Self-healing medicine is like Performing Miracles. Every human being has this ability—it just needs to be revealed.

Our body never functions randomly. Any acquired (non-genetic) chronic disease or addiction type, location, and intensity are not accidental. The self-healing method incorporates body, mind, and spirit altogether. Unlike conventional medicine, self-healing natural medicine eliminates the causes of chronic diseases rather than its symptoms. The benefits of self-healing functional medicine are enormous beyond healing chronic diseases, primarily because it generates personal empowerment.


All chronic acquired (non-genetic) illnesses are curable by complying with fundamental self-healing requirements. (Mental and physical)

All body organs, including the brain, have an incredible natural regenerative capacity! Provided we don't interrupt the process. Recovery is always achievable, even from severe, long-term chronic diseases, including addiction-related illnesses. Following Self-healing methods is challenging mentally and physically, mainly because it takes discipline and self-confidence to serve as your medical advisor. The in-depth analysis points to a mirror image between modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine's weaknesses and strengths. Integrating modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine is vital to achieving optimal healthcare.


About the free website. (No advertisement) is a free website that provides detailed, simple, step-by-step explanations of practicing Self-healing functional medicine. It emphasizes overcoming obstacles in cognitive behavior to initiate the lifestyle (mental and physical) and dietary changes essential to recovery and rehabilitation from chronic disease. This website introduces several innovative breakthrough theories on a variety of related topicsWe offer a comprehensive philosophy and applicable methods for healing from Chronic Inflammatory Diseases, Chronic degenerative diseases, Autoimmune diseases, and Addiction-related illnesses. 


LOVE is the most potent elixir of life in nature.

LOVE is the most powerful

As a former liver cirrhosis patient (HCV), I dedicate this website to everyone worldwide, especially those suffering from chronic illnesses. I wish everyone a full recovery, good health, and a better quality of life.

Kübler-Ross psychological model - Explains the behavior of personal loss. It may help chronic patients overcome lifestyle and diet-required changes.
Conventional medicine failed to cure me! I am considering self-healing therapy. My family is unconvinced of the way I chose; what should I do?
Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgeries for cancer are sometimes practical in the short to medium term only, as they do not eliminate cancer causes.
Autoimmune diseases can be healed only by eliminating the mental and physical causes of the disease. Medications perpetuate the patient's illness.
Allergies, chronic inflammation, cancer, and autoimmune diseases manifest energy flow disturbances in four phases reminiscent of seasons.
Love and support strengthen the sick spouse and help in healing. A mercy-based relationship that emphasizes sacrifice hurts the patient.
Addicts are not unreasonable people, nor are they self-destructive. In a state of addiction, the subconscious partially paralyzes logical thinking. (Related to the addiction)
Unbalanced intestinal flora most often occurs in acidic intestines and indicates a weak immune system, which is characteristic of chronic patients.
The digestive tract is the primary non-sterile internal system, forcing the immune system to fight relentlessly to prevent the overgrowth of pathogens.
One of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes is consuming industrialized and processed food and beverages, combined with anxiety and stress.
The long-term use of drugs to lower blood pressure and cholesterol contradicts our natural self-defense. Thus harming our health.
The paradox is that to relieve chronic pain, it is necessary to reduce the chronic inflammation that causes it. The self-healing method allows pain relief while recovering from the illness.
All Sexual Identities and Orientations are explained by known magnetic properties: Attraction and Repulsion. The laws of nature are whole and uniform.
These four groups of primary emotions reflect intersecting energy cycles; they are not accidental — They serve the purpose of survival.
We perform many motor activities that are repeated daily, requiring complex algorithms that maximize efficiency while saving brain resources.
The primary challenge stems from the need to simulate the human body's physiology, thinking, intuition, behavior, and emotions into mathematical formulas.
Harvard University has set up a research institute dedicated to finding evidence of extraterrestrial visitors. The message is unequivocal. 
The next generation of energy medicine is a quantum scanner that injects life energy directly into blocked meridians. (Energy channels)
Tumors isolate an organ's working parts from the damaged parts in self-defense. Surgical removal often does not solve the problem in the long run.
Simultaneously combining blood purification, liquifying liver and gallstones, and stem cell technology is the future of interventional medicine.
Treating the underlying causes of chronic diseases rather than the symptoms, tailored individually, is the next healthcare revolution of the 21st.
Not all calories are equal. Processed foods cause us to gain weight much faster than the same calories in natural foods.
Viruses are unique (viruses do not have an independent energy source) and, therefore, can be analyzed using energy conservation laws. (Thermodynamics)
All possible genetic scenarios for mutations that allow humans to evolve from apes are statistically unlikely. (These have never been tested.)

Category Topics Posts

Friendly aliens. is a world-class source of reliable information regarding extraterrestrial civilizations and upcoming encounters. Link: Intriguing facts about extraterrestrial civilizations.

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The tremendous healing power of LOVE. image 1


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  • Sexual identity - refers to the sex to which we feel emotionally-energetically connected; most often, it is our biological sex. Occasionally, there is a conflict between the biological sex and the sex we feel connected to.
  • Sexual orientation - answers the question of which sex we are attracted to. (Opposite sex, same as ours, both sexes, or neither.) 

Link: Sexual Identities and Orientations Energy-Based Unifying Theory.

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LOVE is the most powerful Love is ageless. It has no boundaries. Love is independent of culture, color, race, religion, language, or country. LinkAbout the author

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Unresolved traumas, stored in the subconscious, are a significant factor in developing autoimmune diseases, especially in young patients—link: The four groups of long-term immunodeficiency illnesses.

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Recovery from chronic liver diseases and Cirrhosis are among the most challenging. (Body, Mind, and Spirit). Link: GALLERY (DISGUSTING)

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Link Gallery authentic photos: (Disgusting) Decayed digestive tissues and polyps.

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Recovery is only possible by constantly strengthening the immune system. (Body, mind, and spirit)

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Hypertension and high blood cholesterol are the body's compensation tools resulting from low kidney and liver filtering. 

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