Discussion: Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis Self-Healing lifestyle recommendations.

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Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis Self-Healing lifestyle recommendations.

Chronic prostatitis - Specific lifestyle and sexual behavior recommendations:

1 Moderate ejaculation frequency to prevent Qi Life-force drainage.
2. Try to Improve blood circulation to the prostate and groin area:
Walking regularly improves blood circulation.
Prostate massage is a bit painful but can improve blood circulation.
Sitting for many hours or riding horses or bicycles blocks blood circulation to the prostate; it is not recommended.
Putting a sponge pillow under your chair is recommended to improve blood circulation.
3. Drinking plenty of water or green tea (sugar-free) is especially recommended. Drinking helps to wash the toxins out of the body.
4 The self-healing allegedly paradox - A few symptoms during recovery may be more severe, but other symptoms disappear!
5. Be aware that self-healing has ups and downs; it does not indicate that it does not work. The last stage might be the hardest because the immune system becomes more responsive. (Light fever and fatigue during self-healing are usually signs of recovery.)

Recommended: Recovery from Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis, by Self-Healing Medicine.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/123 (Copy & Paste)
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