I describe extraterrestrial civilizations' habitat, lifestyle, leisure, and environmental protection values in this post.
Description of the extraterrestrial environment.
Extraterrestrials live on planets with very high variation between them, so the description is general to the broadest common denominator.
- Gravity has a very significant impact on anatomy and physiology. Very strong gravity produces short, solid extraterrestrials, while on planets with weak gravity, extraterrestrials are tall and thin, sometimes reaching heights of 3-4 meters.
- Extraterrestrials live in cities; without a family unit, they do not have a family life, as we know. However, extraterrestrials have friends and a well-developed sense of humor.
- Extraterrestrial homes are connected to an energy and communication network without wires, like a Tesla sphere of electrical induction. If necessary, the houses are Illuminated by increased natural light, heated, and enriched with oxygen. They are connected to the extraterrestrial switchboard with a special relay station, which enables telepathic communication over vast distances.
- Extraterrestrials have a spacecraft powered by nuclear fusion. It generates thrust using vector-powered plasma propulsion. The craft can take off and land from anywhere without the need for runways.
- Robots perform all the construction work and hard work. Extraterrestrials are very familiar with the resources of their planets, and planets are available for needed resources. They make intelligent use of the environment and care not to pollute it.
Extraterrestrials define Earth as a highly polluted planet, chronically denying environmental values. To the point where it is irreparable!
Extraterrestrial lifestyle and leisure.
Extraterrestrials know that their bodies are not eternal, but their souls are eternal. Thus, death is nothing but the death of the physical body. The fear of death is not the same for them as humans experience it.
- Extraterrestrials are motivated to carry out missions. They act without emotion but only from logic. When missions are not met, extraterrestrials fear.
Extraterrestrials have a very slow metabolism, so they hardly need sleep, giving them much free time.
- Extraterrestrials have a very long lifespan, usually hundreds to thousands of years. As a result of the fact that they have a prolonged metabolism, their tissues do not need much regeneration, so their need for sleep is almost non-existent. Extraterrestrials can function for a long time without sleep. If necessary, they have a unique device that simulates sleep and is designed for recovery from diseases. (Extraterrestrials don't live forever)
Extraterrestrials, born with a professional vocation, don't study in formal educational frameworks.
- Extraterrestrials have no schools, universities, or entrance exams. They absorb knowledge and experience throughout their long lives. They have specializations and hobbies, which are also related to self-study. Extraterrestrials have an enormous ability to absorb and receive any information they ask for in telepathy. Their curiosity is beyond our ability to imagine. Therefore, the question of extraterrestrial ethics is a very significant one.
Extraterrestrials combine work with leisure.
- Cognitive skills are critical for those who have lived thousands of years. Since extraterrestrials have no ego and no hierarchy, there is no overt or covert competition between them. There is a specific hierarchy only at the end of the pyramid.
Extraterrestrials don't work hard (in human terms) and spend most of their lives enriching and studying.
Extraterrestrials love traveling and intellectual challenges. (Not at our level) When I asked about sports, painting, cooking, movies, and sex, I received a more detailed answer:
- Extraterrestrials do not have a family social life. They don't have restaurants, but eating together is common in their social life.
- Sex is fascinating to extraterrestrials from a purely scientific point of view. (They do not engage in sex)
- Extraterrestrials don't have pets.
- Extraterrestrials draw, but it is not perceived as a hobby.
- Extraterrestrials don't play sports.
Extraterrestrials are mainly engaged in learning and enrichment. They can also enjoy music, painting, sculpture, and creativity.