Some Non-Federation extraterrestrial civilizations are technologically advanced, visit Earth constantly, and do not share human moral values. That's the main concern, at least to me.
Extraterrestrial civilizations, members of the Federation, have moral values reminiscent of humans.
Understanding the moral values of the civilizations we interact with is most important.
- The civilizations incorporated into the Federation partially adhere to human moral values. Link: Do extraterrestrials have moral values?
- The fact that powerful extraterrestrial forces compete with the extraterrestrial Federation is a consideration for humanity. Conflicts between extraterrestrials who are members of the Federation and those who are not are a scenario that is often mentioned.
The Earth and its inhabitants, flora, and fauna were the subject of prolonged research, lasting millions of years, which appealed to many civilizations. However, there is a danger that the inhabitants of Earth will be torn between opposing forces, which could lead to the destruction of the planet and its inhabitants.
Abducting humans for experiments and mutilating cattle has created a violent image for extraterrestrials, with a great deal of truth.
At the same time, it is worth understanding the general context. If extraterrestrials wanted to harm us, they could have done so long ago!
- Encounters between humans and extraterrestrials have occurred regularly throughout history. Humans worshipped extraterrestrials and saw them as idols.
- Videos depicting wars with extraterrestrials (not science fiction movies) are only harmful. We are not a rival to extraterrestrials!
Link: What motivation do extraterrestrial civilizations have to investigate Earth?
I suggest not judging extraterrestrials from a human angle but mainly judging their intentions.
Extraterrestrial civilizations have been involved in human evolution since the dawn of creation.
World governments have given their tacit consent to human experimentation. Experiments are often designed to help humanity and extraterrestrials learn about the human body.
- Claims that extraterrestrials have transcribed human women with extraterrestrial sperm are based on misunderstandings! An extraterrestrial sperm cannot be hybridized with a human egg. All the activities to accelerate human evolution were done through genetic engineering, using viruses to spread.
It is essential to emphasize that extraterrestrials understand that misconduct has occurred in the past. The Council of the Extraterrestrial Federation requires all 55 member civilizations to treat humans respectfully. When the Earth joins the Federation, all studies without patient consent will cease! (Volunteers will not be lacking.) Animal experiments will be conducted under joint supervision, following the rules of preventing suffering and torture.
All extraterrestrial civilizations that are members of the Federation (55 advanced civilizations) are friendly to humans.
- When we join the Intergalactic Federation, when the time comes, we will be protected by the Federation, with all its great power. Yes! It's reminiscent of the Star Trek movies. (The series was ahead of its time and unique in its accuracy)
- Conflicts between extraterrestrials of different species have been recorded in extraterrestrial history. The establishment of the extraterrestrial Federation was intended to prevent such disputes. Reminds you of Star Trek? Indeed, the series was ahead of its time. Link: The Federation Council of Extraterrestrial Civilizations.
Non-federation extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but this does not mean they are necessarily violent, as in science fiction films; instead, we should not encounter them without the Federation's protection.