Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)
This short article presents the phenomenon of addiction as a phenomenon with a mental-energetic dimension that is critical for recovery from any addiction, including addiction to food and eating.
This article presents a different approach to addiction and its reward mechanism, emphasizing strategies to increase successful rehab from food and eating addiction. The first step is not a strict diet but dealing with the urges of food addiction. (For those who are addicted to food and eating) Link: Addictions Unifying Model with its Unique Energy-reward Mechanism.
Not everyone who is overweight also suffers from eating and food addiction. The differences are not just in weight or BMI ratio. Obesity is manifested mainly in the lack of control of desires concerning eating and food and the age at which obesity outbreaks.
Addiction is a mechanism activated by the subconscious that bypasses and paralyzes reason. (In this context)
Obesity Worldwide- Introduction.
Link: Obesity. (Wikipedia)
- Obesity is a worrying phenomenon that has grown to unprecedented proportions in recent decades.
- The determination of obesity is mainly done through age and a sex-adjusted measure called BMI. (Bodyweight divided by height squared.)
- Since the obesity settings are not uniform, the distributions show different numbers. In any case, this is the most common and growing health phenomenon globally. (It is Double the smoking rate.)
Obesity is not just being overweight with a few additional kilograms/Pounds.
- The phenomenon of obesity, in general, is widespread in the modern world, and most populations worldwide suffer from some level of overweight. (Even in Asian countries where the phenomenon was almost non-existent.)
- Obesity generally has many economic, social, and other reasons related to modern life. (We won't discuss them here.)
- Obesity, especially in childhood, is overweight and gaining a little extra weight until they cross the relevant BMI definition of obesity.
Addiction to the pleasure of eating causes addicts (Including children) to damage the mechanism of hunger and satiety.
- The more accurate diagnosis of overweight and obesity lies in the hunger and satiety mechanism.
- The body regulates hunger and satiety through two hormones. Leptin enhances satiety, while Ghrelin produces a sense of longing. The pituitary gland in the brain and the thyroid gland (Endocrine system) control these hormones.
Heredity does weigh the phenomenon of obesity, but heredity does not explain the fast-growing dimensions.
- Undoubtedly, eating habits at home affect both overweight and obesity. You will also find a similar phenomenon among smokers, but no one would argue that children smoke due to genetic reasons.
Extremely obese people, although not necessarily sick, sometimes even very young, often have sexual dysfunction.
- Decreased sexual image is common, but it is accompanied by a problem of physiological functioning and even many inappropriate postures.
The Self-healing Approach - Weaning from Food and Eating Addiction.
Link: Obesity. (Wikipedia)
What is Addiction?
Addiction is a compulsive, repetitive action that, over time, causes harm to the addict or the environment (or both) that the addict is aware of, except that they do not control the addiction. The reward mechanism of addiction is far more potent than any means of logic and persuasion.
Is food addiction a quantitative definition? (BMI > 35-40)
- Food addicts usually weigh much more than non-addicts, but the definition is not quantitative. Addiction is a loss of control and a strong urge to eat at any moment without rejecting immediate satisfaction.
What is the difference between an addiction and just a bad habit?
- The main difference is that addictions must have a reward mechanism, while bad habits have no real reward, so getting rid of bad habits is relatively straightforward. Still, it is tough to stop addictions.
Is obesity a familial genetic predisposition or a socioeconomic social phenomenon?
- Children of obese parents are more exposed, with a higher tendency to develop obesity, but the explanation is more profound than the accessibility of food and snacks. Other children also often have the option of obtaining unhealthy food and beverages. On average, the potential mental trauma in obese people's homes is higher, especially at lower socioeconomic levels.
Is obesity a disorder or a mental illness?
- Obesity due to food & eating addiction is not a mental disorder nor a mental illness; it is an expression of unresolved mental traumas that the subconscious mind cannot contain. When the traumas break out, they create anomalies in the form of addictions. (The high rate of the population suffering from addictions implies that it is not a disease or disorder.)
Obesity vs. Bulimia and Anorexia.
- "Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may harm health." (Wikipedia- A very trivial definition)
Obesity, unlike bulimia and anorexia, is not seen as an addiction. But instead, as people who lack motivation and willpower! (Wrong approach)
- Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by uncontrollable seizures of eating large amounts of food for short periods, culminating in purity, including vomiting, laxatives, fasting, and intense exercise.
- Unlike anorexia nervosa, most bulimic women are of average weight, only about a third of whom are overweight.
- Treating anorexia patients (primarily young girls) as psychiatric patients. (Subject to separate discussion)
Is the addiction (refers to food addicts) to eating itself or various ingredients in food?
- The answer is not unequivocal; if we look at smokers (as an example) with similar addictive characteristics (at the energy level), the answer is both. (Smoking and Nicotine)
- Food addicts tend to eat prepared foods in large quantities. These kinds of foods contain vast amounts of trans fat and sugars. Overtime has a robust depressant effect on the neurotransmitter serotonin (produced in the gut). As a result, older obesity has a substantial cumulative impact on mood and alertness.
The addiction to eating and food is combined; however, it is probably not uniform throughout life. As a person grows older, the food itself becomes more "toxic," so the reward probably comes from the very act of eating. It is perhaps combined with eating and food components at young ages (where addiction usually begins).
Is stomach shortening surgery the desired solution for obesity?
- Stomach shortening surgery does indeed result in a very sharp weight loss. Improving one's appearance may greatly help those who desire to overcome obesity! However, the surgery does not treat the causes of food and eating addiction, and there is a fear that the patient will return to his initial condition within a few years.
Are slimming drugs such as Wegovy and Ozempic able to bring about withdrawal from food addiction and eating?
- Slimming drugs are a massive success because obesity, which usually begins early in childhood or adolescence, is a worldwide phenomenon.
Wegovy bypasses the natural mechanism of hunger-satiety (controlled by two separate hormones and regulated by the pituitary gland in the brain) and causes a false feeling of satiety, which leads to weight loss.
Ozempic – stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas. It is essential to know that insulin is a hormone of cell renewal and energy production at the cellular level, and therefore, it affects weight.
In both cases, this external intervention in the hormonal system cannot bring about withdrawal from food addiction and eating.
- These drugs have side effects because they damage the internal hormonal mechanism of our body, which works through feedback. For drugs that increased the metabolic rate, using thyroid hormones also resulted in weight loss; the price was that the body was not built to operate in turbo mode for long.
These drugs have a place, in combination with withdrawal treatment, preferably in the clinic of specialists in the subject, especially for addicts suffering from significant obesity, whose rapid weight loss may encourage them to continue the challenging process, which is mainly mental-energetic and not only physical.
Are all calories equal? | The answer is no.
- Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories as natural foods.
- Link: The "Negative calories" intake hypothesis.
The implementation of the Kübler-Ross model regarding food & eating withdrawal.
Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.
The five stages of the Kubler-Ross model are Denial, Anger, Bargaining (only applicable in life-threatening situations), Depression, and Acceptance.
Obese people suffer through these four stages of the behavioral grief model, the Kubler-Ross model. (Similar to chronic patients.)
- Initially, the Kübler-Ross model was only concerned with the stages of death and dying. Kübler Ross's model was later expanded to include personal loss. No doubt, being a long-term alcoholic has properties of grief and loss.
- From my experience, what prevents making lifestyle changes is denial, Anger, and Depression.
- Reaching acceptance as fast as possible is essential for elevating the spirit and gaining needed energy. It is vital not to suppress the problem; food & eating withdrawal requires determination, perseverance, and strong willpower.
Real hope would give anyone the strength to endure the accompanying pain and suffering in the food and eating withdrawal program.
The explanation of the self-healing approach to food and eating addiction.
- This article deals with obesity as a phenomenon of addiction to food, usually beginning in childhood and continuing through adolescence and adulthood. We will also explain the underlying causes of obesity and address them using self-healing rehab methodologies.
- All addictions, including obesity, allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of extensive damage to many organs and systems.)
Why don't food addicts respond to persuasion?
- Obese are not unreasonable people, nor are they self-destructive. In a state of addiction, the subconscious paralyzes reason. Making self-discipline impossible, and thus, persuasion is not a helpful tool for healing obesity.
The reward mechanism of addictions is chemical and primarily an energetic tool for conserving the critical life-force energy needed for survival.
- Therefore, rehab from food addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the respective life-force energy blockages.)
- Any addiction, including food addiction, manifests in particular chemicals and, mainly, as a psycho-energetic phenomenon. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved issues from the past that caused addiction is far more complicated than detoxification from addictive substances.
The explanation of the self-healing approach to all addiction rewards mechanisms.
- All addictions allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of damage to many organs and systems.)
Why do many food addiction diet programs fail in the long run?
- The main difficulty in most diet programs stems from the need to release from the subconscious mind the specific traumatic non-resolved event that caused the energy blockage, which created the need for food addiction. Cleansing the body of the addictive toxins is relatively easy compared to the energy part. Still, it gets no attention, mainly because Western culture does not acknowledge life-force energy.
- Drug treatment cannot "cure" any addiction, including food & eating addiction.
- Often, weight loss programs designed especially for obese people do not address the human body's psychological-energetic side, so long-term success rates are usually relatively low.
Why do TV shows (reality) sometimes bring about sharp weight loss and dramatically change participants' lifestyles?
- Beyond proper eating habits and regular exercise, participants receive exceptional attention. Love, higher self-esteem, friendships, and romantic relationships can sometimes release energetic blockages that cause addiction in the first place!
Of course, the real test comes after a while, after returning to the routine of life without the spotlight.
The first task in the food and eating rehab program is releasing the subconscious mind's initial and painful traumatic memories.
- Achieving successful rehab from food & eating addiction requires reconstruction of the past traumatic events that caused the energy blockage and created the need for food & eating from the start. Traumatic memories are usually stored subconsciously (as part of the mental defense mechanisms). They are often challenging to retrieve (sometimes they involve memories of parents or family members who are no longer alive.) The rehab process requires releasing the trauma from the subconscious to the conscious, where one can be forgiven and let go of the painful memories. Trauma release does not require forgetting.
- Most people are unable to reconstruct traumatic events on their own. I needed dozens of sessions in a type of treatment not available worldwide, similar to hypnosis. It is hard to believe in retrospect that these events at the time caused the severe liver disease I experienced.
Do I have to keep a long food line away from the house, even for the other household members? (The answer is "YES," if possible.)
- The exclusion of forbidden foods stems from two main reasons: Worry indicates love and partnership. The home discipline of the whole family! It contributes to the feeling that this is a common struggle. The second argument is that the simple trigger is the availability of processed and industrialized foods in the weaning phase (for food and eating addicts). These snacks contribute to rapid weight gain.
Industrialized and processed food disrupts the mechanism of hunger-satiety.
- Intermittent fasting initializes the mechanism of satiety-hunger, but it is impossible to carry out; it is only possible during the withdrawal process.
Does the fear mechanism, in cases where the addict identifies a life-threatening situation, work to stop or weaken the food-eating addiction?
- Fear is not an emotion but an instinct inherent in every living being. Addicted smokers and alcoholics, in cases of tangible danger to life, often tend to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. The explanation is that fear is a powerful survival mechanism that bypasses (as long as fear exists) the effect of addiction.
- In drug addicts (hard drugs and hallucinogens), the fear mechanism is paralyzed, so even drug addicts who realize they are in mortal danger usually cannot stop taking drugs alone!
- Food and eating addicts with exceptionally high excess weight do not feel their lives are in danger; therefore, their fear effect does not work. (even though they are high-risk)
Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.
Links:| Self-Healing Medicine Main Principles and Guidelines. | How to get started with self-healing therapies? |
The consequences of obesity include many mental and physical complications in almost every possible health aspect.
Recommended Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.
- Obesity, especially in childhood and adolescence, significantly affects body image and can cause social disconnection in the digital age that sometimes ridicules the fat boy or girl. Depression is a possible consequence of adolescents' difficulty exercising sexuality, finding a partner, and even a non-social image in finding a job.
- The physical phenomena are varied and often life-threatening, even in young patients.
Is obesity an incurable medical condition?
Obesity is a fully reversible condition - but not by the existing medical approach.
- Repeated attempts (especially by parents) to prevent the child or adolescent from eating poorly were condemned to failure.
- A child or adolescent does not rationally control the situation of food addiction. Therefore, appealing to common sense does not produce the desired result. The child or adolescent understands the consequences but cannot curb the uncontrollable urge to eat.
Why don't drugs and treatments cure obesity?
- Weight loss drugs usually contain the satiety hormone leptin. If the hunger-satiety mechanism is disrupted, the drug is ineffective. (These drugs have severe side effects.)
What percentage of people are cured of obesity throughout life?
- If you search (like me) in the sea for published data, you will find it challenging to reach a definite conclusion; It is probably a one-digit percentage.
- The one-digit percentage recovered from obesity only reinforces the food addiction theory I raised. Rehab rates, in general, from addictions such as smoking or alcohol are similar to those who have recovered from obesity.
Explaining why so many obese cannot lose weight.
- Addiction is not a rational process, and therefore, persuasion does not work to prevent the situation.
Any addiction not only manifests itself in certain chemicals (such as certain sugar compounds) but also, mainly, as a psycho-energetic phenomenon. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved issues from the past that caused addiction is far more complicated than detoxification from addictive substances.
The self-healing mental-energetic rehab method is vital to success.
The (unconventional) perception of the human body as a dual, physical, and energetic entity is essential to recovering from obesity.
- "To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For the health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."
What are the characteristics of obesity addiction?
- All addictions, including obesity, allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of extensive damage to many organs and systems.) Therefore, rehab from addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the life-force energy blockages.)
- Chemical rehab from sugars and other chemicals is relatively easy. The incredibly challenging part is releasing the life-force energy blocks.
How do we analyze the blocked energy centers? (We need the energy center chart with the respective emotions involved.)
The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)
General and Introduction - The concept of energy centers. (Chakras)
Only Traumatic, Non-resolved mental and spiritual events from our past may block the life-force energy. (Traumatic resolved mental and spiritual activities do not block the energy centers.)
- These principles come from traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) and Chinese medicine, balancing the body. Western medicine completely ignores the human body's energetic being and misses an opportunity to understand many unexplained phenomena deeply.
- When discussing stress and anxiety as significant causes of obesity, we must deepen and label the traumatic emotions to release them consciously.
Short analysis concerning obesity.
My example is too simplistic but illustrates the idea and encourages self-searching.
- According to this diagram, the mouth is in center 5. The possible corresponding traumatic emotions are Communication and self-expression.
- Boycotts and social networks are crucial in the modern era in creating the emotional traumas that lead to obesity.
- The physical enjoyment of sex and food is located at Chakra 2 (Sacral Chakra.) The possible corresponding traumatic emotions are Sexuality, Pleasure, and creativity.
- Obesity subsequently causes many additional complications and blockage of other energy centers.
- Note: Only the patient themself can interpret past traumatic events.
- Unexpectedly, there is an initial energetic resemblance to sex addicts. (Pleasure Sacral Chakra.)
What does it take to overcome being an obese person?
Excessive eating rehab is divided into two parts:
- The detox from the compulsive pleasure of eating. - The most complex and challenging phase.
- Adapting to new lifestyle habits and a healthy diet.
The rehab from the compulsive pleasure of eating. - The most complex and challenging phase.
The events that caused obesity are usually buried deep in the subconscious, which stores unwanted memories, sometimes from the distant past. The subconscious mind is part of the mental defense mechanism. Extracting events into the conscious realm allows them to be released. (There is no need to forget.)
Critical - Mental and Energetic. (If necessary, the two techniques can be combined.)
Releasing traumatic non-resolved events from the past - Through Self-psychoanalysis.
- It requires self-hypnosis, yoga, and meditation at very high levels.
- Support groups sometimes have a meditative effect. (Depends on the facilitator and group participants.)
Releasing traumatic non-resolved events from the past - Through experts.
- Hypnotists (qualified) can usually pinpoint the initial addiction's source and treat the problem to lower the chances of returning to food addiction.
- Acupuncture manages to cope differently, without poking around, but opening the blocked meridians that affect the life-force energy causing the food addiction.
Desirable - Social and communicative. (It is advisable to combine social and mental-energetic activities.)
- Finding a meaningful relationship with a love and sex partner will change everything! (Communication, sex, and pleasure at the same time.)
- A deep emotional relationship charges life-force energy and helps recovery.
- Social activity of any kind is vital. Detachment and remoteness create isolation and depression.
- It is especially recommended that students join theater, acting, drama, poetry, and literature. Of course, this is a communication activity.
- Reality TV group weight loss programs are a viable idea for a few, but a great idea.
Physical and pharmaceutical. (Drugs that penetrate the subconscious)
- Slimming drug therapy (often containing the satiety hormone leptin) is ineffective over time and is not recommended.
- Invasive—Gastric shortening is helpful for a few years. Over time, it must integrate with psycho-energetic therapy.
- Exercise is essential for improving metabolism and mood, but intense sports activity is not mandatory.
The active substance MDMA in Ecstasy drug. (Not approved for use)
- MDMA may help with additional supportive care in releasing traumatic events. Studies have shown an effect on three brain neurotransmitters. Reactions to the MDMA drug were increased pleasure, reduced sense of fear, love, and acceptance of the environment, decreased criticism, and increased emotional openness.
- MDMA treatment may be beneficial (if approved for use) not as a stand-alone treatment but as part of a supportive process for a food-acute addiction.
- I have to point out that I am usually against using drugs; this is an unusual case where a drug may treat the cause rather than the symptom. (MDMA is currently not approved for use.)
Which is the best strategy?
In addition to the physical rehab, combining the mental-energetic and social parts is most desirable.
- Gastric shortening surgery is usually the last resort.
- I recommend contacting a qualified hypnosis specialist for those with previous obesity withdrawal failures. It is essential to know that rehab is a process that combines body, mind, and spirit.
Adopting new lifestyle habits and a healthy diet.
Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.
- Weight loss and physical and mental recovery require a sharp change in lifestyle and not just a seasonal diet.
- Contrary to popular belief, no strenuous exercise is needed to lose weight; regular and moderate training will allow recovery from inflammation and weight loss.
- Sticking is advisable for those overcoming addiction, especially in the early stages of schedules and a meticulous lifestyle with pre-planned plans and activities.
- Weight loss and recovery may take months; however, physiological and mental changes will be felt in the early stages.
The recommended diet is a balanced diet that is not low in calories and is relatively easy to apply.
A balanced diet provides the body with all the nutrients required to maintain a healthy body, supporting the regeneration and rejuvenation process, including the Pancreas beta cells and Brain neurogenesis.
Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
- Much unprocessed natural food (preferably organic and not genetically modified) with all macronutrients and ingredients. Reduced quantities of animal protein, preferably grass-fed or organic range-free products. Many dietary fibers are mixed with natural oils & fats that enable an effective emulsification process. Fermented products with natural live bacteria are essential for good health.
- Vegetables, fruits, seeds, sprouts, roots, legumes, mushrooms, beans, berries, and nuts should be very high-volume diet components.
After overcoming food addiction, Is it possible to regain a healthy life, mentally and physically? (Undoubtedly - yes.)
The most challenging phase is overcoming food addiction. The process involves self-searching within the subconscious or with the help of experts. Addiction is an energetic state and not just a physiological condition. Therefore, it is necessary to go down to the root of the problem that caused addiction in the first place.
- Physical recovery will follow mental-energetic recovery. It will also dramatically improve the outward appearance, energy, and mental abilities processed food affects.
- Remember - both body and mind have an extraordinary restorative capacity.
- It is highly desirable to dream about things you will do to fulfill your dreams, such as changing your wardrobe or finding a friend or girlfriend (for those who don't have a partner).
- Hope and love have an extraordinary ability to charge life-force energy.
The first steps to getting out of food addiction are the most difficult, with the hope and belief that recovery is close, the energies are rising, and everything seems possible! Slimming is just a matter of time.
Summary, conclusions, and recommendations.
This article deals with obesity as a phenomenon of addiction to food that usually begins in childhood and continues through adolescence and adulthood. We will also explain the underlying causes of obesity and address them using rehab methodologies.
- Obesity is a worrying phenomenon that has grown to unprecedented proportions in recent decades.
- The consequences of obesity include many mental and physical complications in almost every possible health aspect.
- Heredity does weigh the phenomenon of obesity, but heredity does not explain the fast-growing dimensions.
Obesity vs. Bulimia and Anorexia.
Obesity, unlike bulimia and anorexia, is not seen as an addiction but as people who lack motivation and willpower!
- Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by uncontrollable seizures of eating large amounts of food for short periods, culminating in purity, including vomiting, laxatives, fasting, and intense exercise.
- Unlike anorexia nervosa, most bulimic women are of average weight, only about a third of whom are overweight.
Obesity is a fully curable condition - but not by the existing medical approach.
- A child or adolescent and even an adult in food addiction do not work rationally; all persuasion attempts are ineffective.
The unconventional perception of the human body as a dual, physical, and energetic entity is essential to fully recovering from obesity.
- "To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For the health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."
The reward mechanism of addictions is chemical and primarily an energetic tool for conserving the critical life-force energy needed for survival.
- Any addiction not only manifests itself in certain chemicals but also, mainly, as a psycho-energetic phenomenon. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved issues from the past that caused addiction is far more complicated than detoxification from addictive substances.
- Therefore, rehab from any addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the respective life-force energy blockages.)
Addictions allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of extensive damage to many organs and systems.) Therefore, rehab from addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the life-force energy blockages.)
Excessive eating rehab is divided into two parts:
- The detox from the compulsive pleasure of eating. - The most complex and challenging phase.
- Adapting to new lifestyle habits and a healthy diet.
Minimize drugs and other supplements.
- Prolonged use of most drugs, especially non-herbal drugs, has side effects (sometimes intolerable) and cumulative damage to the body that comes out of balance.
- The use of dietary supplements is excessive and sometimes even harmful. A balanced and appropriate diet with naturally fermented products (or live probiotics) and controlled exposure to the sun are recommended to minimize dietary supplements for those who are not vegan.
Economic aspects.
- The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high.
- Despite the massive expenditure on food and juices, the savings on medicines and doctors, not to mention the suffering and reduced quality of life, invest in self-healing primarily economically in the long run.
Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.
Recommended link: Forum discussions about Food-eating Addiction.
Wishing everyone to fulfill your wishes, good health, vital and beautiful appearance as you imagine, happiness, and love.

In modern times, many children and adolescents have weapons in their pockets (cell phones). Boycotts, insults, and humiliations are almost routine. The psyche is very sensitive at these ages, and unresolved traumas erupt from various addictions.