Discussion: I am 36 years old and suffer from obesity. My husband is quite thin. He claims that our 7-year-old son follows me and will soon be very fat

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I am 36 years old and suffer from obesity. My husband is quite thin. He claims that our 7-year-old son follows me and will soon be very fat

Heredity has an impact on weight but is inferior to that on dietary and lifestyle habits. Obesity is not a genetic trait. However, poor nutritional habits affect children for many years, sometimes for life. The parents' diet has a far-reaching effect on their children. The immediate required change for all family members is consuming natural food, without fast food preparation, processed and industrialized food, and beverages.

Link: Food-eating addiction – Weaning methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/192 (Copy & Paste)

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