Detoxification workshops, designed to impart knowledge and tools, usually last a few days. You will probably not feel a dramatic change after a few days; you may also feel worsening symptoms. (The self-healing paradox) The solution offered by the naturopath, along with a balanced diet and liver and gallbladder flushes, is a long-term anti-inflammatory. The gallbladder (especially in women) is vital in developing migraines. Liver and gallbladder flushing are highly recommended processes but involve risks. It is essential to follow the safety instructions precisely. Usually, between 6 and 12 liver and gallbladder flushes are required. The method may take months. At the same time, the improvement (with ups and downs) is usually felt after only two to three months.
Link: Comprehensive Detoxification Guidelines. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: I sit for hours on Facebook and social networks every day, and it's hard for me to lead a healthy lifestyle!
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