After about 3,500 double coffee enemas over more than ten years, I can safely say it is one of the most beneficial self-healing physical methods to restore the immune system. (It is especially beneficial when drinking freshly squeezed juices for liver and gallbladder flush and kidney cleansing.) Link: Therapeutic Enemas: Coffee, Baking soda, Lemon, MMS, and Probiotics.
The benefits of coffee and baking soda enemas.
Coffee enemas have an exceptional ability to push out of the body's unwanted necrotic digestive tissue, which is necessary for rehabilitating the damaged tissue that remains. There is no condition in which the body emits healthy tissue.
- Coffee enemas are an excellent tool for recovery from many chronic diseases (but they are not a stand-alone treatment.)
- The liver is the largest gland in the body. It is the body's sewage system. When you look at the photos in this site's gallery, you will be amazed by what the liver can hold.
- In many cases, asymptomatic people have solid green hepatic stones (this is bile that has turned solid). These stones block bile flow to the intestines, causing many health issues.
1 Coffee enemas can release potent toxins from the entire digestive system.
- Coffee enemas release significant quantities of toxins stuck inside the liver with no way out due to blockages developed over the years. (Partial liver blockages are very common.)
- The liver can regenerate itself by releasing toxins into the duodenum to leave the body.
- When the body is less toxic, Qi energy is higher, making you feel more energetic.
- The awful smell most often originates in the liver, depleted of many toxins. It reflects an incredibly successful coffee enema.
2. Improved bile production and flow.
- The liver produces about 800-1000 ml of bile daily. If the bile flow is correct, it counteracts the stomach's high acidity in the small intestine and balances the pH. Otherwise, parasites will thrive in the small intestine and replace good bacteria.
- Furthermore, bile contains oily substances that prevent intestinal contents from leaking out of the intestinal walls.
3 Peristalsis of the intestines is up to 7 times higher than usual.
- Peristalsis of the intestines is up to 7 times higher than usual, clearing all the leftover food and decayed tissue in the intestines.
4. Improving gut flora balance.
- Coffee enemas help to balance the intestinal flora. It prevents leaky gut syndrome and helps restore immune system functions that have been depleted. (Even after many years of chronic inflammations.)
5 Improving Brain cognitive functions and mood.
- Balanced gut flora has a direct effect on brain functions. The level of the neurotransmitter serotonin affects cognitive abilities, alertness, and mood. The production of serotonin is primarily done in the gut in the presence of good bacteria.
6 Improves intestinal absorption of nutrients.
- Coffee enemas improve the absorption of nutrients that would otherwise have gone to waste. It also supports weight loss.
7. Constipation prevention.
- Coffee enemas prevent constipation because bile flow to the intestines is improved.
8. Strengthening the immune system.
- All inflammations in the body are directly related to liver & kidney functions. (Due to high levels of toxicity.)
Minimizing the risks inherent in the ongoing performance of coffee and baking soda enemas.
- If coffee enemas are administered frequently, they deplete the body's electrolytes. You must consume the proper amount of fresh-squeezed juice to replenish these electrolytes. The juice contains celery leaves in high quantities to ensure your electrolytes are restored to the appropriate level.
- Coffee enemas drain Qi energy, so if you use this technique for extended periods, you must devise a relaxed lifestyle. This means getting a good night's sleep and plenty of rest.
- The bile entering the duodenum pushes the contents of the small intestine into the large intestine, so strict rules must be followed to avoid side effects. You can do a coffee enema only on an empty stomach, waiting at least 3 hours after a light meal and 5-6 hours after eating meat.
- Emptying your large intestines before administering a coffee enema would be best. It is recommended that you first have a baking soda enema.
- The coffee enema also destroys good bacteria throughout the entire intestinal tract. Therefore, you must continually replenish the natural probiotics or take natural live bacteria supplements.
- Getting burned by boiling coffee is not a real hazard, in my opinion. Add cold water if the liquid is too hot until you reach body temperature. (37 - 40 C.)
- Mild fever is often a symptom of a successful coffee enema.
Liver disease patients with a stent implanted in their liver - Cannot perform coffee enemas and liver flushes.
During coffee enemas, potent toxins leave the body, and the immune system tries to eliminate the rest of its inflammation with even higher intensity. A fever may appear. Usually, the fever is mild. Temperature is often an indication that the body is fighting. It would help if you took it as a positive sign, not a negative one.