Given the appropriate conditions(mental & physical), all chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable! Recovery is always achievable, even from severe, long-term chronic diseases, including addiction-related illnesses. Self-healing medicine is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability—It just needs to be revealed.
Patients with serious illnesses are often afraid to disobey doctors. (Even when they're wrong!)
Spouses, close family, friends, love, and support are critical for recovery. The patient must understand and agree with the logic of treatment. Symptomatic treatment cannot lead to recovery from chronic diseases but only alleviates the symptoms, sometimes at the high cost of lasting damage.
- There is a more profound understanding today in the medical establishment that the disease's causes need to be addressed rather than its symptoms. However, if you choose methods that are not part of conventional medicine, you will be asked many skeptical questions. (As I was asked for many years)
Following self-healing methods is challenging mentally and physically, mainly because serving as your medical advisor requires discipline and self-confidence.
- Our body never functions randomly. The type, location, and intensity of any acquired (non-genetic) chronic disease or addiction are not accidental. The self-healing method combines body, mind, and spirit.
Self-healing functional medicine Vs. Conventional modern medicine.
Link: Conventional modern vs. Self-healing medicine—SWOT analysis.
The SWOT analysis points to a mirror image between Modern Medicine and Self-Healing (Alternative-functional) Medicine's weaknesses and strengths. Thus, the integration between both is requested.
- I hope to convince readers that modern conventional medicine cannot cure chronic illness; it only makes most patients dependent on medication.
- Self-healing functional medicine eliminates the causes of disease instead of its symptoms, making it the best choice for recovering from chronic acquired diseases.
- Doctors are often unfamiliar with self-healing functional medicine and generally adhere to harmful drug therapy. Integrating conventional modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine is vital to achieving optimal healthcare.
Continue reading Self-Healing Medicine – Principles and Guidelines.
The benefits of self-healing functional medicine are enormous beyond curing diseases, primarily because it generates personal empowerment.

Many chronically ill patients have a (justified) fear of who will take care of them if their condition worsens. Other reasons are the reaction of the family, society, and the attending physician that they need continuity of services.