14/07/2021 1:24
Affected organs: Bladder, prostate, ovaries, kidneys, gallbladder, bowel, and spleen. Emotional issues: Well-being, pleasure, sexuality.

- General Notes: It is essential to emphasize that traumas in this context are in the mirror of the beholder at the time of the event. Not all maps of chakras are the same, nor are their interpretations entirely uniform.
Sacral chakra: Orange color.
- Emotional issues: Well-being, pleasure, sexuality.
- Possible morbidity: Genital-related diseases characterize obstruction. (such as chronic prostatitis)
- Specific reference: Blockage produces damage not only to the genitalia system.
- Parallel meridian: The meridians of the kidneys and bladder also affect the genitals. (No meridian is the same)
Blockages in multiple chakras are common.
The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions.
Link: Yin Yang House Theory - Explore Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. (Interactive meridian maps)
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