Fungal infections are prevalent among chronically ill patients, including those with CHD. Fungal infection indicates an unbalanced intestinal flora and a weakened immune system, which also affects the heart. Nail fungus is not just a matter of hygiene in swimming pools and damp places that contact the feet but is mainly a symptom of an unbalanced intestinal flora and very acidic intestines.
Chronic fungal infections disappear when the intestinal flora is balanced. Most people with fungal infections try a local treatment, usually temporarily. Antifungal drug treatment is very toxic to the liver and is not recommended for chronic heart patients as it is highly inflammatory. Balancing the intestinal flora has a far-reaching effect on the immune system.
Common symptoms of unbalanced intestinal flora:
In women, onychomycosis (nail fungus), chronic fungal infection of the vagina, chronic constipation, weight gain, gastrointestinal gas, itching in the anus, and chronic fatigue. In pH, urine tests are usually below 5.5. (very acidic urine) Impaired immune system.
Recommended foods.
Fruits, vegetables, roots, mushrooms, sprouts, legumes, berries, nuts, and lentils. (Foods are rich in dietary fiber.)
Natural oils/ fats. (Cold-pressed only.)
All fermented products. (Such as goat yogurt.)
Deepwater fish - Rich in omega 3.
Goat milk and Yogurt, Organic eggs.
Recommended foods to minimize or avoid totally.
A sharp reduction in eating industrialized, processed, and artificial foods and beverages.
Plain sugars and All high glycemic carbohydrates. (Such as white flour and potatoes.)
It solidified vegetable oils - trans oils.
Hard to digest animal protein.
Minced, smoked, and canned meat.
Dairy products, in general, especially hard cheeses.
Link: Why are recurrent fungal infections widespread in chronic patients? (Copy & Paste)
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