Discussion: I am diabetic married 50 years old; I have taken regular medication for about a year. Recently, I have been suffering from a complete lack of erection. I'm deeply depressed, to the point of suicide!

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I am diabetic married 50 years old; I have taken regular medication for about a year. Recently, I have been suffering from a complete lack of erection. I'm deeply depressed, to the point of suicide!

A sharp decline in quality of life at a relatively young age is a traumatic event that leads many chronic patients to depression. I recommend that you seek professional psychological assistance as soon as possible. The good news is that diabetes is reversible and can be cured. The main difficulty is that drug treatment usually perpetuates the disease. I recommend that you read and internalize the Kubler-Ross model (the 5-step model of grief), which is essential for patients with severe depression. In my experience, hope for recovery and acceptance of the condition allows tremendous mental strength to help you overcome the disease. Treating the disease only naturally involves a rigorous diet, cleansing toxins, and strengthening the immune system. Gradual recovery from the illness will also restore you to lost sexual function! After 2-3 months, you will start to feel the change. Remember that the process can be lengthy and often accompanied by ups and downs. If you persevere - success is guaranteed!

Type 2 diabetes - Natural immune system rehabilitation.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/206 (Copy & Paste)

Improving Sexual Function In Chronic Patients.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/224 (Copy & Paste)

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