The placebo effect is not imaginary but requires unquestioning and profound belief! It is based on autosuggestive techniques boosting life energy.

The placebo effect reflects an attempt to positively affect symptoms of diseases using nonactive substances that have nothing to do with the patient's illness.
Link: Placebo (Wikipedia)
The placebo effect is genuine! It acts (subconsciously) to empower the life-force energy.
- The placebo effect does not always work - it requires a strong belief (not necessarily religious) and deep emotions.
- You might ask yourself, what is the connection between acupuncture and the placebo effect? The link strengthens the flow of life-force energy.
- Deep love has the extraordinary ability to revive people with serious illnesses, which is the exact mechanism of the placebo effect.
Meditation, yoga, guided imagery, and other tools for relaxation have a similar effect on empowering life force energy.
The main problem in the modern age is that most patients do not possess blind and profound faith capable of activating the life-force energy empowerment mechanism.
Link: The placebo effect is genuine but requires deep belief!
Content pages found:
23/10/2020 12:35
The placebo effect is not imaginary but requires unquestioning and profound belief! It is based on autosuggestive techniques boosting life energy.
22/05/2019 22:14
Several therapies I have performed without significant benefits: Homeopathy, Bach flower, Colloidal silver, Ozone therapy, and Colon irrigation.
22/10/2020 21:32
The subconscious is a survival self-defense mechanism bypassing logic. It is the bridge between the mind and body, making it spiritual.
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18/09/2022 5:20
Herbs are an ancient medicine, thousands of years old, that uses natural, animal, and plant ingredients to treat various medical conditions.
18/09/2022 5:07
The advantage of homeopathy is that it is painless, easy to perform, and has no side effects. However, its mechanism of action is not rational.
11/01/2021 18:48
In the modern age, where self-thinking and constant criticism are sanctified, it isn't easy to make people believe unquestioningly!
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