This post presents several intriguing facts about the Cosmos and unique scientific insights, most of which are still unknown to modern science.
Time is a spiral and nonlinear phenomenon from the past to the future.
Extraterrestrial scientific and technological insights on all levels surpass those of humans on entire scales. All parallel universes have uniform laws of nature, but the physical and chemical constants change. Link: The Cosmos is infinite, and so is time; no beginning nor end!
The laws of nature are universal, but each universe has different physical and chemical constants.
- Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity is correct but refers only to the dimensions in which human beings live. In practice, the formula is only a private case. The brief review is intended to provide an understanding of the enormous gaps between extraterrestrial and human knowledge in science and technology.
- Many discoveries, inventions, and technologies originate directly or indirectly from extraterrestrial knowledge. Among them are lasers, alternating current electricity, vector propulsion, plasma propulsion, binary-code-based computing, and even acupuncture, all knowledge and technologies handed down to humans. (Usually through channeling)
I recommend reading the relevant chapters, which contain readers' questions and answers, channeling with the Extraterrestrial Federation PBX, to complete the picture of extraterrestrials' scientific and technological capabilities. The questions and answers are updated periodically. Link: Readers' inquiries regarding extraterrestrials and human encounters.
Dark matter and energy and life energy are the manifestations of other dimensions.
Albert Einstein discovered the space-time dimension, which is expressed in general relativity. String theory, which embodies six more dimensions, is correct. These dimensions are not visible to science but exist in nature in equilibrium with matter and energy in the dimensions we are familiar with.
- Extraterrestrials can move between these dimensions, becoming invisible in the process. Life energy, known as QI in Chinese culture, is an example of energy in another dimension. The energy of life is invisible and cannot be detected by modern science tools. Kirilian photography (high-voltage photography) does not photograph the "human soul" as initially thought, but only the magnetic field that every living body produces.
- Matter and energy are called dark (because they cannot be detected) and are energy in other dimensions. Matter and energy in other dimensions have properties of gravity, and therefore, it was possible to conclude that it exists.
- There is an equilibrium between matter and energy in the visible state, our living dimensions, and the different dimensions.
- The human soul returns to the other dimension when the person dies. In dying states (where I was), I saw silhouettes of extraterrestrials in another dimension.
Extraterrestrials rejected the idea of replicating events in different universes. There are infinite universes, but we only live in one universe! On the other hand, switching between dimensions is possible.
How technologically developed are extraterrestrials?
Extraterrestrials are on different scales above human technologies and scientific knowledge. Index for technology level of space-traveling civilizations. This index is accepted by extraterrestrials, according to which we are ten scales behind! The gaps cannot be translated into time terms as we know them.
- The system of ranking technological development proposed by Kardashev in 1964 brought about a conceptual revolution, and rightly so. However, its arguments are no longer valid when an ultimate energy source such as nuclear fusion is abundant. I propose an updated scale that is simple, objective, and independent of the civilization's population size as an update to the Kardashev scale.
How do extraterrestrials communicate among themselves?
- Radio waves (electromagnetic radiation) travel at the speed of light, which is too slow to travel through the infinite space of the cosmos.
- Extraterrestrials have languages and writing, but they usually communicate through telepathy, a high-speed and efficient communication (for those who practice it). Telepathic communication is based on a physical principle called quantum entanglement. (Only with other insights)
How do extraterrestrials travel in the universe?
- Extraterrestrials travel in spacecraft powered by nuclear fusion energy (like that found in the Sun) at speeds half a million times above the speed of light. The possibility of moving at speeds exceeding the speed of light exists in higher dimensions than the three dimensions to which we are accustomed. The communication of extraterrestrials is also carried out at the same speeds.
How do extraterrestrials achieve speeds 500K times faster than light?
- At speeds half a million times the speed of light, extraterrestrials travel about a light-year distance in one minute! (almost imaginary)
Do extraterrestrials have computers?
- Extraterrestrials regularly use potent computers. We and many other technologies got the binary principle from them.
Examples of technology and extraterrestrial knowledge used by humans.
- Acupuncture and astrology are knowledge obtained from extraterrestrials.
- Viruses are the product of advanced extraterrestrial genetic engineering.
- Human evolution is based on extraterrestrial intervention. Humans are hybrids of extraterrestrials, genetically engineered by advanced extraterrestrials.
Extraterrestrials have powerful supersensory capabilities.
- Extraterrestrials have large, well-developed heads, eyes, and ears, and they have the psychic mind-reading abilities of humans—abilities that only exist in movies.
Events anticipated by extraterrestrials are not deterministic!
- The future is interconnected with the past and has a deterministic component combined with chaos, so events I receive through channeling happen but don't necessarily happen.
The sync of extraterrestrial time with ours manifests a philosophical paradox.
- Extraterrestrials also have notions of time. The paradoxical part is the synchronization between their and humans' time scales. The fact that human time is seemingly transparent to extraterrestrials and allows them to move through our time raises deep philosophical questions.
Extraterrestrials must have accelerated human evolution.
DNA is the fundamental building block of life in the universe.
- Just as the DNA building blocks in our world are uniform, so is the entire universe. DNA is a technological marvel, no less!
Second-order evolution is impossible!
- Second-order evolution, with a change in the number of chromosomes, is theoretically possible but practically improbable.
Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations accelerated human evolution.
Extraterrestrials explicitly admitted that humans do not originate from apes or Earth! When I asked if humans originated from March, I didn't get an answer, but I was offered to settle for the answer I received.
Humans were genetically engineered in the form of extraterrestrials.
- Humans are not descendants of apes but the product of genetic experimentation of extraterrestrial races morphologically reminiscent of humans.
- Although certain extraterrestrial races may appear similar to humans on the outside, they are anatomically and physiologically different- and their genetics are entirely different. Thus, to the disappointment of all genre lovers, it is impossible for extraterrestrials to breed with humans and have offspring.
All flora and fauna on Earth originated from extraterrestrial intervention.
- The message is unimaginable! But everything we know is based on the erroneous assumptions of Darwin's theory of evolution. (Partially correct)
Extraterrestrials have vast knowledge of human medicine.
- Extraterrestrials can perform biological implants, move between dimensions, and perform complex surgeries using human's energetic bodies. Technologies that will enable human medicine to make a huge leap forward.