Extraterrestrials have powerful supersensory capabilities.

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  4. Extraterrestrials have powerful supersensory capabilities.
15/01/2024 2:54
Extraterrestrials have large, well-developed heads, eyes, and ears, and they have the psychic mind-reading abilities of humans.
Extraterrestrial supersensory traits.

This post briefly reviews extraterrestrials' highly developed psychic properties, including energy and object transmission abilities. Their ability to decode human brain transmissions and even health status makes humans transparent. When I internalize the significance of the personal information I receive, I realize that my entire life was visible to extraterrestrials long before my liver cirrhosis outbreak. The descriptions in this post look like they came from a science fiction movie, but they're not!


I have recently noticed that I can transfer energy through guided imagery.

Six very advanced components have been implanted in my brain, giving it extraordinary capabilities. Although I'm not trained in energy transfer, these abilities push the boundaries of imagination.

  • In one of my last channels, conducted through Mrs. Sigalit Levy, I noticed a fantastic fact when I asked in my voice, and the extraterrestrials answered: The Federation PBX knew what I was about to ask and answered even before I asked. This fact aroused my curiosity and led to questions and answers.

The extraterrestrial switchboard clarified to me (September 2024) that it knows what I intend to ask and when I plan to contact Ms. Sigalit Levy.

  • My brain (especially) is completely exposed to extraterrestrials. I have nothing to hide. But the message is clear!
  • These supersensory abilities can have far-reaching positive implementations, such as healing others from afar through guided imagery. Still, imagine that there may be terrible possibilities of remote life energy misuse in the style of Nikola Tesla's death rays, which remains an idea. (At least officially) Similar secret technologies are already partially implemented.

Extraterrestrials have emphasized that human brains have undergone many upgrades, derived from genetic engineering, to be sufficiently developed at a level somewhat reminiscent of extraterrestrials. 


Caution! Extraterrestrials are almost completely immune to human lies!

Politicians and government officials are used to lying regularly, sometimes with small lies or half-truths, and sometimes outright lies. It was perceived as more sophisticated, obviously under the guise of concern for others. In extraterrestrials, this is very badly received! They marvel at how consciousness engineering is so successful in humans. I explain that human beings are driven by emotion and not intelligence! It is not always understandable to them.

  • ETs emphasize that when someone lies, they are disqualified for long periods. They cross-check information and can detect lies, direct or disguised, almost instantly. When they suspect, they employ extremely powerful decoding tools.
  • Although there are techniques that hide the physiology of lying and distance the truth from short-term memory, if suspicion arises, a very complex analysis of the subconscious mind (which requires deciphering chemical encryption of the brain) can be performed, where lying is impossible. People are prone to lying, and extraterrestrials dismiss them as untrustworthy and unable to communicate with them.

Extraterrestrials don't always tell everything. (I also don't always ask the right questions) but I've never experienced lies from them.

  • Can extraterrestrials lie? Lying is a defense mechanism that exists in every living being. However, extraterrestrials rarely use lies, unlike humans, who lie regularly.

What can we conclude from my questions that are answered "without an answer."

  • Sometimes, I don't get answers to my questions. The lack of response cannot be interpreted as either option (yes or no), but mainly because the answer is classified above my classification level.

Negotiating with extraterrestrials will be difficult. Because negotiations involve secret tactics, rational persuasion is recommended.


Q&A regarding mind-reading capabilities by extraterrestrials.

I asked if extraterrestrials could read my mind.

  • The answer: When I channel and synchronize with the hive of the extraterrestrial switchboard, virtually all my thoughts, feelings, and memories are exposed and readable. However, this decoding requires powerful processing. At that moment, my thoughts are in short-term memory, a volatile memory reminiscent of the computer's RAM. In this state, everything is relatively readable, with simple decoding. Anything that is not in short-term memory is encrypted with molecular encryption.

What is molecular encryption? (mentioned in the channel)

  • Extraterrestrials clarified that molecular encryption had to be cracked, so I asked if it was DNA encryption. The answer is that this is not DNA but another, more complex encryption.
  • Molecular encryption, which is not part of DNA, is present in every cell in our body. The method involves cracking a molecular sequence in other dimensions. It is a science we don't know and a complex technology requiring compelling computing. Encryption can be sustained differently, not only with digits or binary code.

Can extraterrestrials read the minds of other humans?

  • The subconscious mind is in constant synchronization with the Akashic library. Therefore, it is possible to penetrate the short-term memory and extract ideas, thoughts, feelings, and short-term memories from it. Penetrating the subconscious mind requires deciphering the brain's molecular encryption, which is a huge challenge.

What happens if a person is in a deep underground bunker?

  • It doesn't mean anything! The subconscious mind uses other dimensions, where the particles are high-speed and penetrate everything!

Is a person able to block the act of mind reading?

  • Mind reading can be blocked, but sustained active action over time is required. The act of blocking itself will cause harm to the person!

Do extraterrestrials have an IQ of 1200 or more? ((Data from a website that claimed this about a specific extraterrestrial)

  • Extraterrestrials cannot be measured on human scales because the abilities and skills required are entirely different.

Extraterrestrials have clarified that the Federation Council must approve the transfer of technologies to humans, and such technologies will not be given to humans.

These powerful supersensory abilities of extraterrestrials make humans particularly vulnerable to extraterrestrials. (Attention - all fans of the Extraterrestrials Wars genre!)

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