The historical encounter with extraterrestrials is planned for 2026.

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  4. The historical encounter with extraterrestrials is planned for 2026.
18/01/2024 2:26
The historic meeting was scheduled for 2026 but may be postponed because mitigation of the "evil" and restoring the planet to balance is critical.

As described in this blog, several prophets predicted the devastating events of World War III. At the same time, I am struggling to prevent these events, which will bring destruction, suffering, and human life loss on a scale we have never seen before. The talks between the superpowers will continue for several years; however, the first signs of their direction will appear as early as this spring (April 2025). The Federation Council is following developments on Earth and will consider its actions accordingly. The future, the present, and the past are intertwined. The future is not all predetermined! It is subject to change. The Federation Council has another consideration in the background, particularly regarding non-federation civilizations visiting Earth regularly.


Wars for global hegemony, including AI and trade wars, are already taking place and endangering humanity!

If this Cold War escalates further, I hope the Federation Council's intervention saves humanity from itself. While trade wars do not cause casualties, they dramatically increase the risk of military conflict, even inadvertently.

  • Donald Trump publicly declared that he would work for lasting peace if he successfully creates a global agreement between the superpowers, China and Russia, with the support of the countries of both blocs. 
  • President Trump's presidency began with confrontations with almost everyone while escalating the trade war! Whether this is a tactical move to achieve achievements at the negotiating table or perhaps the original intention, I do not know. I am waiting impatiently, and I believe the Federation Council is closely monitoring what is being done.
  • The Federation Council regularly monitors what is happening on Earth. April 2025 will be the first milestone for the necessary change. An agreement between the superpowers could halt the trade wars and processor chips. However, the failure of the talks, against the backdrop of attempts to maintain supremacy, could exacerbate the already volatile situation.
  • Trade wars between the United States and China, a ban on the sale of advanced artificial intelligence chips, and the takeover of shipping lanes in the Arctic could lead to a military escalation that would destroy humanity.
  • The West must internalize that China, with a huge investment of resources, can achieve the technology of producing the latest AI chips within about a decade.

The success of the talks depends largely on the ego of the leaders and their understanding that the success of the talks is critical.


The Federation awaits the encounter with humanity until the "evil" they perceive on Earth is balanced.

  • Prominent historians argue that leaders have no dramatic influence from a historical perspective on processes but rather on currents of public opinion. I admit that I don't have much understanding of history, but I would argue that a little is enough to shift the energetic equilibrium, which behaves like chaos models. Slight changes in the global leadership level are enough to bring calm to the world.

From my perspective, all the conflicts in the world are supported or fed by the world's two major blocs, the United States and the West, vis-à-vis Russia and China. 

  • The problem with the Federation Council's approach is that removing "evil" entails horrific natural disasters with many casualties, an approach I'm trying to convince is ineffective.
  • After all, the world has already experienced world wars and disasters, and yet politicians cynically exploit human and competitive nature for jealousy, hatred, and revenge.

Instead of punishing everyone, perhaps the Federation should teach humanity to distinguish right from wrong. I'm not sure I'm successful, but I'm at least trying.


The failure of the talks between the superpowers could exacerbate the already tense situation.

The Federation must serve as a mediator between the hawkish blocs. I am trying to convince the Federation to serve as a mediator between the hawkish blocs of the West, the United States, Europe, and Japan on the one hand and China and Russia on the other, can simultaneously eliminate all military and commercial conflicts and create peace for a relatively long period.

  • Anyone who looks closely will discover that all regional wars are fed by the superpowers, which support or oppose one of the sides. In my view, only global agreements between the blocs that create a common win-win interest can solve the existential danger of World War III, which the world is on the brink of.

World War III could break out, even unplanned, because of a malfunction or an unusual multi-casualty event.

  • The main difficulty is that leaders and their constituents are motivated by egos, images, and electoral considerations. There is no one to bridge gaps and bring about long-term sustainable agreements. The only entity that can be objective, ethical, and unbiased and also holds the carrot and stick is the Federation Council. (by messengers on his behalf)
  • The Federation Council has tremendous wisdom and can offer unusual "candy" and vote on "retributions" for refuseniks without involvement in daily life!

Unlike other nations, the Federation Council has a carrot and a stick. The two blocs will not easily violate the mediation proposed by the Federation Council.

  • In return for a sharp reduction in the global arms market, estimated at $200 billion a year (the non-secret part), civilian technologies such as flood prevention, protection against tornadoes and hurricanes, space, civil aviation, medicine, communications and more will be provided equally and equitably. Whoever refuses! He will be left behind and lose technologies worth huge sums of money.

A combined agreement between the blocs and non-warfare, limiting the arms race and preventing trade wars, can bring calm to a relatively prolonged period. None of the blocs will emerge victorious, but everyone will benefit! I received the message that the council is seriously examining the proposal.


A multi-channel agreement between the warring power blocs could end wars.

It is possible to reconcile everyone's desires and reach a multi-participant agreement in which everyone wins big. A multi-channel agreement is possible in which each side gives up something but receives a reward that exceeds the concession. The extraterrestrials who are federation members can balance, something no other party has. Thus, they are the ultimate mediators.

Several possible scenarios, just as a basis for thought: 

  • The US, the West, Taiwan, and South Korea will sell China the semiconductor industry's technologies for full money! China will pledge not to invade Taiwan. To finance the acquisition, China will issue bonds secured by all unpopulated "white elephants" in its real estate sector, guaranteed by the Chinese government. The West will purchase part of the IPO and help rebuild the Chinese economy.
  • Innovative medical extraterrestrial technologies will provide the US and the West with initial compensation (for a few years).
  • Russia will return to the bosom of the world's nations and resume trade with the world. It will retain access to the Black Sea in Crimea and withdraw from other parts.
  • Ukraine and the West will pledge not to attack Russia. The West and the United States will help rebuild Russia, which has suffered enormous damage. Ukraine will receive special assistance for civil and economic reconstruction.
  • A demilitarized Palestinian state will be established in the Gaza Strip. For the project, extraterrestrials will provide humanity with technologies for fast building islands in the sea that do not harm the environment.
    • Although the Federation has no money, it has technologies worth enormous sums, in return for which the superpowers and China, which have the power and ability to drive projects to carry out global infrastructures of unknown magnitude, will be committed.
    • An island will be built between Israel and Egypt, with underground tunnels. An anchorage for ships and an airport will be built on the island to serve the Palestinian people. Between Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip, an underground tunnel will be built under the supervision of an international force.
  • Peace agreements will be signed between the Arab states neighboring Israel, including trade relations and the exchange of ambassadors. An international force will monitor East Jerusalem, the Temple Mount area, and the mosques holy to Islam.

When relative calm is established, other regional wars will cease almost completely. Maybe this is the end-time vision of a wolf with a sheep, but it is almost the only option to prevent humanity's self-destruction.


The timing for the historically documented encounter with extraterrestrial considerations.

A crucial consideration in the Federation Council is that humanity is on a path of self-destruction.

  • According to all the indicators and information I provided through the channel through Mrs. Sigalit Levy, the historically documented encounter with extraterrestrials is planned for 2026. Link: Encounters with extraterrestrials must be trust builders.
  • Extraterrestrials explain that humanity suffers from an "evil" that has taken over and intensified and must be purified before extraterrestrials are exposed to humanity. Therefore, the meeting may be postponed.

It will be a very short period until 2026, which does not leave much time for preparation. Before the encounter, destructive natural events on a scale humanity has never experienced are likely. Link: A mega earthquake in 2024-5 may signify the upcoming encounters.


There will be no need to declare 2025-6 as the International Year of Extraterrestrials and UFOs. 

Link: We are in the 2/4 stage of an encounter with extraterrestrials.

  • The general public believes in the existence of extraterrestrials. It's time to stop denying their existence. In International UFOs and extraterrestrials Year, old archives will be uncovered with reliable information to shed light on extraterrestrials without scaring the public. Emphasis must be placed on helping humanity (as, in my case, extraterrestrials saved me from death). Maybe new movies, too! ET style or Avatar describing symbiotic relationships featuring a friendly extraterrestrial.
  • The public is unfamiliar with extraterrestrial subjects and feeds mainly on movies. Some depict likable extraterrestrials like ET, but most depict cruel extraterrestrials invading Earth and trying to enslave the human race. In the film, some boy or a bunch of young people defeat the extraterrestrials. It is worth internalizing that humanity is not an adversary to extraterrestrials!

It is often a belligerent message that does not fit reality. Although extraterrestrials can destroy Earth and its inhabitants if they wish, they have assisted humanity since the dawn of creation.


The Fermi paradox is a question posed by physicist Enrico Fermi in the 1950s:

"If there is indeed intelligent life in the universe, where is it?" This simple question has sparked a worldwide debate among scientists and science fiction writers.

  • World communication was minimal until the 20th century. Since then, several incidents have not reached the public's attention for fear of creating panic. Until recently (a few years ago), the world's governments vehemently denied any incident suspected of being connected to extraterrestrials.
  • The Men in Black movie, a kind of extraterrestrial police, is, of course, a fictional film but based on truth. Events suspected of being extraterrestrial incidents were visited by civilian elements who behaved very harshly and enjoyed broad powers and complete compartmentalization.

The situation today has changed. We are in the midst of an information campaign, so the world's governments have stopped denying the existence of extraterrestrials but also do not confirm their existence.

  • When I asked (in the channel) about Bob Lazar's famous event, I was drawn to the fact that the event took place before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Everything else is my interpretation: the Bob Lazar incident was not a leak event! It was a planned event designed to show the Soviet's superiority in the context of extraterrestrials and extraterrestrial technologies. If concerns about a leak jeopardized the hidden secret, Bob Lazar would not have been able to testify. (And the understander will understand)

It was naïve to think that authentic images of extraterrestrials could be presented to the world without creating social rifts and unrest that could lead to disasters.

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