An overview of this gallery.

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  3. An overview of this gallery.
The Gallery is just a small collection of a thousand photographs I have accumulated over ten years. Most were taken with a mobile phone camera.

The photos themselves are shocking; some pictures show signs of blood. Removing rotten tissue from the liver and gastrointestinal tract involved frequent bleeding. The horrible stench of dead tissue adds to the imagination of what can happen to the human body and still reach full recovery. Given the appropriate terms, the human body has a fantastic blueprint to reconstruct any physical damage.


The purposes of this gallery are:

This gallery illustrates the extraordinary benefits of adhering to the right combination of freshly squeezed juices, coffee enemas, and liver and kidney flushes (along with all the other self-healing protocols).

  • This gallery emphasizes what can happen to the human body when the liver is obstructed. (The kidneys are directly related.)
  • The immense importance of unblocking the liver. (This is also pertinent for patients who do not have liver disease.)
  • Blood and bile circulation in the liver are critical to the immune system. Low blood and bile circulation in the liver creates uncontrolled inflammation.
  • With its plethora of unhealthy food, modern life is the main reason why even patients who do not have liver disease suffer from liver blockage.

The Photo Gallery is divided into six subcategories:

  1. An overview of this gallery.
  2. Liver-gallbladder bile solidified stones.
  3. Disgusting liver worms.
  4. Decayed digestive tissues and polyps.
  5. Liver and digestive system cysts.
  6. Love and support are crucial to recovery.


When I came to ask the doctors questions, I was told that I didn't understand the photographs correctly!

I received understanding and considerate treatment in China, whose language I do not speak.

I don't see, I don't hear and I don't want to know.

For ten years, decayed tissue came out of my body; a stench of rot wafted off me.

My body odor was unbearable, even after a hot shower with soap. The appearance of the rotten tissue was evocative and frightening to any person. After a failed attempt at the hospital, where I was laughed at, I stopped going to doctors in Israel, except for blood tests and imaging.

  • I had frequent bleeding because I emitted vast amounts of rotten (and stinky) tissue. (Usually light bleeding) You can see how the rotten tissue was torn off in some pictures! Some of the photographs show torn blood vessels.
  • There was no point in listing my symptoms because the list was endless. Paradoxically, I was not afraid of death because, for many years, I was in denial.
  • One of the most severe symptoms I have experienced is an accumulation of ammonia salts. Ammonium salts are very pungent toxins. The frequency of my urination ranges from 20-40 times a day. The ammonia salts appear in the images as small, white pieces with foam around them.


The white sediment is ammonia salts. The foam is a highly toxic ammonia compound.

Ammonia salt sediments came out of me hundreds of times during coffee enemas!

Impaired liver functions.

What is the significance of intrahepatic stones' color, shape, and size?

  • The larger the intrahepatic stone, the more likely it is to block the flow of biliary fluid into the duodenum and blood circulation inside the liver; both have far-reaching effects on the immune system.
  • Enlarged gallstones with a Non-smooth shape can cause bile duct injury during liver and gallbladder flush.
  • The color of the intrahepatic stones usually indicates dissolved toxins; a dark stone reflects a higher toxicity level.
    • Green-colored stones are most often sourced in the liver.
    • Brown-colored stones usually come from a gallbladder that has undergone an inflammatory process.


Without freshly squeezed juices, coffee enemas, and liver and gallbladder flushes, it would not have been possible to expel this toxic junk from my body. These images reflect large-scale physical damage. For recovery, I had to strengthen the psychic-spiritual dimension simultaneously!


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Where and when were the photos in the gallery taken?
The photos were taken mainly in China and Israel over several years, mainly in the toilet in bathrooms, often under artificial lighting.
What actions have I performed over the years to remove the rotten tissues from my body?
A combination of energy medicine, drinking juices, coffee enemas, baking soda and lemon, liver and gallbladder flushes, kidney flushes, acupuncture, intermittent fasting, massages, and an anti-inflammatory diet. (Mechanical detoxification)
Is it possible to do everything you did at home under favorable conditions?
All the operations I performed in China can be performed almost anywhere else in the world. I am a very extreme case of liver cirrhosis which is not an example.
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
Test your self
Gallery (Disgusting) — All photos are genuine.
1. Is there a possibility that I have a "zoo" in my body without my knowledge?
The Gallery is just a small collection of a thousand photographs I have accumulated over ten years. Most were taken with a mobile phone camera.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
The photos in the gallery reflect the extreme condition of a patient with liver cirrhosis. At the same time, worms and parasites in the gastrointestinal tract are not rare phenomena.
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