a two-way valve with a mechanism for energy balance. Therefore, you will find different lesions close to the many acupuncture points.
The theory I present can be empirically proven relatively easily, but the idea itself contradicts the mainly mechanistic conception of modern medicine.
Continue reading: Various tumor types isolate damaged tissue in self-defense.

Benign tumors are the result of weakening of the immune system. While heredity indirectly affects the immune system, it is essential to know that diet and lifestyle carry far more weight than heredity.