Expected impact of human-extraterrestrial encounters on humanity.

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  4. Expected impact of human-extraterrestrial encounters on humanity.
18/01/2024 2:51
In this post, I draw scenarios, both in the short and longer term, of the impact of the historical encounters with extraterrestrials.

Assuming that the encounter passed without realizing its inherent risks, such as an irresponsible military response, etc., I draw several plausible immediate and longer-term events.


In the immediate term, 2-5 years after the first documented historical encounter.

People will feel uncomfortable, especially with the unknown. Everyone will understand that the information about extraterrestrials existed, but it was not passed on to the general public.

In the first stage, people will look for reliable and accurate factual information about extraterrestrials.

  • Issues of religion and faith will resurface. Some people will leave their religions, while others will return to faith. The first period is expected to be turbulent for members of all religions!
  • I predict a recovery of religions within 2-3 years, with a change in central narratives. It is essential to emphasize that extraterrestrials do not oppose religions and see religions as a critical part of the success of encounters with humans.
  • Extraterrestrials will be asked to be objective mediators in conflicts between countries.
  • Extraterrestrials do not plan to be involved in internal issues. Therefore, all geopolitical issues will remain as they were.
  • Humans will look for the culprits and ask for commissions of inquiry into extraterrestrial issues. (A sensitive topic in itself)
  • The world's stock exchanges will celebrate knowing that extraterrestrials will bring with them knowledge and technologies that cost huge sums.
  • Expectations will change the labor market and employment. Working days will be shortened due to AI's entry into many jobs, even before the impact of extraterrestrial technology.

Bodies will be established to cooperate with the Federation Council to ensure that the public is reassured and provided with reliable, transparent, and verified information.


The long term - 5-25 years, after the historic encounter with extraterrestrials.

Extraterrestrial science and technologies will be used in medicine, renewable energy, space, communications, materials engineering, aviation, waste recycling, and everything else!

  • Oil production will almost completely stop, and energy will be produced from nuclear fusion reactors.
  • Mortality from diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and more will decrease dramatically. Life expectancy will rise, but birth rates will decline at the same time.
  • Waste recycling technologies will try to improve the enormous damage caused to the planet over the past 100 years by the irresponsible use of resources.
  • Humans will gradually work two days a week; the rest of the time, they will engage in enrichment studies and travel around the galaxy. (The demand will be huge.)
  • People will get used to seeing extraterrestrials traveling on Earth. Joint stand-up shows will be an attraction! (Extraterrestrials have a sense of humor.)
  • Robots and cyborgs (a hybrid of man and machine) will be used in various roles. In the next generations (in 20-30 years), it won't be easy to distinguish between humans and robots and cyborgs from humans.
  • As some believe, it is not expected to be the state of all the Earth's inhabitants at this stage.
  • Ethics, values, law, and technology will undergo dramatic changes. AI judges will be part of the landscape in future generations.
  • The changes in the financial markets will be dramatic. Joint ventures with extraterrestrials will be established to concentrate huge investments.
  • Inequality between rich and poor countries is expected to decrease gradually. Extraterrestrials emphasize the need to share their knowledge in an egalitarian manner.

Humans will already feel comfortable in the environment of extraterrestrials and will seek new horizons.


Anyone who thinks about romance and sex with extraterrestrials is likely to be disappointed.

Although there are mammalian extraterrestrials, they are distant and in experimental stages. Most extraterrestrials are not morphologically and genetically adapted to humans. Dreams of extraterrestrial affairs are possible, but sex with extraterrestrials is only a fantasy at this stage. Link: Can a human have a romantic relationship with an extraterrestrial?

These scenarios may seem taken from the Star Trek series, but they are realistic!

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