14/07/2021 1:01
Affected organs: Intestines, pancreas, liver, bladder, stomach, upper spine, skin. Emotional issues: Self-confidence, self-esteem.

- General Notes: It is essential to emphasize that traumas in this context are part of the mindset of the beholder at the time of the event. Not all maps of chakras are the same, nor are their interpretations entirely uniform.
Solar Plexus chakra: Yellow color.
- Possible diseases: Diseases of the liver and pancreas, obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and skin diseases.
- Specific reference: Industrialized and processed diets have a devastating effect on this chakra. Liver-kidney function (chakras 1-3) impacts all body inflammations.
- Parallel meridian: Six meridians (along with the spleen) are associated with the digestive system.
Blockages in several chakras are common at the same time.
The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions.
Link: Yin Yang House Theory - Explore Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. (Interactive meridian maps)
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