Cancer patients usually suffer from a shallow energy level; therefore, walking in nature is especially recommended. Cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of confined cells that isolate themselves from the healthy surrounding tissue in self-defense.
Although the rain (partially) cleans the air pollution and washes the dust in the streets, the explanation is deeper. Like waterfalls and sea waves, lightning storms produce a high concentration of negative ions. There is a belief that negative ions raise the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin and thus improve our mood. The mechanism of action is still unclear, and there is no scientific evidence for this, but anyone who has walked in the rain after a lightning storm feels that the air is clean and mood is improving. Hiking in waterfalls, near the sea, and immediately after rain or lightning storms is highly recommended. (Without getting wet, of course)
Link: Cancer causes emphasize its two interconnected trajectories. (Copy & Paste)
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