The placebo effect is genuine but requires profound belief!

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  3. The placebo effect is genuine but requires profound belief!
The placebo effect is not imaginary but requires unquestioning and profound belief! It is based on autosuggestive techniques boosting life energy.
The placebo effect.

"I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

In the modern age, where self-thinking is sanctified, it isn't easy to make people believe unquestioningly! (Basic requirements of the placebo effect)


The placebo effect definition.

The placebo effect reflects an attempt to positively affect symptoms of diseases using nonactive substances that have nothing to do with the patient's illness.

  • The mechanism of action of the placebo effect is autosuggestive, and therefore, it requires a firm, almost unquestioning belief! The placebo effect (when it succeeds) strengthens the life-force energy. Quite similar to strong love or great happiness.

Link: The placebo effect (Wikipedia)

  • The placebo effect is often used as a control group in clinical trials without the patient knowing whether he has received the actual drug or the placebo substances.
  • In my opinion, the placebo effect has not been scientifically proven due to a lack of understanding of its mechanism of action, which requires adjustment in conducting the tests.

Very religious people exercise the same abilities, mainly because they believe.

  • When we pray in complete faith, we activate meditation and improve our autosuggestive ability. Life force energy is the expression of the meditation mechanism.

Shamanic priests perform the autosuggestive treatment  (kind of hypnosis), similar to a deep prayer! (Often using Ayawaska)

  • There are many similarities between shamanic, voodoo, and Indian and Aboriginal rites based on autosuggestion. Shamanic therapists perform a type of hypnosis - with the patient's consent and out of faith.

The clergy may get angry at the comparison, but the link is a firm blind faith.


The power of the placebo effect - Emma Bryce.

Examples of common treatments based on principles similar to the placebo effect.

  • Homeopathic treatments are shrouded in mystery. In practice, they are distilled water with zero concentration of active ingredients. By definition, they are based on the placebo effect.
  • The therapy of Bach flowers (pollen scent) is not unequivocal, but the stamens' smell and substances alone have no proven healing abilities. (Although there may be a psycho-chemical effect)
  • Guided imagery is a meditative technique that works mainly when the patient believes he is healed.

The disadvantage of the method of treatment using the placebo effect is its mode of action.

Link: Pros and cons: Homeopathy, Bach flower, Colloidal silver, Ozone.

  • The need for an almost blind, firm faith is unsuitable for everyone.
  • Homeopathy experts claim the treatment is also effective against cancer; they may be right! But equally, the shaman's treatment may be no less effective if the patient believes the treatment will help him in blind faith.


"To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For the health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."

Paradoxically, treatments based on the placebo effect (such as homeopathy) do not state this; otherwise, the effect may disappear!

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Does the placebo affect a real effect?
The placebo effect is genuine but is not uniform and, therefore, challenging to predict statistically.
Is it easier for people with profound beliefs (regardless of their religion) to believe in a treatment that does not have a purely scientific explanation?
I hypothesize a statistical correlation between profound belief and trust in placebo-based treatment such as homeopathy—a recommended topic for research.
If a placebo-based treatment fails to improve my condition, what does it mean?
I refrain from drawing sweeping conclusions about placebo-based treatments. I check whether there is a chance that the treatment works on neutralizing the causes of the disease. (Probably not! )
Why are control groups in clinical trials given placebo drugs?
Placebo drugs are dummy drugs without any active ingredients, so the expectation is that no reaction will be generated. The group receiving dummy drugs is statistically essential to ensure that the trial results are not accidental.
How can we explain that the most common alternative therapy - homeopathy is placebo-based therapy?
The significant advantage of homeopathy is that homeopathic therapists often have a lot of patience and listening! Homeopathy has no side effects or complications, no contraindications, and the therapy is easy to perform and relatively reasonably priced compared to other treatments.
How does the mechanism of the placebo work?
There are no explicit theories about how the placebo works. At the same time, the placebo can be likened to a religious person who firmly believes that God has sent him medicine. Faith strengthens the qi life energy and sometimes also brings about recovery. For that matter, love also has a similar, much stronger effect! The difficulty is sometimes, when the patient is disappointed, the effect disappears and fades away.
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The placebo effect is genuine but requires deep belief!
1. Why does deep (not necessarily religious) belief produce an effect similar to a placebo?
Medicine extensively uses the placebo effect as a control group in clinical trials. It is essential to understand the mechanism of action of the placebo effect, which is autosuggestive-energetic.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
Paradoxically, treatments based on the placebo effect (such as homeopathy) do not state this; otherwise, the effect may disappear!
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