Personal details about the patient were deliberately skipped. I must emphasize the mental-energetic aspect of the disease. Kidney disease (especially in young people) is often associated with an economic or other existential crisis.
Kidney cysts are a widespread phenomenon, usually not requiring medication or surgery. You are at an excellent weight for your height and in good physical shape, except that the Western diet is affluent in animal proteins and is very heavy on the liver and kidneys.
Kidney cysts are part of the body's defense mechanism to prevent further kidney damage. Cysts are not the cause of high blood pressure! The common causes of high blood pressure and cysts in the kidneys are calcium deposits on the blood vessels' walls and a high load of inflammatory processes resulting from a high load on the liver and kidneys.
Kidney cysts are reversible; there is no need to get anxious and start taking medication. However, these are lengthy processes of months and even years.
The treatment of high blood pressure and kidney cysts is very similar. It includes an anti-inflammatory diet and cleansing the walls of the blood vessels of cholesterol and calcium deposits.
The method's principles include significantly reducing animal foods (including cow's milk) and shifting to plant foods. (Deep seawater fish and eggs are allowed.) Avoiding industrialized and processed foods and soft drinks is challenging in the modern diet. Avoid medications and supplements as much as possible. A combination of green juices, kidney and liver cleansing, controlled exposure to the sun, and a vitamin K group (from a natural source only) is needed to dissolve the excess calcium.
The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet. (Copy & Paste)
Chronic Kidney Diseases. (Copy & Paste)
Best wishes for good health,
Samuel Harel
The next post: Kidney Cysts
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