By complying with fundamental requirements (mental & physical) — All chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable, Including all types of cancer.
The five stages of the Kubler-Ross model are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Cancer patients, unsurprisingly, pass through these five stages of the behavioral grief model, known as the Kubler-Ross model.
Initially, the Kübler-Ross model was only concerned with the stages of death and dying. Kübler Ross's model was later expanded to include personal loss. No doubt, being a cancer patient has properties of grief and loss.
From my experience, what prevents making lifestyle changes is often Denial, Anger, and Depression.
Reaching acceptance as fast as possible is essential for elevating the spirit and gaining needed energy. It is vital not to suppress the problem; cancer treatments require determination, perseverance, and strong willpower. Real hope would give anyone the strength to endure all the accompanying pain and suffering in recovery.
Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss. (Copy & paste)
The next post: Why does a load of unresolved traumatic memories sometimes erupt from the subconscious mind in the form of illnesses or addictions?
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