Recurrent fungal infections may indicate unbalanced gut flora.

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  2. Recurrent fungal infections may indicate unbalanced gut flora.
Unbalanced intestinal flora most often occurs in acidic intestines and indicates a weak immune system, which is characteristic of chronic patients.
Fungal infection.

When the intestinal flora is balanced, chronic fungal infections disappear. Most people with fungal infections try a local treatment, usually temporarily. Antifungal drug treatment is very toxic to the liver and is not recommended. Balancing the intestinal flora has a far-reaching effect on the immune system. Link: The holistic principle and balancing gut flora are essential.


Common symptoms of unbalanced intestinal flora:

  • Onychomycosis (nail fungus), in women, chronic fungal infection of the vagina, chronic constipation, weight gain, gastrointestinal gas, itching in the anus, and chronic fatigue. In pH, urine tests are usually below 5.5. (very acidic urine) Impaired immune system. 


Nutritional recommendations to balance intestinal flora in a relatively short time. (Thus, eliminating all fungal infections.)

Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.

Recommended foods.

  1. Fruits, vegetables, roots, mushrooms, sprouts, legumes, berries, nuts, and lentils. (Foods are rich in dietary fiber.)
  2. Natural oils/ fats. (Cold-pressed only.)
  3. All fermented products. (Such as goat yogurt.) 
  4. Deepwater fish - Rich in omega 3. 
  5. Goat milk and Yogurt, and Organic eggs.

Recommended foods to minimize or avoid totally. 

  1. A sharp reduction in eating industrialized, processed, artificial foods and beverages.
  2. Plain sugars and all high glycemic carbohydrates. (Such as white flour and potatoes.)  
  3. It solidified vegetable oils - trans oils.
  4. Hard to digest animal protein.
    1. Especially minced, smoked, and canned meat.
    2. Beef dairy products, in general, especially hard cheeses.


The list may seem long and complex; the benefits go far beyond eliminating pesky fungal infections.

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Why is the antifungal drug treatment ineffective in the long term?
Drug treatment is intended to destroy the fungi but cannot balance the intestinal flora. The treatment is only symptomatic.
Why are recurrent fungal infections widespread?
The leading cause is an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Balancing the gut flora will eliminate the fungal infection throughout the body.
What are the symptoms of unbalanced intestinal flora?
In women, chronic fungal infection of the vagina, nail fungus (onychomycosis), chronic constipation, weight gain, gastrointestinal gas, itching in the anus, and chronic fatigue. In pH, urine tests are usually below 5.5. (Acidic urine)
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
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Why are recurrent fungal infections widespread? I've already tried every medication without success!
1. Are nail and vaginal fungi due to poor hygiene?
The phenomenon of nail fungi (also vaginal in women) is widespread and uncomfortable. There are drug solutions, miracle ointments, and more on the market, but most of them do not treat the causes of fungi formation.
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Chronic fungal infections disappear when the intestinal flora is balanced. Most people with fungal infections try a local treatment, usually temporarily. Antifungal drug treatment is very toxic to the liver and is not recommended. Balancing the intestinal flora has a far-reaching effect on the immune system.
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