Discussion: How to dissolve calcium deposits naturally - Regarding Migraine patients.

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How to dissolve calcium deposits naturally - Regarding Migraine patients.

Calcium deposits in internal organs are widespread. They result from prolonged inflammatory processes and a lack of homeostasis in the metabolism of calcium in our body. Calcification of the blood vessels, especially in the neck area, can worsen migraine pain.

The way to restore the calcium cycle in the body to dissolve existing sediment requires a series of several steps simultaneously:
1 A diet very rich in magnesium (all green leaves are rich in magnesium, as well as sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
2 Controlled sun exposure produces vitamin D3, a cholesterol derivative essential for calcium metabolism in our body.
3 Increased intake of foods rich in vitamin K2. (Preferably from an organic source)
4. Regular exercise stimulates blood and lymph circulation and dissolves calcium deposits.

Repairing the damaged tissues and dissolving calcium deposits may be lengthy, but it is more effective than any possible drug.

Recommended dietary sources of vitamin K-2 include: (Essential for calcium homeostasis.)
Natto is a traditional Japanese dish of fermented soybeans.
Fatty fish, such as salmon

Dairy products, especially hard cheeses (Not recommended)
Liver and other organ meats. (Preferably from grass-fed bee beef or pork)
Beef. (Preferably grass-fed)
Pork. (Preferably organic)
Egg yolks. (Preferably organic)
Chicken. (Preferably organic)
Ghee-purified butter. (Preferably from grass-fed beef)
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