The wildfires in California probably averted a mega-disaster.

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  4. The wildfires in California probably averted a mega-disaster.
03/02/2024 4:44
The terrible fires that struck California were no coincidence. They were expected, but in a different way and with unprecedented damage.

Familiar mediums publish similar prophecies in the media. It is important to emphasize that the information was provided to prevent the events! In such cases, extraterrestrials are prevented from intervening. The wildfires in California caused enormous property damage but relatively few casualties. If the earthquake that was foreseen before me in channeling had occurred, there would have been millions of casualties and unprecedented destruction. 


Extraterrestrials motioned the earthquake's epicenter near San Francisco, Northwest of Yosemite Park and the Long Valey Caldera.

Shifting tectonic plates are expected to cause an earthquake and volcanic eruption in the San Francisco area and on the West Coast, as far as Alaska. I received the information through a push-through channel with extraterrestrials. I saw the Alaska area on the map transmitted to me through telepathy. 

  • The event described to me was terrible. It was hard to imagine what an event of this magnitude would mean for human life.

I must emphasize that the event described in channeling does not have to happen. Link: Events anticipated by extraterrestrials are not deterministic!


I am trying to prevent this Mega-earthquake event using guided imagery.

This event was supposed to happen quite soon. Hopefully, it was averted, but I do not know for how long. 

I do not believe that disasters, as the Extraterrestrial Federation often claims, succeed in dispelling evil, lies, hatred, and jealousy.

  • I performed many operations, including releasing gases from deep underground by drilling very deep holes in the volcanic zone. I imagined huge canals deep underground that would carry huge amounts of lava to the ocean, where a peninsula might form off the coast of California and Oregon.

Extraterrestrials told me that gas release holes are drilled there, and the disaster may have been prevented or postponed. Did I help? It may have.


Mega earthquake and supervolcano devastating eruption.

Link: Long Valley Caldera. (Wikipedia) 

The fact that the west coast of the United States and Canada sits on tectonic plates (The Juan de Fuca microplates - Eerath's crust) is not a new finding. The novelty is in the forecast for a very close event, probably in the season when there is a lot of snow in the mountains (this is the description I received).

  • The earthquake mentioned may be unusual in its intensity! The movement of the tectonic plates will cause dormant volcanoes to erupt from the bottom of the ocean, massive fires, and complete paralysis of the communications and electricity systems for days. The effect will be so strong that it will be felt in many parts of the world, including Canada.
  • In the description I received (in the channel), I saw a picture of a massive volcanic eruption in the southern-central part of the tectonic plate; according to the description, the eruption forms a huge peninsula off the coasts of California and Oregon. I tried to see if there was a possibility that the event would not happen or would be postponed. I didn't get an answer!

The incident described to me in the channel fits with other channeling. I was told that humanity will undergo two excellent years for humanity in 2025-6, followed by a lengthy rehabilitation of about 20 years. The message is encouraging but frightening because rehabilitation is only needed after disasters! I sincerely hope that the description of a powerful earthquake, with a volcanic eruption from the depths of the ocean, as a result of the shift of the tectonic plates, will not occur! 


The event (if it happens) is on a scale that humanity has not yet experienced.

The event described could be devastating on a scale humanity has never experienced, with millions of victims, massive destruction, destroyed infrastructure, millions of refugees and displaced people, and homeless people. It will also be felt in other places worldwide, including Canada. The entire global economy will sink into a deep recession because of California's large share of the U.S. GDP, but not for a long time.

  • Preliminary preparations for events of this magnitude are difficult. However, there are signs that the Long Valley Caldera area is bubbling with newly formed hot water springs ahead of an imminent eruption.

The event will not surprise experts, as experts know that the entire region is at particularly high risk. Evacuating millions of people without creating panic is impossible. At the same time, the entire country must prepare in the coming months for unprecedented emergency services: generators, tents, blankets, drinking water, medicines, and more.


Catastrophic natural events possibly signify the approaching encounter with extraterrestrials scheduled for 2026. 

According to all indicators, an encounter with extraterrestrials occurs after a catastrophic natural event. Is this the event? I hope not, as it may be challenging for humanity.

  • I must emphasize that sometimes there may be changes despite explicit information I received from extraterrestrials via channeling. (I do hope so.) The future is not wholly deterministic! I will elaborate on this separately. (To the best of my understanding)
  • When I started looking for materials on tectonic plates, it became clear that Africa was already beginning to divide into two continents due to a tectonic separation, which was already visible. As described, an earthquake caused by the movement of tectonic plates could be catastrophic, with particularly devastating consequences. I hope the terrible event will move away and that humanity will heal itself without such a destructive and horrific event.

Although I am not religious, prayers, good deeds, love of others, integrity, and concern for others are energetic and may change or postpone such events. 

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