Discussion: Regular exercise is essential for COPD patients, far beyond maintaining a healthy weight.

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Regular exercise is essential for COPD patients, far beyond maintaining a healthy weight.

Practical issues concerning COPD patients.

Exercise, not necessarily intense, is essential for the proper flow of lymph fluid, which is the immune system's second line of defense.
Regular exercise improves aerobic capacity and cardiovascular and lung output. The result is usually a decrease in heartbeats and an improvement in blood pressure levels.
The skeleton and joints must move and resist to maintain the joints' flexibility. Without movement, inflammatory processes damage the joints.
Moderate walking, especially after eating, improves digestion.
Exercise, especially outdoors, in the open air, improves mood and concentration.

Link: Regular exercise and massage have long-term health benefits.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/133 (Copy & Paste)
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