Discussion: I'm 50, with an ice cream addiction, in all flavors with a waffle on the bottom; I tried to quit without success. Can you recommend a tasty substitute?

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I'm 50, with an ice cream addiction, in all flavors with a waffle on the bottom; I tried to quit without success. Can you recommend a tasty substitute?

If you search, you'll find healthy recipes online for making tasty and relatively healthy ice cream.

Most ice creams contain minced vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners, stabilizers, and flavorings. Ready-made ice creams are industrialized and processed foods that devastate the body over time. I recommend you switch to homemade ice creams from oily sheep or goat yogurt. Sheep milk has a creamy texture and is incredibly delicious. It can be combined with any natural fruit you choose. You can add nuts of any kind as you wish. You can bake delicious pastries from wholemeal flour and sourdough (a waffle substitute) at home. These recipes probably will not make you lose weight, but they are much less harmful to your health than industrial ice cream. The preparation involves much work but with fewer health side effects.

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