Since Adrian Dvir's book does not directly describe this phenomenon of extraterrestrial life expectancy, I asked via direct channeling and applied my interpretations.
How can extraterrestrials reach a life expectancy of thousands of years?
The long life expectancy of extraterrestrials is explained by heredity, an unpolluted environment without pathogens, emotions, and a mind insensitive to crises.
- Extraterrestrials are genetically adapted to their environment almost perfectly.
- Because of the asexual form of reproduction, extraterrestrials do not have genetic diseases.
- Very slow metabolism that causes a very slow rate of cell death.
- Asexual reproduction consumes much less life energy.
- Often, they live in other, less dense dimensions, translating into a high life expectancy.
- Have no personal egos, and although they are very accomplished, they are not competitive because they have a predetermined professional career.
- Live without environmental pollution and pathogens, so their immune systems do not need to strain and deplete resources and life energy.
- Extraterrestrials have ample leisure, are busy doing things they love, and know how to do best. (Optimal lifestyle)
- Extraterrestrials do not live in pursuit of material life.
The answer illustrates why human life expectancy is fairly low compared to extraterrestrials and why a sharp increase in life expectancy is particularly challenging and cannot be achieved with drugs!
Can similar techniques be applied to humans?
Human life expectancy is between 120 and 150 years under ideal-utopian conditions (almost nonexistent). However, extraterrestrials have made it clear (in the channel) that the limitation is genetic.
- The premise is that extraterrestrials' living conditions and lifestyles cannot be sustained on Earth for the foreseeable future. Therefore, genetic engineering, with all that entails, is the only way out.
- Humans can also increase life expectancy significantly through genetic engineering, but the question is which traits will change and be lost along the way.
- Genetic changes that would significantly increase human life expectancy are possible; they involve (relatively small) changes in human genetics.
When I ask what might change as a result of these genetic changes? Do I? I don't get a clear answer. In my understanding, both the rate of metabolism will slow down, and so will human nature (behavior).
As is known, the new technologies (CRISPR) can perform genetic editing, as was done with the coronavirus vaccines. At the same time, such changes are related to ethical questions, oversight, and legislation. (which does not exist yet)
Continue reading: Encounters with extraterrestrials will fundamentally change humanity.