While meditating, frequency music may benefit IBD patients, not as a single therapy but in combination.
I recommend listening with your eyes closed in a quiet room while meditating on music at reputational frequencies. Recovery from chronic diseases of the digestive system often requires a combination of body, mind, and spirit, and this is only one side of the triangle (Body, Mind, and Spirit). Only listening without internalization into the subconscious will do nothing!
Listening to music while lying down with eyes closed, preferably in a dark and quiet room, is recommended, preferably while meditating and using guided imagery. Frequencies are ineffective if they do not penetrate the subconscious. If you search YouTube, you can find several recommended frequencies, such as 432, 528, 741 Hz, and more. The sounds are very soothing and pleasing.
Link: Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBS | Rehabilitation, by Self-Healing Medicine.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/122 (Copy & Paste)
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