Discussion: Why don't food and eating addicts respond to persuasion?

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Why don't food and eating addicts respond to persuasion?

Significant overweight people (especially young) are not lazy with weak character; they often suffer from food and eating addiction. Obese are not unreasonable people, nor are they self-destructive. In a state of addiction, the subconscious paralyzes reason in the context of eating excessive quantities; thus, persuasion is not a helpful tool for healing obesity.

Not everyone who is overweight also suffers from eating and food addiction. The differences are not just in weight or BMI ratio. Obesity is manifested mainly in the lack of control of desires concerning eating & food and the age at which obesity outbreaks. This article presents a different approach to addiction and its reward mechanism, emphasizing strategies to increase successful rehab from food & eating addiction. The first step is not a strict diet but dealing with the urges of food addiction. (For those who are addicted to food and eating)

Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/192 (Copy & Paste)

Addictions Unifying Model with its Unique Energy-reward Mechanism.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/226 (Copy & Paste)
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