Extraterrestrial egalitarian society and social order.

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15/01/2024 3:09
Extraterrestrial civilizations have an egalitarian social order without ego and with distinct specializations. Extraterrestrials don't use money.
Social order.

We perceive the egalitarian perception portrayed by extraterrestrials as unusual since humans are very accomplished, ego-driven, and zealous by nature. Extraterrestrials are very accomplished, but they are assigned to their role in advance, and their ego does not exist, so (as I understand it) an egalitarian culture has developed there. From a human perspective, extraterrestrials live in an idyll, but this description does not reflect the real situation well. I want to emphasize that not all extraterrestrial cultures share the same moral values.


Each civilization has its independent government.

Any civilization's government is an elected government. The elections are secret, as is customary in our world. Voting is done using biometric authentication. There are no election campaigns, donations, or information campaigns. Everyone is familiar with information about candidates.

  • Although extraterrestrials don't have individual egos, they do have group egos.
  • In an egalitarian society, no more equals exist, but some groups see themselves as elite.
  • Members of the government of civilization have no material benefits or privileges, but they can influence policy.
  • The Supreme Council of the Federation members, including representatives of all civilizations, can also receive a dramatic extension of life expectancy.

Each species of extraterrestrials usually has only one government, unlike humans, who are one species but with multiple cultures and countries.


Are there extraterrestrial politics?

  • There are extraterrestrial politics, especially in relations with other civilizations. Extraterrestrials don't have individual egos, but they do have a well-developed group ego. (Can be somewhat likened to nationalistic feelings of belonging to an ethnic group)

Are there desirable professional or political roles?

  • Unlike humans, extraterrestrials are born with a predefined destiny. At the same time, membership in the Council of Civilization and even more so in the Council of the Federation is a highly desirable position. Members of the Council of the Federation may receive complete tissue restoration. (Almost immortal)

Are there free elections for the sought-after positions?

  • There are free elections, with equal voting rights for all. There are no election campaigns as we know them, but there are individual campaigns of persuasion and group telepathy.

How do extraterrestrials make personal choices for elected officials?

  • The elections are carried out through the extraterrestrial switchboard. The choices are telepathic but with triple biometric checking to prevent mishaps.

Were there frauds in the personal choices of member civilizations in the Federation?

  • Hoaxes are a thing of the past, but they are rare occurrences that respond with serious warnings. A recurring event means expulsion, and in the extraterrestrial world, exclusion is disastrous.

I must admit that it was difficult for me to accept a state of total equality. At the same time, conceptual equality (among the same species) exists in extraterrestrials.


Q&A regarding the extraterrestrial social order.

Do extraterrestrials have first and last names?

  • Extraterrestrials do not have first or last names; however, they have an identification name and a single-value catalog number. Adrian Dvir and I also call extraterrestrials by various nicknames for convenience.

Why don't extraterrestrials have egos, as humans do?

  • The extraterrestrial form of reproduction does not produce individualism, so extraterrestrials do not have an individual ego but a group one.

Are there mammalian extraterrestrials?

  • A very small group of mammalian extraterrestrials is still being experimentally defined. Expanding this group to include other extraterrestrial civilizations would trigger various issues.

Link: Do extraterrestrials have moral values?

The seemingly idyllic image exists mainly within the same species.

  • There is competition between the different species, part overt and part covert.

Is there crime among extraterrestrials?

  • Crime is rare, though not uniform across cultures, especially considering that not all extraterrestrial cultures share the same moral values.

Extraterrestrials live in cities and often have pyramid-like homes with a Tesla sphere for wireless energy projection.

  • They have vehicles that hover and dock at docking stations at different heights, which is very reminiscent of science fiction movies.
  • Extraterrestrials have long lives, usually thousands of years, with no ego or clear hierarchy. Since they reproduce asexually, their variation is very low. They are created mainly for different specialties. The community takes care of the individual for all their needs. There is no use for cash.
  • Extraterrestrials have hobbies. They like to develop in learning in other areas. Of course, at levels we don't even know.

There is no theft with extraterrestrials, at least not in the material sense.

  • In an egalitarian society, there is no need to steal. However, stealing ideas and interfering with others' thoughts are serious offenses.

With extraterrestrials, there are no prisons in the physical sense. Deportation and severance is a particularly harsh punishment.

  • Exclusion is a harsh punishment because logistical assistance and relay stations are needed throughout the infinite universe. Many extraterrestrials perceive human physical punishment and imprisonment as much less effective.

Extraterrestrials do not marry and, therefore, do not divorce.

  • Although extraterrestrials do not have human emotions, love, jealousy, hatred, and revenge are energetic expressions and, therefore, also exist in extraterrestrials in a different context. In the absence of ego! Extraterrestrials do not envy. Link: The Unified, Bipolar, Energetic Model of Primary Emotions.

Do extraterrestrials commit suicide?

  • The phenomenon of suicide, such as that of humans, does not exist in extraterrestrials, who have a predetermined destiny. Extraterrestrials don't have an individual ego (there is a group ego), and their emotionless (human) personality structure doesn't give them the urge to commit suicide.

The extraterrestrial family unit is entirely different, mainly due to how extraterrestrials reproduce.

  • Although there are extraterrestrial races that distinguish males from females, the relationships with offspring are different from those of humans. Extraterrestrials don't have "human" feelings but have an apparent scale of values and ethics. In general, this is a fascinating field in which information is minimal. Link: How do extraterrestrials reproduce? Do they have sex?

How do extraterrestrials shop?

  • Extraterrestrials don't shop and have no money or bank accounts. The extraterrestrial switchboard records everything that is received and consumed. Materialism is egalitarian.


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