The year 2025 is a turning point for humanity.

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15/01/2024 3:33
Dramatic events are expected to improve humanity in 2024-5, but they begin with seemingly random crises of nature.
The year 2025.

Even though we do not feel anything, the change began in 2024. Extraterrestrials emphasize (through channeling) that they are concerned that humanity is on the verge of self-destruction. Talk of World War III has not gone unnoticed by extraterrestrials who closely follow what is happening.

  • In the past, I have regarded these repeated messages via channeling with extraterrestrials as encouraging for my health. I was explicitly told to back up the website's primary articles on external magnetic media. I figured a prolonged power outage and cellular and internet communications disconnection would happen before the extraterrestrial encounters. (Due to a prolonged power outage, I got no answers when I asked for more details.)

In my channel (April 2024), extraterrestrials mentioned that the first documented encounter with extraterrestrials would occur in 2026.


A catastrophic natural disaster possibly symbolizes the approaching encounter with extraterrestrials.

Link: The wildfires in California probably averted a mega-disaster.

According to all indicators, an encounter with extraterrestrials occurs after a catastrophic natural event. 

  • I must emphasize that sometimes there may be changes despite explicit information I received from extraterrestrials via channeling. (I do hope so.) The future is not wholly deterministic! I will elaborate on this separately. (To the best of my understanding)
  • When I started looking for materials on tectonic plates, it became clear that Africa was already beginning to divide into two continents due to a tectonic separation, which was already visible. As described, an earthquake caused by the movement of tectonic plates could be catastrophic, with particularly devastating consequences. I hope that terrible events will move away and that humanity will heal itself without such a destructive and horrific event.

Although I am not religious, prayers, good deeds, love of others, integrity, and concern for others are energetic and may change or postpone such events. (I received this explanation from extraterrestrials, but it is not necessarily in this context.) The event described to me was terrible! It was hard for me to think about what an event of this magnitude would mean for human life. Link: Events anticipated by extraterrestrials are not deterministic!


The messages I receive (in channeling) are repeated regularly! 2025 and 2026 are turning years for humanity.

I imagined scenarios of asteroids colliding with Earth, intense solar flares, or CME emission of a particle from the Sun. It takes a powerful magnetic storm to paralyze communications and electricity on Earth, but extraterrestrials control these areas.

Although I did not receive additional information (via channeling) about the nature of the genetic change or how it will be carried out, I believe the change will not be external but mainly in personality traits and behavior. Can extraterrestrials bring about such genetic changes? Of course they do.

2024-5 will endure a striking chord of natural disasters, prosperity, and world peace.

  • I was also told that civilians would urgently pick me up from my home (in China) for a flight to an unknown place, probably Antarctica, in 2026, where I would encounter extraterrestrials.
  • I have long backed up the website and will soon buy an emergency generator with a solar panel. I will keep plenty of food and water at home in an emergency! Craze? I don't think so.

In recent months, extraterrestrials have implanted five different components in my brain (with my consent), so the message for me is clear: The encounter with extraterrestrials is getting closer and closer. Link: How is the channeling with extraterrestrials carried out?

Only a few years are left for the first documented historical encounter with extraterrestrials.

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