All the membranes (cell envelopes) in our body, parts of the brain, and many hormones are made of cholesterol-like substances. Science stopped attributing only harmful properties to cholesterol. Saturated fats are immediately associated with higher risks of heart disease and elevated bad LDL cholesterol levels. Most research focused on saturated fats, mainly in meat and dairy. These tests show the negative impact of meat and dairy as a significant factor contributing to heart disease risks!
Eating fatty meat and dairy with too many proteins and endotoxins (they remain after cooking and pasteurization) overloads the liver, which is responsible for regulating cholesterol levels. Yes, the outcome is not surprising.
Ghee-purified butter and coconut oil benefits:
Ghee-purified butter from grass-fed beef and coconut oils is less contaminated with endotoxins. The highest melting point of Ghee and coconut oil makes them very good for cooking, baking, and frying. (Fats and oils tend to hydrogenate during heating.) Due to their chemical structure, they are among the best emulsifiers. (They play a vital role in the digestive system.) They have a vibrant, tasty flavor. They are safe and have many benefits if you reasonably use good quality ghee-purified butter and organic cold-pressed coconut oil.
Be aware that other animal saturated fats are not in the same health benefits category.
Link: Natural oils and fats are vital for maintaining a healthy body. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Are eggs healthy for diabetes patients?
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