Fibromyalgia patients suffer from multiple multifocal inflammatory processes. Therefore, their diet must be low in animal protein (mainly meat, poultry, and dairy products) because they are inflammatory and produce an acidic intestinal environment.
An adult needs about one gram per kg of weight. In practice in the modern world (in developed countries), consuming proteins (mainly from animals) is 3 to 4 times the body's needs for tissue regeneration. The surplus is intended to produce energy (calories). Each protein turns to ammonia (NH3), later in the liver, to uric acid, urinated, and eliminated by the kidneys through the urine. But it is a process that puts a lot of strain on the liver, kidneys, and entire physiological system that is already overloaded due to the industrialized and processed diet.
Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Why is acid-base balance, especially in the digestive tract, so important for Fibromyalgia patients?
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