Although these principles sound clear and logical, they are sometimes challenging.
Happiness has a high impact on qi. Find time for the things and hobbies you love and postpone them over the years.
Unfortunately, there is no sure recipe for joy, but you can take small steps, such as:
More free time is essential to gaining high levels of qi.
If necessary, you should reduce your working hours—you will be surprised to find that your productivity does not significantly decrease.
Find a suitable activity to free your mind and spirit, such as Tai Qi, Yoga, Meditation, Guided Imagery, and Swimming!
Any exercise that helps release mental stress. (Preference is individual.)
Make peace with yourself, your environment, and your family.
It would help if you did all you could to resolve all meaningful disputes. Hate, envy, anxiety, and shouting consume Qi's life-force energy.
Do not be disappointed with what you have achieved. (Failures are part of a process that leads to success.)
Be happy with what you have. Unfulfilled ambition is frustrating and depletes energy in the long run. Direct your ambition to other achievable and challenging goals. It will help you to regain lost strength.
Love and giving elevate life-force energy. (qi)
By volunteering & helping others, you gain satisfaction; it increases the life-force energy. (qi)
Having a robust and deep belief. (With or without praying and worshiping the god.)
Deep belief is like meditation and promotes Qi energy. There are claims that the placebo effect results from this mechanism.
Having a good couple's relationship is essential to maintaining high qi.
Love and support are crucial in recovery while fighting and shouting deplete one's qi. Try to resolve marital issues. If you are having problems, seek professional advice.
For singles - look for a couple or adopt a pet.
Loneliness is terrible for the soul; fill your life with meaningful connections. Caress and love (even of a pet) charge us with energy.
The use of Hypnosis to eliminate unresolved mental traumas.
Many may perceive Hypnosis as unrelated to their illness, but the release of mental trauma has far-reaching effects on the body.
I recommend everyone listen to music at reputed frequencies that supposedly have healing properties.
You will find several frequencies, 432, 528, 741 Hz, and more if you search YouTube. The promises of recovery are exaggerated, but the music is delightful and soothing.
The next post: Hope, fear, disappointment, despair, depression, renewed hope are often the domain of cancer patients.
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